Compute and servers
System Recovery Boost is a feature of IBM zSystems™ introduced in the IBM z15® that reduces the time it takes to shut down and restart (IPL) a system, by temporarily providing additional processor capacity and throughput to a boosted LPAR.
Up to 50% less time to return to pre-shutdown SLAs, 2 times faster transactional backlog processing and 2.5 times faster batch backlog, without rising licensing costs or MSU consumption.
IBM System Recovery Boost improves shutdown and IPL, with short-term acceleration for specific system and sysplex recovery and diagnostic capture events in z/OS®.
IPL boost is enabled by default, giving you extra processor capacity to recover and run faster.
Recovery process boost improves acceleration capacity of some sysplex recovery situations.
Shutdown boost enables a faster shutdown process by delivering extra processor capacity.
System Recovery Boost and its upgrades ensure update automation to trigger system optimization.
You can take advantage of three classes of boosts: IPL (startup) boost, recovery process boost, and shutdown boost. Each one with different capabilities and improvements.
Get back up and run faster with more processor capacity.
Increase acceleration of sysplex recovery situations.
Enable a faster shutdown by delivering extra processor capacity.
Browse the collection of all of the information to understand and use System Recovery Boost.
Try this time-limited offer that builds upon base capabilities within IBM z15 and IBMz16™, without increasing any licensing costs.
Take advantage of GDPS® speed enhancement for driving hardware actions and underlying hardware services.