
Z software

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DFSMS Cloud Data Manager

IBM z/OS DFSMS Cloud Data Manager

Use cloud object storage to share z/OS® data sets with other z/OS sysplexes and other platforms and to reduce cold data on HSM-managed tapes

Product documentation

IBM z/OS DFSMS Cloud Data Manager extends your journey to cloud storage by helping you use object storage for z/OS data.

Migrating large amounts of existing DFSMShsm Migration Level 2 (ML2) data sets to Migration Level Cloud (MLC) enables you to:

  • reduce million service units (MSU) consumption by avoiding the time-intensive recycle function required for reading and rewriting aging data sets without gaps in the DFSMShsm environment; and
  • directly access MLC data compared to the serial access required for ML2 data, eliminating contention issues when multiple applications try to access different data on the same real or virtual tape.

Writing and reading z/OS data sets to and from S3-capable cloud storage at scale enables you to share z/OS data with other platforms and other z/OS sysplexes by using consistent and secure methodologies.

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What's new Summary of features and updates for IBM z/OS DFSMS Cloud Data Manager
Retain critical historical metadata

Retain critical historical accuracy of data set while migrating data to cloud objects as the date last referenced and the migration date remain unchanged.

Reduce MSU consumption

Use IBM transparent cloud tiering to remigrate data to cloud objects with minimal z/OS host processing.

Share data

Use cloud object storage for sharing z/OS data with other z/OS sysplexes and other platforms

Minimal impact on data migration

Tuning options enables you to migrate data sets to the cloud without impacting DFSMShsm production workloads.

Options to store cold data

Cloud Object Storage allows you to migrate DFSMShsm ML2 tape data to any S3-compatible object storage. You can use existing on-premises or off-premises cloud storage for storing cold data.

Use IBM TS7700 as Cloud Object Storage

The TS7700 tape subsystem facilitates the migration of DFSMShsm ML2 tape data to cloud objects, reducing recycle processing time and replacing serial access with direct data access.

Share z/OS data beyond your sysplex

Cloud object storage provides a universal method for sharing data across platforms. Cloud Data Manager uses this storage for sharing z/OS data with other platforms and with other z/OS sysplexes.

Use cases Migrate tape data to Cloud Object Storage

Move vast amounts of cold data from tape to Cloud Object Storage. Easily find and select DFSMShsm-managed ML2 tape data by last migration date to migrate from ML2 to MLC.

Apply new or updated management class policies

Create new policies or update existing policies that were defined years or decades ago for existing ML2 data. Use DFSMScdm to migrate existing ML2 data according to new or updated policies.

Share static z/OS data with non-z/OS platforms and other z/OS sysplexes

Replace existing inconsistent processes, such as FTP and NFS, with a consistent and controlled methodology to share z/OS data at scale.

Technical details

The requirements are as follows after the installation of Shopz:

Hardware requirements for migrating HSM ML2 tape data to MLC cloud storage

These are the specific support required to use IBM transparent cloud tiering for data migration to the cloud:

  • IBM DS8900 9.2.x or later
  • Feature code 5283

IBM transparent cloud tiering requires VED 5.3 or later for the TS7700 target.

Implementation instructions
Software requirements

These are the requirements needed for z/OS DFSMS Cloud Data Manager:

  • IBM z/OS 2.5 (5650-ZOS) or later
  • For migrating HSM ML2 tape data to MLC cloud, the z/OS DFSMS Hierarchical Storage Manager component of a supported release of z/OS.
    Explore all setup requirements
    Resources IBM DFSMS Hierarchical Storage Manager

    Learn how you can manage enterprise data with DFSMShsm.

    IBM Transparent Cloud Tiering

    Learn more about how Transparent Cloud Tiering can help you copy or move data to cloud storage with minimal z/OS® impact.

    Next steps

     To obtain IBM z/OS DFSMS Cloud Data Manager, login to Shopz or register for an account. 

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