Humio APM Integration
Integrating Instana Application Performance Monitoring (APM) with Humio

Humio is a logging tool that was designed to ingest and retain streaming data as quickly as it arrives, regardless of volume. With Humio, users are able to gather, analyze and make sense of machine generated data. Instana seamlessly integrates with Humio to provide advanced infrastructure and application management and monitoring features like:

  • Continuous, automatic discovery of infrastructure changes
  • Automatic, no-restart, code instrumentation of programming languages
  • Visualization of service dependencies
  • End-to-end tracing of 100% of requests across all systems
  • Application and service quality monitoring

Comprehensive application monitoring requires performance visibility for the physical or virtual host, containers, service instances, and any applications and services dependencies.

Instana is the quickest and easiest way to monitor supported technologies across the stack to deliver comprehensive application insights. The Instana agent automatically discovers all infrastructure changes, deploys the necessary monitoring sensors, and begins tracing applications and requests.

Metrics and insights provided by Instana can be used to enrich and correlate log data collected by Humio.

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The above Instana dashboard shows the details for a Kubernetes Pod. With the Humio logging integration configured, users can click directly into the matching logs within Humio, no querying required.

Once clicked, the logging dashboard opens in a new browser tab with the search term prepopulated and the time range matching that of your Instana dashboard. This allows users to quickly debug even the most tricky issues.

Instana Humio Integration Installation: Getting Started

To get started, Set up and configure the Instana Humio integration within the Instana UI. You can do so either by logging into your account or Starting a free trial.

Set up and configure the Instana Humio integration Starting a free trial