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The IBM Policy Lab’s 10 Recommendations for Stronger Cloud Security Policies
Jan 09,2023

Industries from banking and telecommunications to retail and logistics are faced with cybersecurity concerns as they adopt cloud technology to modernize their core business functions. Our world today depends on the reliable use of cloud technologies – from the cars we drive, to the devices we use, to the purchases we make.


As organizations modernize and transition more of their infrastructure management to third-party providers to reap the benefits such as cost sharing, scalability, flexibility, reliability, and enhanced security, one of the biggest risks is an environment of disconnected parts that is difficult to navigate and can be nearly impossible to secure. Strong cloud security policies as outlined below can help companies, especially in regulated industries, address these third- and fourth-party risks and blind spots that bad actors attack.


IBM employs hybrid cloud – the use of both on- and off-premises data centers – to help our clients integrate features and functions from any cloud, traditional IT environment, or security system while automating time-consuming investigative tasks for threats being reviewed. But it’s not just IBM – many businesses are coming together to prioritize cloud security.


As we rely more on the cloud, ensuring security and trust in these systems becomes ever more important. To that end, the IBM Policy Lab puts forth to governments worldwide 10 recommendations for stronger cloud security certification policies.


View the full list below or download the PDF here.




– Howard Boville, Senior Vice President, IBM Cloud Platform








-Mason Molesky, IBM Cloud and Cybersecurity Policy Executive




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