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The Role of Technology Companies in the Fight Against Climate Change
Jan 16,2023

The focus on the role of corporations in the fight against climate change has never been sharper, and rightfully so. While policymakers are responsible for setting emissions standards, developing environmental regulations, and shaping other macro-level forces that influence the environmental impact of economies, these processes are complex and move at their own pace. These efforts are critically important, but corporations have both the power and the opportunity to push forward in the fight against climate change in parallel with these political processes.


Technology companies, in particular, are well positioned to seize the opportunity to help in this fight. While some of the obstacles to decarbonization are of course economic and political, some of them are pragmatic. Insufficient insight into business operations, an opaque supply chain, an inability to leverage more efficient technologies, and a lack of cost-effective lower-carbon alternatives all hinder the ability of even the best-intentioned companies to reduce their emissions. These challenges generally boil down to three critical needs that technology companies have the unique ability to meet: better data, better operations, and better technology.


How effectively and rapidly large portions of the economy can decarbonize will hinge on whether companies recognize this opportunity and rise to the challenge. By doing so and working alongside policymakers and other stakeholders, technology companies can help make enormous progress in the fight against climate change while strengthening the economy.


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