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IBM Policy Lab Live: An Economic Recovery Plan For Europe
Nov 11,2020


Join us for an IBM Policy Lab Live virtual conversation on how Europe can drive economic growth through digitization and best practices as governments, businesses, and international institutions develop their recovery plans.


As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to stress-test our communities, economies and institutions, it has brought to light gaps and shortcomings in areas of the economy. As European governments and institutions develop their recovery plans, this conversation brings together high-level experts to discuss what’s working and what needs to be improved.


WHEN: 11:00am CET / 5:00am Eastern Wednesday, September 2



  • Martin Jetter, Senior Vice President and Chairman for IBM Europe
  • Mona Keijzer, State Secretary for Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, The Netherlands
  • Pilar del Castillo, Member of the European Parliament, Spain
  • Markus J. Beyrer, Director General of BusinessEurope

Sign up to tune in for the conversation and submit your question for the panel:




About IBM Policy Lab
The IBM Policy Lab is a forum providing policymakers with a vision and actionable recommendations to harness the benefits of innovation while ensuring trust in a world being reshaped by data. As businesses and governments break new ground and deploy technologies that are positively transforming our world, we work collaboratively on public policies to meet the challenges of tomorrow.


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Media Contact:
Michaël Cloots


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