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IBM Urges President Biden to Sign Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill
Nov 06,2021

IBM Vice President of Government and Regulatory Affairs Christopher Padilla today released the following statement after the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bipartisan infrastructure bill:

“IBM applauds the House of Representatives for passing a much needed infrastructure package that will modernize our nation’s physical as well as digital infrastructure including broadband, power grids and cybersecurity alongside roads and bridges. IBM was an early and active supporter of the bipartisan infrastructure bill, and top executives have held dozens of meetings urging passage of this legislation. We congratulate Congress on this bipartisan achievement and look forward to its final approval by the President.”


IBM believes that modern infrastructure is key to America’s economic success. In August, Padilla commended the U.S. Senate for passing the bipartisan legislation. In July, IBM Chairman and CEO Arvind Krishna joined a group of top U.S. CEOs calling for passage of a bipartisan infrastructure proposal to speed the COVID-19 recovery, improve America’s global competitiveness, and advance the fight against climate change.


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