Power10 technology exploitation

IBM® Open XL Fortran for Linux® on Power® 17.1.1 adds support for the Power10 hardware platform. Use these enhancements to exploit Power10 technology with IBM Open XL Fortran for Linux on Power 17.1.1.

Compiler options

Produces code that exploits the features of the Power10 processor. Programs built with this option can only run on a Power10 processor or simulator.

MASS libraries

The vector library libmassvp10.a and the SIMD library libmass_simdp10.a contain functions that are tuned for the Power10 architecture.

The generic vector library libmassv.a and the generic SIMD library libmass_simd.a that run on any supported Power processor are also provided. They provide balanced performance tuning across the range of processors while favoring Power9 and Power10. Unless your application requires this portability, use the appropriate architecture-specific vector or SIMD libraries for maximum performance.