
Class Summary
Action Represents the Action complex type.
Artifact Represents the Artifact complex type.
ArtifactReference Represents the ArtifactReference complex type.
Asset Java class for Asset complex type.
AssetAttribute Java class for AssetAttribute complex type.

From RAS:

AssetType Java class for AssetType complex type.
Attachment Java class for Attachment complex type.
AttributeValue Java class for AttributeValue complex type.
Authorization Set of users or user groups who have set roles with in the given state.
Category Java class for Category complex type.
CategorySchema Java class for CategorySchema complex type.
Comment Java class for Comment complex type.
Community Java class for Community complex type.
ConfigurationDetail Java class for ConfigurationDetail complex type.
Coordinates X and Y coordinates for visual layout
CustomReturnCode Java class for CustomReturnCode complex type.
EventConfiguration Java class for EventConfiguration complex type.
ExitCondition State configurations maintain a list of conditions.  The conditions are tested in order of precedence.  The first rule who's rule evaluates to true will cause the resulting action to be meet.
Forum Java class for Forum complex type.
Lifecycle The configuration of the states and asset moves through.
Link<T> Java class for Link complex type.
ObjectFactory This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface generated in the package.
Option Java class for Option complex type.
Permissions A set of Permissions for a resource
Policy Java class for Policy complex type.
PolicyConfiguration What events a policy runs on within a state.
PolicyGovernor Java class for PolicyGovernor complex type.
PolicyResult Java class for PolicyResult complex type.
PolicyResultDetail Java class for PolicyResultDetail complex type.
Post Java class for Post complex type.
RelatedAsset Java class for RelatedAsset complex type.
RelationshipLink Java class for RelationshipLink complex type.
Repository Java class for Repository complex type.
ReviewConfiguration A review is getting the approval of one or more user/user groups in order to move an asset along to the next state of it's lifecycle.
Reviewer A state level collaborator.
Rule Java class for Rule complex type.
SearchFilter Java class for SearchFilter complex type.
SearchFilterItem Java class for SearchFilterItem complex type.
SearchResult Java class for SearchResult complex type.
SearchResultEntry Java class for SearchResultEntry complex type.
SimpleLiteral This is the default type for all of the DC elements.
State Java class for State complex type.
StateConfiguration Java class for StateConfiguration complex type.
StateHistory Java class for StateHistory complex type.
Subscription A subscription can be to an asset a forum, topic etc.
Topic Java class for Topic complex type.
User Java class for User complex type.
UserGroup Java class for UserGroup complex type.
Vote Java class for Vote complex type.
VoteChoice Java class for VoteChoice complex type.
Workflow Java class for Workflow complex type.

Enum Summary
ArtifactType Java class for ArtifactType.
AttributeType Java class for AttributeType.
ConfigurationDetailType Java class for ConfigurationDetailType.
EventType Java class for EventType.
PolicyReturnCode Java class for PolicyReturnCode.
RuleOperator Java class for RuleOperator.
RuleType Java class for RuleType.
TimerUnit Java class for TimerUnit.