
Class Summary
LocalArchiveFolderArtifact Enables the use of a local archive file as a folder in your asset.
LocalFileArtifact Represents the artifact of an asset that has its contents stored locally as a file.
LocalFolderArtifact Represents the artifact of an asset that has its contents stored locally as a folder.
RAMAction Describes the action to be performed on an object during a RAMSession.put (IRAMSessionObject ...).
RAMArtifact Represents the metadata of an artifact.
RAMArtifactReference Contains semantic information about where an artifact is located or where it is from.
RAMArtifactSearchResult Is returned from an artifact search.
RAMAsset Represents the metadata of an asset.
RAMAssetActivity Represents an asset activity, which is recorded when an asset is modified in any way.
RAMAssetAttribute Represents a custom attribute that is defined on an asset or an asset type.
RAMAssetFeedback Represents one user's feedback about an asset.
RAMAssetQueryBuilder Constructs query strings to be used by the RAMSession.fetchAssets() method.
RAMAssetRating Represents one asset rating.
RAMAssetRatings Represents the cumulative set of ratings for an asset.
RAMAssetSearchResult Is returned from an asset search.
RAMAssetTag Represents a tag that a user placed on an asset
RAMAssetType Represents one asset type.
RAMAssetValidation Represents a message that is returned by asset validation.
RAMAttachment Represents an attachment to a topic or post.
RAMAttributeConstraint Created on an asset type to add, remove, or mark attributes as required for the asset type
RAMCategory Returns a category for an asset.
RAMCategorySchema Defines a category schema, which is a collection of categories that can be applied to assets to categorize the assets.
RAMComment Represents a comment that is added to the state history of an asset
RAMCommunity Represents a Rational Asset Manager community
RAMCommunityAssetType Overrides a global definition of an asset type in a community.
RAMFolderArtifact Represents a Folder Artifact of an asset.
RAMForum Represents a Rational Asset Manager discussion forum
RAMHomepageViewlet Represents a viewlet on a community home page
RAMLibrary Defines a collection of assets, asset types, asset attributes, category schemas, and relationship types
RAMPersonTime Represents estimates for the creation and usage of an asset.
RAMPost Represents a discussion post in a Rational Asset Manager discussion forum
RAMQueryBuilder Constructs a search query
RAMRelationship Defines the relationship between two assets
RAMRelationshipType Represents a relationship type
RAMResourceAttribute Represents a custom attribute of type Resource.
RAMSearchFilter Represents a search filter that can be added to a search query.
RAMSearchFilterItem Represents the value part of a filter that can be applied to a search query.
RAMSearchResult Represents the results that are returned from a search
RAMSession Represents the entry point to interact with Rational Asset Manager from a client.
RAMState Represents the lifecycle state of an asset
RAMStateHistory Represents a collection of information that occurred while an asset was in a given state.
RAMSubCategory Is applied to an asset to categorize the asset.
RAMSubscription Represents a subscription to a forum, topic, post, or an asset
RAMTopic Represents a discussion topic within a discussion forum
RAMURLArtifact Represents an artifact that is a URL
RAMUser Represents a user in Rational Asset Manager
RAMVote Represents a user's approval or rejection of an asset

Enum Summary
RAMSubscription.Frequency Constants for how frequently a user is notified of a subscription