Manual storage cloning considerations

Start of changeManually performing the actions to create the copy of the setup source node is an option when setting up the Db2® Mirror environment. The Db2 Mirror GUI will guide you through the entire setup process and instruct you when to perform the manual actions. End of change

Start of changeThere are two types of manual copy:
  • Storage Server Copy Tools: Selecting this method requires you to manually perform the storage cloning operations using the storage replication services available on your external storage system to create an identical copy of the setup source node.
  • IBM® i Save and Restore Copy Process: Selecting this method requires you to manually perform a save of system objects and all licensed programs on the setup source node to a tape or optical device. The boot and install of the setup copy node from the save media also must be performed manually. This method must be used for internal storage.
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Storage Server Copy Tools

Non-IBM storage systems require manual steps to be taken on the storage system to perform the cloning process.

When preparing to perform the cloning operations manually using the storage replication services available for your external storage system, you must take the following into consideration:
  • Remote data replication technology or point-in-time data copy technology must be enabled on the external storage.
  • The storage copy must be done in such a way to ensure that the target volumes are a consistent copy.
  • If point-in-time copy technology is used, the copy must be done when instructed by the Db2 Mirror GUI to copy the storage data manually.
  • If remote data replication technology is used, the storage replication can be started before being instructed by the Db2 Mirror GUI to copy the storage data manually.

When using the Db2 Mirror GUI setup wizard, select the Manual Copy cloning method and the Storage Server Copy Tools option, as shown in the figure below.

Figure 1. Select the Manual Copy cloning method and Storage Server Copy Tools option
Select the Manual Copy cloning method and Storage Server Copy Tools option

At the end of the setup wizard after the validation step has completed, you will be guided through the steps to complete the clone process. For more information, see Cloning storage manually using storage server copy tools.

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IBM i Save and Restore Copy Process

To set up a Db2 Mirror environment on systems with internal storage, a manual process using save and restore can be used to create a copy of the setup source node. Using this method requires you to manually perform a save of system objects and all licensed programs on the setup source node to a tape or optical device. The boot and install of the setup copy node from the save media also must be performed manually.

When preparing to perform the cloning operations manually using the save and restore method, you must take the following into consideration:
  • All licensed programs and options should be verified that they are installed correctly before beginning this process or they will fail to save. To do this, run command CHKPRDOPT for each installed licensed program.
  • If planning to use tape libraries, see Using tape libraries when cloning SYSBAS

When using the Db2 Mirror GUI setup wizard, select the Manual Copy cloning method and the IBM i Save and Restore Copy Process option to clone *SYSBAS using save and restore, as shown in the figure below.

Figure 2. Select the Manual Copy cloning method and IBM i Save and Restore Copy Process option
Select the Manual Copy cloning method and IBM i Save and Restore Copy Process option

At the end of the setup wizard after the validation step has completed, you will be guided through the steps to complete the clone of *SYSBAS using save and restore. For more information, see Cloning SYSBAS using save and restore.

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