
Report Manager enables you to access and delete existing reports. It also allows you to create new reports.

From the left navigation bar, click Reports to view already created reports under the Report Manager section.

Report Manager
Note: In the left navigation bar, tenant name appears below the user name, For example, in the screenshot above, user name is admin and tenant name is SevOne.

Report Folders

The left-hand column displays the following folders.

  • All Reports - includes all reports that you have access to.All Reports

    After successful installation of SevOne Data Insight, the following standard reports can be imported.

    • Alert Dashboard
    • AWS Direct Connect
    • AWS EBS Volumes
    • AWS EC2 Report
    • AWS NAT Gateways
    • AWS Network Load Balancers
    • AWS S3 Report
    • AWS Site to Site VPN
    • AWS Transit Gateways
    • Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set
    • Azure Virtual Machines
    • Data Analytics Workspace
    • Device Metadata Report
    • Flow Sankey Diagram
    • Flow Workspace
    • Instant Graphs Workspace
    • Most Utilized Interfaces
    • Network Performance Report
    • Network Topology
    • Port Inventory Report
    • TopN Workspace

    For details on how to import the out-of-the-box reports (OOTB), please refer to SevOne Data Insight Administration Guide > Configuration > section OOTB Reports.

  • All Templates - includes all report templates that you have access to.All Templates

    After the successful installation of SevOne Data Insight, the following standard report templates can be imported.

    • Availability Object Summary
    • Cisco ASA Device Summary
    • CPU Total Object Summary
    • Device Summary
    • HTTP Object Summary
    • Indicator Summary
    • Indicator Summary (Bytes)
    • Indicator Summary (Percent %)
    • Indicator Summary Calendar View
    • Interface Flow Details
    • Interface Object Summary
    • Linux Device Summary
    • Memory Object Summary
    • Network Device Summary
    • Object Summary
    • SevOne Appliance Device Summary
    • SevOne Appliance Device Summary (Enhanced)
    • SevOne Process Object Summary
    • Website Summary

    For details on how to import the out-of-the-box (OOTB) report templates, please refer to SevOne Data Insight Administration Guide > Configuration > section OOTB Reports.

  • Favorites - any report marked as favorite is included in this folder. Also, you may drag-n-drop a report into this folder to be marked as favorite. Click UnSelected Favorite icon. Click Favorite icon to remove one or more reports as favorite(s).
  • Reports Shared with Me - includes reports that other users have shared with you.
  • Templates Shared with Me - includes report templates that other users have shared with you.
  • Reports Shared with Others - includes reports that you have shared with others.
  • Templates Shared with Others - includes report templates that you have shared with others.
  • Scheduled Reports - includes scheduled reports.
  • Trash - reports deleted are moved to the trash folder. If a report has been deleted accidentally, it can be restored. However, if you permanently delete the report, the report is no longer available and cannot be restored.
  • Personal - contains personal report sub-folders. Click Right Arrow icon to view the list of sub-folders. Click 3dots icon next to Personal folder and choose Add to add new folder(s) under the Personal folder.
    • Click 3dots icon next to the sub-folder under the Personal folder and select one of the following.
    • Add - to add a folder under the sub-folder.
    • Edit - to edit the sub-folder.
    • Delete - to delete the sub-folder. This option is only available if there are no reports in the folder that is being deleted.
      Note: Under the Personal folder, reports can be moved from one sub-folder to another sub-folder by simply dragging-n-dropping the report from one to another.

Manage Reports

  1. Select a folder to display its contents on the right. The Name column contains the names of the reports. The Last Updated column displays information about when the report was last changed.
  2. To search for a specific report, type a few letters in the search box, Search reports.... It searches through all the columns in the reports for the letters entered in the search box. To search in a specific column, click Funnel icon in the upper-right corner of the list of reports or templates, or favorites, etc. Search fields under each column name appears.


    Report Manager Filter

    If you search for the word, workspace, in the Description column, you will find two reports that contains the word, workspace, in this column.

    Report Manager Filter - Example 1

    Now, search for the word, workspace, in the Name column and it returns four reports.

    Report Manager Filter - Example 2
    Important: Search fields are case-insensitive.
  3. The following information is available for reports:
    • Click UnSelected Favorite icon to mark one or more reports as Favorites - icon for report marked as favorite appears as Favorite icon. Click Favorite icon to remove one or more reports as favorite(s) and the icon changes UnSelected Favorite icon.
    • Name - the report name.
    • Description - the description for the report.
    • Folder - the folder that contains the report.
    • Owner - the owner of the report.
    • Last Updated - when the report was last updated.
  4. Click Up Down Arrow next to Name, Description, Folder, Owner, or Last Updated to sort reports in ascending or descending order.
    Note: Each folder in Report Manager displays up to 50 rows/page. If the selected folder contains more than 50 rows, in the bottom-right corner, you will see the page number you are on out of the total number of pages. All Reports

Edit Report

Important: In screenshots below, under Report Settings, you will see tab Versions. This tab is only available when variable reportVersionsEnabled is set to true in /opt/SevOne/terraform/data-insight.tfvars file.

To edit a report, select the check box next to the report Name column that you would like to edit. You will see Report Settings panel on the right.

Example: Check box for report Alert Dashboard selected

Edit Report


Shows details of the selected report.

  • Allows you to edit the Report name and Description of the report. It also displays the details about who the owner of the report is and when it was last modified.
  • Enable Set report as my homepage to set the selected report as your homepage. This is for a user-specific homepage. When you make the current report as your homepage by enabling this field > click Save, the selected report will become your homepage and the report will also get added to the Favorites folder. The Favorites column in the list of reports will contain Home page icon icon to indicate that the report is set as a homepage and when you click on the report, the generated report will contain Home page icon icon on the report header.
  • Enable Set report as homepage for every user in tenant to set the selected report as homepage for every user in the tenant. Only admin users or a user who can modify a tenant has access to this field. This field is only available if the selected report is marked as Public under Report Settings > Permissions > User Access field.
  • User homepage takes precedence over the tenant-level homepage.
  • The report selected by user/tenant admin as homepage by default is added to the Favorites folder and set as favorite in the Favorites column.
Manage Report Details

Click Save to save the updates or Cancel to exit.

Note: Save button becomes available only if any of the fields are updated.


Allows user to manage permissions for the selected report.

Manage Report Permissions

Perform the following steps to set permissions.

  • Click the Owner drop-down and select a user name to assign as the report owner.
  • Click the User Access drop-down and select one of the following options.
    • Private - to provide access to the report owner only.
    • Public - to provide access to everyone.
    • Restricted - to provide access to specified users. If you select this option, click the Users drop-down to select user(s) who are able to access the report.
    • Multi-tenant - to provide access to one or more tenants. From Tenants drop-down list, select the tenants you want to share the selected report with. Please see the appendix below for details.

      Note: Multi-tenant option is available from the drop-down list if SevOne Data Insight has more than one tenant.

      Selecting All Tenants will share the selected report with all current and future tenants.

    • Multi-team - to provide access to one or more teams. From Teams drop-down list, select the teams you want to share the selected report with. Please see appendix below for details.
      Note: Multi-team option is available from the drop-down list if the tenant has more than one team assigned to it.
  • By default, the Read Only check box is selected to provide read-only access to specified users. You may choose to uncheck the check box.
    Note: The report owner always has full access.
  • Click Save to apply the changes or Cancel to exit.
    Note: Save button becomes available only if any of the fields are updated.


Allows user to run the report on a schedule.

Report Shared with Team

Perform the following steps to configure a schedule.

  • Select the Run the report on a schedule check box to run the report on the schedule that you configure. This enables the fields below for configuring the schedule.
  • Click the Time zone drop-down and select a time zone.
  • After Run every, enter a number to specify how frequently (in hours, days, etc.) you want to run the report. Click the drop-down to the right and select Hour(s), Day(s), Week(s), Month(s), or Year(s).
  • After Starting at, enter a start date and time on which you would like to start the report schedule.
    Important: Starting at cannot be set to a time in the past.
  • Select the Email delivery check box to send the report to the email addresses you specify in the text field below. Use comma separator to add more email addresses.
  • Select the FTP/SFTP delivery check box to send the report via FTP or SFTP.
  • Click Save to apply changes or Cancel to exit.
    Note: Save button becomes available only if any of the fields are updated.


Note: This tab is only available when variable reportVersionsEnabled is set to true in /opt/SevOne/terraform/data-insight.tfvars file.

Provides the user a list of older versions of the reports (if available) to choose from and revert the report to the version selected.

Report Shared with Team


The following buttons are available on the upper-right corner to manage the reports.

Button Description
Create Report button To create a new report. It is not necessary to select an existing report for this option. To create a new report, click Create Report. For details, please refer to section Create to create a report.
Duplicate button Select a report for which you want to create a duplicate copy and click Duplicate. The Duplicate button becomes available only after you select the report.
Move to trash button Select one or more reports from the list to be moved to the Trash folder. You will get a pop-up to confirm the request. The Move to Trash button becomes available only after you select one or more reports.
Restore button Allows you to select one or more reports from the Trash folder to restore it back to the folder it belongs to. This button is only available when one or more reports are selected in the Trash folder to be restored.
Run button To run the selected report. The report opens in a new tab and you can edit it from there. When you select multiple reports, each report will open in separate tab. The Run button becomes available only after you select one or more reports.
Import button To import reports from a .tar file. Select the Assign each report to its original owner's username check box to assign the reports imported to its original owner's username. Please refer to details on Import / Export below.
Permanently Delete button Allows you to permanently delete the reports in the Trash folder. This button is only available when one or more reports are selected in the Trash folder.
Refresh button To refresh report information, click the icon in the upper-right corner of the page.

For Import / Export,

  • Reports can only be imported from a .tar file. Other file extensions are not acceptable. If the file extension is not a .tar file then it will simply ignore the action.
  • Reports can be imported to the same or newer version of SevOne Data Insight as the one they were exported from, by drag and drop into Reports.
  • SevOne does not support the importing of reports from a newer to older version.

Reports can be imported into different SevOne Data Insight instances and all resource selections will remain intact on export. After importing to the target instance, any available resources in the imported reports will be shown and the unavailable resources will be ignored. On import, the reports will have whatever resources are available by name on the target Data Insight, regardless of the resource type.


Export report

Click the check box next to the report Name column.

Import button

button changes to

Export button

button. Export - to export one or more selected reports, as is, into a .tar format. Click one or more check box next to the report Name column. Click

Export button

in the upper-right corner to export the selected reports. In the pop-up, select the check box(es) for the reports you would like to export. If any report link dependencies are found and you would like to include these dependencies with the exported .tar file then, select the Include report link dependencies check box. Click Export to export the selected report(s) or choose Cancel to exit.

Note: Make sure pop-ups are enabled for your browser. Otherwise, you may experience problems when trying to open reports.

View Report

To view a report, click the report name in the Name column.

Example: Click on report name Alert Dashboard

View Report

Example: Click on report name Most Utilized Interfaces

View Report


The following buttons are available on the upper-right corner of the report screen.

Button Description
Select Timespan button Click to change report timespan.
Variable button Click to change report variables.
Refresh By Time Click to refresh reports based on set time.
Rotate By Time Click to rotate reports based on set time.
SaveAs button Click to save a report or to save a report as a template. It also allows you to view report PDFs in landscape or portrait layout.
Important: If you are a Report Consumer, you will see PDF button which allows you to view report PDFs in landscape or portrait layout.
Versions button Provides the list of versions available for the report you are viewing.

For details, please refer to section Create > Report Options to create a report.

Appendix - User Access Multi-tenant / Multi-team

To start, let's create tenants and assign them to team(s).

Note: By default, you have tenant, SevOne.
  1. From the left navigation bar, Administer > Tenants > create tenants Europa and Pandora, for example.
    Important: You now have tenants SevOne, Europa, and Pandora.
  2. From the left navigation bar, Administer > Teams > create team, Team 1, and assign it to tenant Europa.
  3. From the left navigation bar, Administer > Teams > create teams, Team 2, Team 3, and Team 4, and assign it to tenant Pandora.

Tenant 'Europa'

  1. From the left navigation bar, click Up Arrow icon and select Change Tenant. From the Switch Tenant pop-up, choose tenant, Europa, and click the Switch button to switch the tenant from SevOne to Europa.
  2. You will see that there are no reports on tenant Europa.
  3. Create a report. From the left navigation bar, click Reports.
  4. Click Create Report button in the upper-right corner.
  5. Create any report. This example shows that Alert Details (Europa) Report has been created and saved. Create Report
  6. Select the check box next to report Alert Details (Europa) Report.
  7. In the right panel under Report Settings > tab Permissions > User Access drop-down > select Public.
    Note: Multi-team option is not available from the drop-down list as tenant Europa has only one team assigned to it.
  8. From the left navigation bar, click Up Arrow icon and select Change Team. From the Switch Team pop-up, choose team, Team 1, and click the Switch button to assign team Team 1 to tenant Europa.Create Report
    Note: Tenant Europa has report Alert Details (Europa) Report and team Team 1 is assigned to this tenant.

Tenant 'Pandora'

  1. From the left navigation bar, click Up Arrow icon and select Change Tenant. From the Switch Tenant pop-up, choose tenant, Pandora, and click the Switch button to switch the tenant from Europa to Pandora.
  2. You will see that there are no reports on tenant Pandora.
  3. Create a report. From the left navigation bar, click Reports.
  4. Click Create Report button in the upper-right corner.
  5. Create any report. This example shows that reports Alert Details (Pandora) Report and Alert Summary (Pandora) Report have been created and saved. Create Report
  6. Select the check box next to report Alert Details (Pandora) Report.
  7. In the right panel under Report Settings > tab Permissions >
    1. From Owner drop-down, select the owner.
    2. From User Access drop-down > select Multi-team.
    3. From Teams drop-down, along with All Teams, specific teams Team 2, Team 3, and Team 4 are also available. Select Team 3 and click the Save button.
      Note: Multi-team option is available from the drop-down as tenant Pandora has more than one team assigned to it.

      If you select All Teams then tenant Pandora, report Alert Details (Pandora) Report will be assigned to all teams listed under SPECIFIC TEAMS. i.e., Team 2, Team 3, and Team 4.

  8. Select the check box next to report Alert Summary (Pandora) Report.
  9. In the right panel under Report Setting > tab Permissions >
    1. From Owner drop-down, select the owner.
    2. From User Access drop-down > select Multi-team.
    3. From Teams drop-down, along with All Teams, specific teams Team 2, Team 3, and Team 4 are also available. Select teams Team 2 and Team 4, and click the Save button.
      Note: Multi-team option is available from the drop-down as tenant Pandora has more than one team assigned to it.

      If you select All Teams then tenant Pandora, report Alert Summary (Pandora) Report will be assigned to all teams listed under SPECIFIC TEAMS. i.e., Team 2, Team 3, and Team 4.

  10. Select the check box next to report Alert Details (Pandora) Report.
  11. From the left navigation bar, click Up Arrow icon and select Change Team. From the Switch Team pop-up, choose team, Team 3, and click the Switch button to assign tenant Pandora, report Alert Details (Pandora) Report to team Team 3. Create Report
  12. Select the check box next to report Alert Summary (Pandora) Report.
  13. From the left navigation bar, click Up Arrow icon and select Change Team. From the Switch Team pop-up, choose team, Team 3, and click the Switch button to assign tenant Pandora, report Alert Summary (Pandora) Report to teams Team 2 or Team 4.

    Assigned to Team 2,

    Create Report

    Assigned to Team 4,

    Create Report