Security Analytics Self Monitoring

Use the IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension to closely monitor your QRadar deployment.

Important: To avoid content errors in this content extension, keep the associated DSMs up to date. DSMs are updated as a part of the automatic updates. If automatic updates are not enabled, download the most recent version of the associated DSMs from IBM® Fix Central (

This content extension includes one or more Pulse dashboards. For more information about Pulse dashboards, see QRadar Pulse app.

IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension

IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 2.2.2

The following table shows the rules that are new in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 2.2.2.

Table 1. New Rules in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 2.2.2
Type Name Description
Rule A Custom Property has been Disabled Triggers when a custom property expression is disabled due to performance problems.
Note: This rule can be tuned to enable email notifications.

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IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 2.2.1

The following Pulse widgets are new or updated in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 2.2.1.

  • QRadar Monitoring
  • QRadar Monitoring - Offenses

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IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 2.2.0

The following table shows the rules that are new in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 2.2.0.

Table 2. New Rules in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 2.2.0
Type Name Description
Rule QRadar Audit: Expensive CRE Rules Triggers when QRadar rules are expensive. Optimize those rules to reduce load in CRE and reduce a chance that some events will not be correlated by CRE.
Rule QRadar Audit: Expensive Custom Properties Triggers when QRadar custom properties are expensive. Optimize those custom properties to reduce load in parsing and reduce a chance of unparsed events.
Rule QRadar Audit: Expensive Log Sources Triggers when QRadar log sources are expensive. Optimize those log sources / log source extensions to reduce load in parsing and reduce a chance of unparsed events.
Rule QRadar Audit: High CRE Utilization Triggers when high CRE utilization is reached. If CRE load continues growing then a saturation point will be reached and some events will not be correlated by CRE.
Rule QRadar Audit: High Parsing Utilization Triggers when high parsing utilization is reached. If Parsing load continues growing then a saturation point will be reached and some events will not be parsed and normalized.

The following table shows the custom properties that are new in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 2.2.0.

Table 3. New Custom Properties in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 2.2.0
Name Optimized Capture Group Regex
Element Yes 1 Element=(\S+)
Metric ID Yes 1 MetricID=(\S+)

A pulse dashboard named Parsing and CRE Monitoring has been added to the IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 2.2.0. This dashboard is a visual representation of the CRE and Parsing utilization by hosts.

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IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 2.1.0

The following table shows the custom properties that are new or updated in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 2.1.0.

Table 4. New and updated Custom Properties in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 2.1.0
Name Optimized Capture Group Regex
Offense ID Yes 1 offense:(\d+)
Offense Owner No 1 User:\s(.*?)\shas\sbeen
The following Pulse widgets are new or updated in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 2.1.0.
  • Offense Assigned
  • Offense ID column was added to the Offense Closed Reason widget

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IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 2.0.1

The following table shows the custom properties in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 2.0.1.

Table 5. Custom Properties in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 2.0.1
Name Optimized Capture Group Regex
CRE Name Yes 1 Rule Name=\"([^\\\"]+)
Total Events Dropped No 1 Total Events Dropped:\s+(\d+)
Total Events Forwarded No 1 Total Events Forwarded:\s+(\d+)
Total Events Not Correlated No 1 Total Events Not Correlated:\s+(\d+)
The following Pulse widgets are new in IBM Security QRadar Product Name Content Extension 2.0.1.
  • Audit - Routing Rules - Events Dropped
  • Audit - Routing Rules - Events Forwarded
  • Audit - Routing Rules - Events not correlated

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IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 2.0.0

The following table shows the custom properties in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 2.0.0.

Table 6. Custom Properties in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 2.0.0
Name Optimized Capture Group Regex
Agent Version No 1 IBM\|WinCollect\|([^\.]+)
Agent Version Major No 1 IBM\|WinCollect\|([^\.]+)
Machine ID Yes LEEF src
OS Name No LEEF os
The following Pulse widgets are new in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 2.0.0.
  • EPS Event Rate Average
  • EPS Event Rate Max
  • Events generated by CRE Doughnut
  • Events generated by CRE Table
  • WinCollect Agent Major Versions
  • WinCollect Agent Version
  • WinCollect Operating System Versions

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IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 1.2.0

The QID was updated for the Authentication Failure Pulse widget.

The Host status custom property is removed and replaced by the System Status custom property.

The following table shows the custom properties in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension V1.2.0.

Table 7. Custom Properties in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension V1.2.0
Name Optimized Capture Group Regex
Previous Rule Filters No 1 Previous Rule Description="([^"]+)
Previous Rule Notes No 1 Previous Rule Notes="([^"]+)
QidMap Description No 1 qDescription="([^"]+)


QidMap ID No 1 qId="(\d+)"


QidMap Name No 1 qName="([^"]+)


Rule Filters No 1 Updated Rule Description="([^\"]+)

Rule Description="([^"]+)

Rule ID No 1 id="(\d+)"


Rule Notes No 1 Updated Rule Notes="([^"]+)

Rule Notes="([^"]+)

System Status No 1 Sent\supdate\sstatus\sof\shost\s\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\sto\s([^$]+)

The following table shows the rules that are updated in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 1.2.0.

Table 8. Rules in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 1.2.0
Type Name Description
Rule QRadar Audit: QRadar Host Unavailable Updated to use the System Status custom property instead of Host status.

The following table shows the saved searches that are new in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 1.2.0.

Table 9. Saved Searches in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 1.2.0
Name Description
Custom Rule Modification Details Retrieves modification made to custom rules (creation, update, deletion) and displays the relevant before/after information.

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IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 1.1.1

The QID was updated for the QRadar Audit: Multiple Login Failures from the Same Source custom rule, and the Audit - Authentication Failure by Username saved search.

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IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 1.1.0

The following table shows the custom properties that are new or updated in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 1.1.0.

Table 10. Custom Properties in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 1.1.0
Name Optimized Capture Group Regex
Command Yes 1 CommandExecuted\]\s\:\s+([^\r\n]+)
CRE Name Yes 1


Rule Name="([^\"]+)

(\s+|Updated\s+)Rule Name="([^\"]+)

Host Status Yes 1 Sent\supdate\sstatus\sof\shost\s\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\sto\s([^$]+)
Offense Closed Comment Yes 1 Notes:\s((?:[^(\s+]|\s(?!\s*\())*)
Offense Closed Reason Yes 1 This offense was closed with reason:\s([^.]*)
Offense ID Yes 1 Properties\([\s]id="(\d+)"


Previous CRE Name Yes 1 Previous Rule Name="([^\"]+)

The following table shows the rules that are new or updated in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 1.1.0.

Table 11. Rules in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 1.1.0
Type Name Description
Rule QRadar Audit: Unusual Number of Offenses Created Triggers when the number of offenses created is either higher or lower by a difference of 40% over a period of 24 hours. The difference can be tuned to match desired threshold.

The following table shows the reports that are new or updated in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 1.1.0.

Table 12. Reports in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 1.1.0
Report Name Search Name and Dependencies
Qradar Audit - Offense Closure Report This report shows the reason offenses were closed on QRadar. The report content is collated using the following Log Activity and Network Activity searches:
  • QRadar Audit : Offenses Closed Reason
  • QRadar Audit : Top Offenses Closed Reason
Note: Edit this search and any relevant search dependencies to refine the results.

The following table shows the new or updated reference data in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 1.1.0.

Table 13. Reference Data in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 1.1.0
Type Name Description
Reference Data pulse_imports Part of the Pulse dashboard.

The following table shows the saved searches that are new or updated in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 1.1.0.

Table 14. Saved Searches in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 1.1.0
Name Description
Number of Offenses Created Search retrieving the total number of offenses closed within a time frame of 24 Hours.
Qradar Audit : Offenses Closed Reason Search retrieving the reason why offenses have been closed on QRadar.
Qradar Audit : Top Offenses Closed Reason Search grouped by the reason why offenses have been closed.

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IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 1.0.0

The following table shows the custom properties n IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 1.0.0.

Table 15. Custom Properties in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 1.0.0
Name Optimized Capture Group Regex
CRE Name Yes




Rule Name="([^\"]+)

(\s+|Updated\s+)Rule Name="([^\"]+)

Previous CRE Name Yes 1 Previous Rule Name="([^\"]+)
Command Yes 1 CommandExecuted\]\s\:\s+([^\r\n]+)
Host status Yes 1 Sent\supdate\sstatus\sof\shost\s\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\sto\s([^$]+)
API search ID Yes 1 PathInfo=\/ariel\/searches\/(\S{36})\/results
Search executed Yes 1 Filters:(.*?)\,\s+Columns

The following table shows the rules in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 1.0.0.

Table 16. Rules in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 1.0.0
Type Name Description
Rule QRadar Audit: Payload deleted or modified Detects when a command might modify log files.
Rule QRadar Audit: Multiple Login Failures from the Same Source Detects repeated authentication failures from the same source IP address on the QRadar web interface or the CLI.
Rule QRadar Audit: Potential sensitive file modification Detects when a sensitive file is accessed with a text editor, or is moved or removed through the QRadar CLI. Edit this rule to monitor sensitive files and devices.
Rule QRadar Audit: QRadar Hosts Adds QRadar IP addresses to the QRadar Deployment – IP reference set.
Rule QRadar Audit: Shared Account Detects when there is a potential shared account that is connected to QRadar. Add QRadar IP addresses to the QRadar Deployment – IP reference set to exclude them as source IP addresses.
Rule QRadar Audit: QRadar Host Unavailable Monitors the QRadar Managed hosts status.

The following table shows the reports in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 1.0.0.

Table 17. Reports in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 1.0.0
Report Name Search Name and Dependencies
QRadar Audit - Modifications overview Saved Searches: SIEM Audit - Custom Rule Modification and SIEM Audit - Configuration Modification
QRadar Audit - User Authentication Activity Saved Searches: SIEM Audit - Authentication Success by Username, SIEM Audit - Authentication Failure by Username, and SIEM Audit - User Authentication Activity
QRadar Audit - System warnings and errors Saved Search: SIEM Audit - System Notifications
QRadar Audit - Searches Executed Saved Searches: Audit - User Processing Activities and Audit - User Processing Activities through API.

The following table shows the reference data in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 1.0.0.

Table 18. Reference Data in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 1.0.0
Type Name Description
Reference Set QRadar Deployment List of QRadar IP addresses, from SIEM Audit: QRadar Hosts. Used in SIEM Audit: Shared Account. This list also contains by default, and the range assigned to apps ( to Edit this list as needed.

The following table shows the saved searches in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 1.0.0.

Table 19. Saved Searches in IBM Security QRadar Security Analytics Self Monitoring Content Extension 1.0.0
Name Description
Audit - User Authentication Activity This search shows the authentication events on the QRadar system (Web and SSH).
Audit - Authentication Success by Username This search shows the authentication successes on the QRadar system (Web and SSH).
Audit - Authentication Failure by Username This search shows the authentication failures on the QRadar system (Web and SSH).
Audit - Configuration Modification This search shows the configuration updates that have been made on the QRadar system.
Audit - System Notifications This search shows the warnings and errors on the QRadar system.
Audit - User Processing Activities This search shows the searches executed by users.
Audit - User Processing Activities through API This search shows the searches executed against /ariel/searches.

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