Microsoft Office 365

Use the IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension to closely monitor your Microsoft Office 365 deployment. The IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 content extension adds rules, building blocks, reports, saved searches, and custom event properties to build on existing QRadar® event parsing capabilities for Microsoft Office 365 deployments.

Important: To avoid content errors in this content extension, keep the associated DSMs up to date. DSMs are updated as a part of the automatic updates. If automatic updates are not enabled, download the most recent version of the associated DSMs from IBM® Fix Central (

IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extensions

IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.4.0

The rules, reports, and saved searches have been removed and migrated to the Hybrid Cloud content extension.

IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.3.0

The following table shows the custom properties that are new or updated in IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.3.0.

Table 1. Custom Properties in IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.3.0
Name Optimized Capture Group Regex
Audit Flags Yes 1 \bName":"Default","Value":"(.*?)"
Content Information Yes 1 \bName":"Domains","Value":"(.*?)"


Object Name Yes 1 /"Case"
Object Type Yes 1 /"ObjectType"
Policy Name Yes 1 \bObjectId":".*?\\\\(.*?)"
Role Name Yes 1 Role.DisplayName.*?,"NewValue":"(.*?)"


Search Executed Yes 1 \bObjectId":".*?\\\\(.*?)"



IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.2.1

The following table shows the custom properties that are new or updated in IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.2.1.

Table 2. Custom Properties in IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.2.1
Name Optimized Capture Group Regex
ObjectType Yes 1 ItemType\":\"[^\"]+)
Originating_User Yes 1 UserId[":]*([^"]*)
Recipient Host Yes 1 TargetUserOrGroupName\":\"[^\"@]*@([^\"]*)
Recipient_User Yes 1 Value":"[^"]*?:([^"]*)
Subject Yes 1 Subject[":]*([^"]*)


Target User Name Yes 1 MailboxOwnerUPN[":]*([^"]*)



IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.2.0

The following table shows the custom properties that are new or updated in IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.2.0.

Table 3. Custom Properties in IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.2.0
Name Optimized Capture Group Regex
Policy Name Yes 1 ObjectId\":\"([^\"]+)
Recipient Host Yes 1 TargetUserOrGroupName\":\"[^\"@]*@([^\"]*)
Recipient_User Yes 1 TargetUserOrGroupType\":\"(?:Member|Guest).*TargetUserOrGroupName\":\"([^\"]+)
Role Name Yes 1



Target User Name Yes 1


The following table shows the new rules and building blocks in IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.2.0.

Table 4. New Rules and Building Blocks in IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.2.0
Type Name Description
Building Block BB:CategoryDefinition: Object Access Events Added new building block to Office 365 content pack
Building Block BB:CategoryDefinition: Object Download Events Added new building block to Office 365 content pack
Building Block BB:CategoryDefinition: Object Upload Events Added new building block to Office 365 content pack

The following table shows the changed saved searches in IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.2.0.

Table 5. Changed Saved Searches in IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.2.0
Name Description
Office365: File Activity The filter for this saved search has been filtered to use BB:CategoryDefinition: Object Access Events, BB:CategoryDefinition: Object Download Events, BB:CategoryDefinition: Object Upload Events

The following table shows the removed reference data in IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.2.0.

Table 6. Removed Reference Data in IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.2.0
Type Name Description
Reference Set Office 365 - File Activity Contains QIDs for file activity events, such as file created, file modified, file deleted, and file copied.

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IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.1.0

The following table shows the custom properties that are new or updated in IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.1.0.

Table 7. Custom Properties in IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.1.0
Name Optimized Capture Group Regex
Affected Workload Yes 1 Workload\":\"([^\"]+)
Error Code Yes 1 LogonError\":\"([^\"]+)
File Directory Yes 1 SourceRelativeUrl\":\"((?:[^\"]*\/)(?=[^\.\"]+\.)|(?:[^\"]+))[^\"]*
File Extension Yes 1 SourceFileExtension\":\"([^\"]+)
Filename Yes 1 SourceFileName\":\"([^\"]+)
Group Name Yes








ObjectType No 1 ItemType\":\"([^\"]+)
Policy Name Yes 1 ObjectId\":\"([^\"]+)
Recipient Host Yes 1 TargetUserOrGroupName\":\"[^\"@]*@([^\"]*)
Recipient_User Yes 1 TargetUserOrGroupType\":\"(?:Member|Guest).*TargetUserOrGroupName\":\"([^\"]+)
Target User Area Yes 1 TargetUserOrGroupType\":\"([^\"]+)
Target User Name Yes





User Agent No 1 TargetUserOrGroupName\":\"([^\"]+)

The following table shows the changed saved searches in IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.1.0.

Table 8. Changed Saved Searches in IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.1.0
Name Description
Office 365: Incidents that have impacted the health of an Office 365 Workload Search is made available to all users.
Office365: File Activity Search is made available to all users.

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IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.0.0

The following table shows the custom properties in IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.0.0.

Table 9. Custom Properties in IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.0.0
Name Regex
Filename "SourceFileName":"(.*?)",
Affected Workload "Workload":"(.*?)",
OAuth Actor "Actor":\[\{"ID":"(.*?)",
Policy Name ObjectId":"(.*?)",

The following table shows the rules and building blocks in IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.0.0.

Table 10. Rules and Building Blocks in IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.0.0
Type Name Description
Building Block BB: Office 365: Removed an OAuth2PermissionsGrant in a directory Used in the Office 365: Added and Removed an OAuth2PermissionGrant in the directory within a certain time period rule.
Building Block BB: Office 365: Added an OAuth2PermissionGrant in the directory Used in the Office 365: Added and Removed an OAuth2PermissionGrant in the directory within a certain time period rule.
Building Block BB: Office 365: Management Role Assignment Added Used in the Office 365: Management Policy added and deleted with the same policy name within a certain time period rule.
Building Block BB: Office 365: Management Role Assignment Removed Used in the Office 365: Management Policy added and deleted with the same policy name within a certain time period rule.
Rule Office 365: Added and Removed an OAuth2PermissionGrant in the directory within a certain time period Detects when an OAuth2PermissionGrant is added and removed in a directory within a certain period.
Rule Office 365: An event that impacts the health of an Office365 workload has occurred Detects when an event that impacts the health of an Office 365 workload has occurred.
Rule Office 365: Management Policy added and deleted with the same policy name within a certain time period Detects when a management policy with the same name is added and deleted within a certain period.

The following table shows the reports in IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.0.0.

Table 11. Reports in IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.0.0
Report Name Search Name and Dependencies
Office 365 Incidents that have impacted the health of an Office 365 Workload - Weekly Saved Search: Office 365: Incidents that have impacted the health of an Office 365 Workload
Office 365 Incidents that have impacted the health of an Office 365 Workload - Monthly Saved Search: Office 365: Incidents that have impacted the health of an Office 365 Workload
Office 365 File Activity - Weekly Saved Search: Office 365: File Activity
Office 365 File Activity - Monthly Saved Search: Office 365: File Activity

The following table shows the reference data in IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.0.0.

Table 12. Reference Data in IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.0.0
Type Name Description
Reference Set Office 365 - File Activity Contains QIDs for file activity events, such as file created, file modified, file deleted, and file copied.

The following table shows the saved searches in IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.0.0.

Table 13. Saved Searches in IBM Security QRadar Microsoft Office 365 Content Extension V1.0.0
Name Description
Office 365: File Activity Used by the Office 365 File Activity reports.
Office 365: Incidents that have impacted the health of an Office 365 Workload Used by the Office 365 Workload Health reports.

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