
Use the IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension to closely monitor the Linux® and Windows endpoints in your deployment.

Important: To avoid content errors in this content extension, keep the associated DSMs up to date. DSMs are updated as a part of the automatic updates. If automatic updates are not enabled, download the most recent version of the associated DSMs from IBM® Fix Central (https://www.ibm.com/support/fixcentral).

Endpoint Content Extension includes one or more QRadar Pulse dashboards. For more information about QRadar Pulse dashboards, see QRadar Pulse app.

Configure the Linux and Windows endpoints that you want to monitor for use with this content extension.

IBM Security QRadar Endpoint

IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.9.0

The following table shows the new and updated rules, and building blocks in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.9.0.

Table 1. Rules in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.9.0
Type Name Description
Rule PowerShell Downgrade Attack This rule triggers when an adversary might revert PowerShell to engine version 4 or earlier.
Rule Executables Started in Suspicious Folder The rule triggers when a suspicious execution is detected in an uncommon folder.
Rule MavInject Process Injection This rule triggers when process injection by using the MavInject Windows tool through process name, or command-line parameter, is detected.
Rule Rubeus Hack Tool Execution This rule triggers when the execution of the hack tool Rubeus through process name, or command-line parameters, is detected.
Rule Malicious Named Pipe This rule triggers when the creation of, or connection to a named pipe that is used by known malware, is detected.
Rule Ping Hex IP This rule triggers when it is detected that the ping command ran with an IP address in hexadecimal form.
Rule New RUN Key Pointing to Suspicious Folder This rule triggers when a run key is created in the registry for Windows Explorer, pointing to a suspicious folder.
Rule Addition of SID History to Active Directory Object This rule triggers when a SID History attribute is added to an Active Directory Object.
Rule Potential LSASS.exe Credential Dumping Activity This rule triggers when SAM_DOMAIN access by the LSASS.exe file is detected, indicating activities such as credential dumping.
Rule Malicious PowerShell Commandlets This rule triggers when execution of a PowerShell Commandlet from a known PowerShell exploitation framework is detected.
Rule PowerShell Called From an Executable Version Mismatch This rule detects when PowerShell is called from an arbitrary executable file by comparing the Host and Engine versions.
Rule Backup Catalog Deleted This rule triggers when a command is run to delete the backup catalog that is stored on the local computer.
Rule Access to Browser Login Data This rule triggers when the stored login credentials (such as usernames and passwords) by web browsers are viewed or retrieved. The rule might indicate an adversary that acquires credentials from web browsers by reading the files specific to the target browser.
Rule Java Running with Remote Debugging This rule triggers when a Java process is running with remote debugging enabled, allowing connections from sources other than the local host.
Rule Potential Reconnaissance for Cached Credentials via Cmdkey.exe This rule triggers when usage of cmdkey to look for cached credentials on the system is detected. The rule might indicate that an adversary is attempting to access cached domain credentials to enable authentication in case a domain controller is not available.
Note: By default, the rule is disabled because cmdkey can be used for legitimate administrative tasks. Enable this rule if you want to identify command-line usage indicative of reconnaissance for cached credentials.
Rule DHCP Callout DLL Installation This rule triggers when the installation of a Callout DLL through CalloutDlls and CalloutEnabled parameter in the Registry is detected. The rule might indicate the usage of CalloutDlls to run code in the context of the DHCP server.
Rule Active Directory User Backdoor This rule detects when a user might control another account without specifying the credentials of the target account.
Rule PowerShell Download and run File This rule triggers when a PowerShell command downloads and runs a remote file.
Rule NTDS.dit Domain Hash Retrieval Activity This rule triggers when a suspicious command might be related to attempts to retrieve hashes from the NTDS.dit file.
Rule InvisiMole Wrapper DLL Loaded This rule triggers when process activity that is associated with the InvisiMole loader is detected.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Arbitrary Script Execution via Diskshadow.exe or Vshadow.exe The building block triggers when either the diskshadow.exe or vshadow.exe file is started with a parameter to run an arbitrary script. The building block might indicate a malicious attempt to access sensitive files such as NTDS.dit.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Network Connection Listing via Get-NetTCPConnection The Building Block triggers when a query for information over the network generated a list of network connections.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: PowerShell File Download Activity The Building Block detects when PowerShell is used to download files.

The following table shows the custom properties in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.9.0.

Table 2. Custom Properties in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.9.0
Name Optimized Found in
SID History TRUE Microsoft Windows
Engine Version TRUE Microsoft Windows
Delegation FALSE Microsoft Windows
Object Class FALSE Microsoft Windows
LDAP Display Name FALSE Microsoft Windows
Host Version TRUE Microsoft Windows
Pipe Name TRUE Microsoft Windows

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IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.8.3

The following table shows the new and updated rules, and building blocks in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.8.3.

Table 3. Rules in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.8.3
Type Name Description
Rule Multiple Login Failures due to Bad Password

Detects the password spraying attack.

Rule Possible Brute Force Attempt

Detects the brute force attack.

Rule Remote: VNC Access from the Internet

Triggers when a Virtual Network Computing (VNC) application is detected from the internet to a local host.

Rule Remote: Remote Desktop Access from the Internet

Triggers when the Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is detected from the internet to a local host.

Rule Suspicious Valid Accounts Logon

Triggers when a suspicious login from a valid account is detected.

Rule Suspicious Parent for a Process

Triggers when a process that is not supposed to haves a child starts a process.

Rule Critical File Deleted

Triggers when a critical file or a file in a critical directory is deleted.

Rule Critical File Modified followed by Suspicious Activity

Triggers when critical files or directories are modified and a suspicious activity occurs.

Rule Communication with a Potential Hostile IP Address

Triggers when communication with a potential hostile IP address occurs. The potential hostile IP addresses are either recorded in IBM X-force or in the custom reference set collection.

Rule Suspicious PSExec Module Usage Detected

Triggers when a usage of the PSExec module is detected.

Rule Service Configured to Use PowerShell

Triggers when a service is configured to use PowerShell.

Rule Ransomware: Ryuk IOC in Events

Triggers when an IOC (File Hash) related to Ryuk ransomware is observed in events.

Rule Ransomware: Ryuk IOC in Flows

Triggers when an IOC (File Hash) related to Ryuk ransomware is observed in flows.

Rule Dump Credentials from Windows Credential Manager With PowerShell

Detects an attempt of searching for common locations for storing passwords to obtain user credentials.

Rule Enumerate Credentials from Windows Credential Manager With PowerShell

Detects consecutive attempts of searching for common locations for storing passwords to obtain user credentials.

Rule Token Impersonation via PowerShell

Detects an attempt of using Windows API functions related to token impersonation or token theft.

Rule Regsvr32 Outbound Network Connection

Detects outbound connections that are initiated by the regsvr32.exe file.

Rule Dllhost Outbound Network Connection

Detects outbound connections that are initiated by the dllhost.exe file.

Rule RunDLL32 Outbound Network Connection

Detects outbound connections that are initiated by the rundll32.exe file.

Rule Ransomware: Petya / NotPetya Payload in Flows

Triggers when a Petya payload is observed in flows.

Rule Access Token Abuse

Detects token impersonation and theft. (Example: DuplicateToken(Ex) and ImpersonateLoggedOnUser with the LOGON32_LOGON_NEW_CREDENTIALS flag.)

Rule Detection of Turla Registry IOC in events

Triggers when an IOC is recognized as a Turla registry value.

Rule Potential StandIn Post-Compromise Traffic

Triggers when behavior potentially belonging to X-Force Red StandIn is detected.

Building Block BB:CategoryDefinition: Files with Sensitive Permissions

Triggers when the current working directory (CWD) is detected in the following directories:

  • /boot
  • /etc/pam.d
  • /etc/rsyslog
  • /etc/openldap
  • /etc/sysconfig/network-script
  • /var/spool/cron
  • /etc/cron* (for example /etc/cron.hourly, /etc/cron.weekly)
  • /etc/init.d/
  • bin/login
  • /bin/passwd
  • /etc/*.conf

The following files are under watch:

  • /etc/shadow
  • /etc/passwd
  • /etc/sudoers
  • /etc/syslog.conf
  • /etc/crontab
  • /etc/gshadow
  • /etc/group
  • /etc/sysconfig/syslog
  • /etc/security/opasswd
  • /etc/default/ufw
  • .bash_history
  • /usr/bin
  • /usr/sbin
  • /bin
  • /boot
  • /usr/local/bin
  • /usr/local/sbin
  • /opt/bin
  • /opt/sbin
  • Windows
  • C:\autoexec.bat
  • C:\boot.ini
  • C:\config.sys
  • C:\Windows\system.ini
  • C:\Windows\win.ini
  • C:\Windows\regedit.exe
  • C:\Windows\System32\userinit.exe
  • C:\Windows\explorer.exe
  • C:\Program Files\Microsoft Security Client\msseces.exe
Building Block BB:CategoryDefinition: Sensitive Current Working Directory

Defines sensitive current working directories that trigger alerts for directory traversal attack.

Building Block BB:CategoryDefinition: Sensitive File Accessed

Defines a rule that triggers when the current working directory (CWD) is detected in the following directories:

  • /boot
  • /etc/pam.d
  • /etc/rsyslog
  • /etc/openldap
  • /etc/sysconfig/network-script
  • /var/spool/cron
  • /etc/cron* (for example /etc/cron.hourly, /etc/cron.weekly)
  • /etc/init.d/
  • bin/login
  • /bin/passwd
  • /etc/*.conf

The following files are under watch:

  • /etc/shadow
  • /etc/passwd
  • /etc/sudoers
  • /etc/syslog.conf
  • /etc/crontab
  • /etc/gshadow
  • /etc/group
  • /etc/sysconfig/syslog
  • /etc/security/opasswd
  • /etc/default/ufw
  • .bash_history
  • /usr/bin
  • /usr/sbin
  • /bin
  • /boot
  • /usr/local/bin
  • /usr/local/sbin
  • /opt/bin
  • /opt/sbin
  • Windows
  • C:\autoexec.bat
  • C:\boot.ini
  • C:\config.sys
  • C:\Windows\system.ini
  • C:\Windows\win.ini
  • C:\Windows\regedit.exe
  • C:\Windows\System32\userinit.exe
  • C:\Windows\explorer.exe
  • C:\Program Files\Microsoft Security Client\msseces.exe
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Directory Discovery (Windows)

Defines when the PowerShell Get-ChildItem command is used to discover directories recursively. This event occurs when the -Recurse parameter is specified or when the command is used inside a ForEach loop.

Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Potential StandIn Post-Compromise Traffic

Triggers when a process related to the StandIn tool is observed. StandIn is a penetration-testing tool that is commonly used by red teams. However, malicious actors can use this application for attacks.

Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Potential StandIn Post-Compromise Persistence Traffic

Triggers when persistence commands related to the StandIn tool are observed. StandIn is a penetration-testing tool that is commonly used by red teams. However, malicious actors can use this application for attacks.

Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Potential StandIn Post-Compromise Defense Evasion Traffic

Triggers when defense evasion commands related to the StandIn tool are observed. StandIn is a penetration-testing tool that is commonly used by red teams. However, malicious actors can use this application for attacks.

Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Potential StandIn Post-Compromise Privilege Escalation Traffic

Triggers when privilege escalation commands related to the StandIn tool are observed. StandIn is a penetration-testing tool that is commonly used by red teams. However, malicious actors can use this application for attacks.

Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Potential StandIn Post-Compromise Enumeration Traffic

Triggers when enumeration commands related to the StandIn tool are observed. StandIn is a penetration-testing tool that is commonly used by red teams. However, malicious actors can use this application for attacks.

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IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.8.2

The following table shows the rules in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.8.2.

Table 4. Rules in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.8.2
Type Name Description
Rule Service Configured to Use Pipe

Triggers when a service is configured to use a pipe. This could indicate an attacker gaining access to a users' system through privilege escalation by using getsystem.

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IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.8.1

The following table shows the new rules in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.8.1.

Table 5. New rules in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.8.1
Type Name Description
Rule MOVEit Transfer Vulnerability Exploit Commands

Detects MOVEit transfer vulnerability exploit via command line indicator of compromise.

Rule MOVEit Transfer Vulnerability Exploit Filenames

Detects MOVEit transfer vulnerability exploit via filename indicator of compromise.

Rule MOVEit Transfer Vulnerability Exploit Hashes

Detects MOVEit transfer vulnerability exploit via hash indicator of compromise.

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IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.8.0

The following table shows the new rules and building blocks in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.8.0.

Table 6. New rules and building blocks in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.8.0
Type Name Description
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Account Tampering - Suspicious Failed Logon Reasons Detects uncommon error codes on failed logon to determine suspicious activity and tampering with accounts that have been disabled or somehow restricted.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Cloud Account Discovery Detects cloud account discovery commands.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Cloud Firewall Modified or Stopped Detects cloud firewall, modified or stopped.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Create Process with Token Detects token creation from PowerShell.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Email Account Discovery from PowerShell Detects email account discovery from PowerShell.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Invalid Password at Login Detects invalid password at login.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Invalid Password during Kerberos Pre-Authentication Detects invalid password login during Kerberos pre-authentication.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Mailbox Permission Added Detects mailbox permissions added
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Potential Initial Access Tasks Defines potential initial access tasks. This includes activities such as: account discovery, stopping firewall, or changing permissions.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Rogue Named Pipe Impersonation Detects a privilege escalation attempt via rogue named pipe impersonation.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Suspicious Changing of User Agent Detects a suspicious changing of user agent. Adversaries may communicate using application layer protocols associated with web traffic to avoid detection or network filtering by blending in with existing traffic.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Suspicious Outbound SMTP Connections Detects potential exfiltration over SMTP protocol.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Suspicious Remote Logon with Explicit Credentials Detects suspicious processes logging on with explicit credentials.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: User Added to Local Administrators Detects user accounts that are added to the local Administrators group, which could be legitimate activity or a sign of privilege escalation activity.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: User Agent Changed via Curl Detects user agent changed via curl.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: User Agent Changed via PowerShell Detects user agent changed via PowerShell.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Windows Firewall Stopped Detects a Windows firewall stopped.
Rule Access Token Abuse Detects token impersonation and theft. (Example: DuplicateToken(Ex) and ImpersonateLoggedOnUser with the LOGON23_LOGON_NEW_CREDENTIALS flag.)
Rule Dllhost Outbound Network Connection Detects outbound connections initiated by dllhost.exe.
Rule Dump Credentials from Windows Credential Manager With PowerShell Detects adversaries searching for common password storage locations to obtain user credentials.
Rule Enumerate Credentials from Windows Credential Manager With PowerShell Detects adversaries searching for common password storage locations to obtain user credentials.
Rule Impair Command History Logging Activity Detected Detects impair command history logging activity.
Rule Multiple Login Failures due to Bad Password Detects adversary performing password spraying.
Rule Multiple Login Failures from Default Accounts Detects multiple login failures from default accounts.
Rule Possible Brute Force Attempt Detects adversary performing brute force.
Rule Potential Exfiltration of Stored Credentials from Browsers Detects potential exfiltration of credentials stored in browsers.
Rule PPID Sppofing Detected Detects PPID spoofing on the system.
Rule Regsvr32 Outbound Network Connection Detects outbound connections initiated by the regsvr32.exe file.
Rule RunDLL32 Outbound Network Connection Detects outbound connections initiated by the rundll32.exe file.
Rule Suspicious Activity Followed by Potential Initial Access Task Triggers when potential initial access tasks are performed, followed by suspicious activity. Initial access tasks include: account discovery, turning off firewall, and more.
Rule Stored Credentials from Windows Detects stored credentials from Windows.
Rule SID History Injection Detects SID (security identifier) history injection activities.
Rule Suspicious Valid Accounts Logon Triggers when a suspicious login from a valid account is detected.
Rule Token Impersonation via PowerShell Detects adversaries leveraging Windows API functions related to token impersonation or theft.

The following is a list of new custom properties in the IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.8.0 content extension.

Name Description Optimized
Authentication Package Default custom extraction of Authentication Package from DSM payload. Yes
Attribute New Value Default custom extraction of Attribute New Value from DSM payload. No
Description Default custom extraction of Description from DSM payload. No
Initiated Default custom extraction of Initiated from DSM payload. Yes
Impersonation Level Default custom extraction of Impersonation Level from DSM payload. Yes
Logon Process Default custom extraction of Logon Process from DSM payload. Yes
Target Server Name Default custom extraction of Target Server Name from DSM payload. No

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IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.7.2

The following table shows the new rules in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.7.2.

Table 7. New rules in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.7.2
Type Name Description
Rule Detection of Turla Directory and Filename IOC in Events Triggers when an IOC is recognized as a Turla directory and filename combination.
Note: The rules Malware as a Service Hash IOC in Events, Ransomware: Ryuk IOC in Events have been excluded from this rule to avoid repetition, their purpose is to have a dedicated rule response.
Rule Detection of Turla Filename IOC in Events Triggers when an IOC is recognized as a Turla related filename.
Note: The rules Malware as a Service Hash IOC in Events, Ransomware: Ryuk IOC in Events have been excluded from this rule to avoid repetition, their purpose is to have a dedicated rule response.
Rule Detection of Turla Hash IOC in Events Triggers when an IOC is recognized as a Turla hash.
Note: The rules Malware as a Service Hash IOC in Events, Ransomware: Ryuk IOC in Events have been excluded from this rule to avoid repetition, their purpose is to have a dedicated rule response.
Rule Detection of Turla IP IOC in Events Triggers when an IOC is recognized as a known Turla IP.
Note: The rules Malware as a Service Hash IOC in Events, Ransomware: Ryuk IOC in Events have been excluded from this rule to avoid repetition, their purpose is to have a dedicated rule response.
Rule Detection of Turla Registry IOC in Events Triggers when an IOC is recognized as a Turla registry value.
Note: The rules Malware as a Service Hash IOC in Events, Ransomware: Ryuk IOC in Events have been excluded from this rule to avoid repetition, their purpose is to have a dedicated rule response.
Rule Detection of Turla URL Host IOC in Events Triggers when an IOC is recognized as a known Turla URL host.
Note: The rules Malware as a Service Hash IOC in Events, Ransomware: Ryuk IOC in Events have been excluded from this rule to avoid repetition, their purpose is to have a dedicated rule response.
Rule Detection of Turla URL IOC in Events Triggers when an IOC is recognized as a known Turla URL.
Note: The rules Malware as a Service Hash IOC in Events, Ransomware: Ryuk IOC in Events have been excluded from this rule to avoid repetition, their purpose is to have a dedicated rule response.
The following is a list of new reference sets in the IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.7.2 content extension.
  • Turla SHA Hashes
  • Turla MD5 Hashes
  • Known Turla Filenames
  • Known Turla URLs
  • Known Turla IPs
  • Known Turla Hostnames

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IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.7.1

The following is a list of building blocks which have received a fix for an issue with parentheses in the AQL rule filter.
  • BB:BehaviorDefinition: Critical Process Created
  • BB:BehaviorDefinition: Critical Process Created by Shortcut (lnk) File
  • BB:BehaviorDefinition: New File Created in Temporary Directory
  • BB:BehaviorDefinition: New Registry Added to HKLM/HKCU (Windows)

The Malware Clean Failed saved search has been removed.

Fixed reference set link ID's that were incorrect.

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IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.7.0

The following table shows the new rules in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.7.0.

Table 8. New rules in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.7.0
Type Name Description
Rule Microsoft Windows RCE Vulnerability - File Modification

Detects Remote Code Execution vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange.

Microsoft issued "CVE-2022-41040" and "CVE-2022-41082" Exchange Server.

Rule Microsoft Windows RCE Vulnerability - Suspicious Download Using Certutil

Detects Remote Code Execution vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange.

Microsoft issued "CVE-2022-41040" and "CVE-2022-41082" Exchange Server.

Rule Microsoft Windows RCE Vulnerability - Suspicious Files

Detects Remote Code Execution vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange.

Microsoft issued "CVE-2022-41040" and "CVE-2022-41082" Exchange Server.

Rule Microsoft Windows RCE Vulnerability - Suspicious Hashes Detects known Windows RCE SHA256 hashes.
Rule Microsoft Windows RCE Vulnerability - Suspicious Ips

This rule detects known Windows RCE IPs.

Note: Tune based on log sources to reduce number of events matching against this rule.

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IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.6.0

The following table shows the new building blocks and rules in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.6.0.

Table 9. New building blocks and rules in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.6.0
Type Name Description
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Critical Process Created

Detects new critical processes created. Critical processes refer to ones that can potentially be misused by adversaries to perform malicious activities. Common processes include: PowerShell, cmd, mshta.

Note: The rule can be tuned by the Process CommandLine field. Some common Process CommandLine keywords that appear in malware are: findstr, tmp, temp, vbs, regsvr32, command, outfile, dll, and http.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Critical Process Created by Shortcut (lnk) File Detects new processes that are created from shortcut (lnk) files. Processes typically used by adversaries, such as PowerShell, cmd, mshta should be monitored.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Excessive File Modifications Detects excessive file modifications within a short duration.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: New File Created in Temporary Directory

Detects new files created under temporary directories. Certain temporary directories may be used by adversaries to drop malicious files.

Note: The directories monitored are.
  • -- Windows --
  • AppData\Local\Temp
  • AppData\Roaming\
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: New Registry Added to HKLM/HKCU (Windows) Detects new registry key set under HKLM or HKCU directories. While this activity only is legitimate, if there are potential ransomware behaviors detected this may be a persistence method.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Shortcut (lnk) File Executing a Critical Process (1)

Detects critical processes created from shortcut (lnk) files, in order by QRadar rules.

Note: Events may be received in the wrong order, see BB:BehaviorDefinition: Shortcut (lnk) File Executing a Critical Process (2) for the reverse order.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Shortcut (lnk) File Executing a Critical Process (2)

Detects critical processes created from shortcut (lnk) files, in order by QRadar rules.

Note: Events may be received in the wrong order, see BB:BehaviorDefinition: Shortcut (lnk) File Executing a Critical Process (1) for the reverse order.
Rule Potential Mailto Ransomware Behavior (Windows) Triggers when a potential mailto ransomware behavior is detected. A mailto ransomware typically performs the following steps (may have slight changes based on the variant):
  1. Registry changes to create keys (for persistence).
  2. Drops executable ion temporary directory.
  3. Deletes shadow copies.
  4. Encryption (file modification).
Rule Potential Windows Exploit via MSDT

Triggers when a potential Microsoft Support Diagnostic Tool (MSDT) vulnerability exploitation is detected.

Microsoft issued "CVE-2022-30190" for the vulnerability on MSDT. The adversary may perform remote code execution using MSDT to run arbitrary code.

Rule Shortcut (lnk) File Executing Commands (Windows) Triggers when a shortcut (lnk) file has created processes that can execute commands. Several malware such as Emotet use shortcut files that when opened execute malicious commands.

Additional rules are added in the rule filter for the BB:BehaviorDefinition: Suspicious Endpoint Activities building block.

The rule filter is updated for the Ransomware Encrypted File Extension rule.

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IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.5.0

The following table shows the new building blocks and rules in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.5.0.

Table 10. New building blocks and rules in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.5.0
Type Name Description
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Communication with a Potential Hostile Host (Reference Sets)

Defines communication with a potential hostile host, categorized by reference sets.

The reference sets starting with "XFE ATPF" prefixes are automatically managed by the Threat Intelligence app and requires a paid subscription. The other reference sets are provided by the Threat Intelligence app and can be used to include third-party Threat Intelligence feeds.

Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Communication with a Potential Hostile Host (X-force Categorization) Triggers when communication with a potential hostile host is detected. Categorized by X-force.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Communication with a Potential Hostile IP Address (Reference Sets)

Defines communication with a potential hostile IP, categorized by reference sets.

The reference sets starting with "XFE ATPF" prefixes are automatically managed by the Threat Intelligence app and requires a paid subscription. The other reference sets are provided by the Threat Intelligence app and can be used to include third-party Threat Intelligence feeds.

Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Communication with a Potential Hostile IP Address (X-force Categorization) Triggers when communication with a potential hostile IP address is detected. Categorized by X-force.
Rule BB:BehaviorDefinition: Critical File Modification Detects any modifications, including create or deletions, of critical file or directories.
Rule Critical File Modified followed by Suspicious Activity Triggers when a critical file or directory is modified, followed by suspicious activity. This can be indicative of an attacker that is modifying files and dropping executable files to gain access to the host.
Rule Excessive Login Failures via RDP Connection Triggers when multiple failed authentication events on the same machine in RDP from a single source IP address are detected.
The building block BB:CategoryDefinition: Files with Sensitive Permissions is renamed to BB:CategoryDefinition: Critical Files and Directories for Endpoint. As a result, two rules received an update to their description to reflect the renamed building block.
  • Critical File Deleted
  • Critical File Permission Changed

The following is a list of building blocks and rules that have received an update to their rule notes in IBM Security QRadarEndpoint Content Extension 2.5.0.

  • Communication with a Potential Hostile Host
  • Communication with a Potential Hostile IP Address
  • Excessive Login Failures via Network Connection

The rule filter is updated for the Communication with a Potential Hostile Host and Communication with a Potential Hostile IP Address building blocks.

The following is a list of the new reference sets in IBM Security QRadarEndpoint Content Extension 2.5.0.

  • XFE ATPF-anonsvcs_ipv4
  • XFE ATPF-anonsvcs_ipv6
  • XFE ATPF-anonsvcs_url
  • XFE ATPF-bots_ipv4
  • XFE ATPF-bots_ipv6
  • XFE ATPF-c2server_ipv4
  • XFE ATPF-c2server_ipv6
  • XFE ATPF-c2server_url
  • XFE ATPF-cryptomining_ipv4
  • XFE ATPF-cryptomining_ipv6
  • XFE ATPF-cryptomining_url
  • XFE ATPF-ew_url
  • XFE ATPF-mw_ipv4
  • XFE ATPF-mw_ipv6
  • XFE ATPF-mw_url
  • XFE ATPF-phishing_url
  • XFE ATPF-scanning_ipv4
  • XFE ATPF-scanning_ipv6

The following is a list of reference sets where element type is updated to "Alphanumeric Ignore Case" in IBM Security QRadarEndpoint Content Extension 2.5.0.

  • Petya_File_Hash
  • Petya_File_Name
  • Shims Allowlist
  • WCry_FileHash
  • WCry_FileName
  • WCry_HostName

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IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.4.0

The following table shows the custom properties in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.4.0.

Table 11. Custom Properties in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.4.0
Name Optimized Found in
Integrity Level Yes Microsoft Windows
ParentCommandLine Yes Microsoft Windows
Process Id Yes Microsoft Windows
Registry Value Name Yes Microsoft Windows
Signed Yes Microsoft Windows

Expression IDs are fixed in the Encoded Argument, StartAddress, and Terminated Process Name custom properties.

The following table shows the rules and building blocks in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.4.0.

Table 12. Rules and Building Blocks in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.4.0
Type Name Description
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Image Loaded from Mock System Directory Triggers when an executable or DLL is loaded from a directory masquerading as the system directory.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Suspicious Endpoint Activities Added Potential UAC Bypass to list of suspicious activities
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: UAC Bypass - DLL Hijacking (Non-System Directory) Triggers when specific files are dropped to specific locations where they can be loaded and run without UAC using genuine Windows executables.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: UAC Bypass - DLL Hijacking (System Directory) Triggers when a privileged process loads an unsigned DLL from the system directory.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: UAC Bypass - Elevated COM Object Triggers when COM interfaces that can bypass UAC are hosted by the dllhost.exe file and spawn a privileged process.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: UAC Bypass - IE Add-On Installer Triggers when the Internet Explorer add-on installer spawns a privileged process when started from a COM interface.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: UAC Bypass - Mock System Directory (Image) Triggers when a privileged process loads an executable or DLL from a directory masquerading as the system directory.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: UAC Bypass - Mock System Directory (Process) Triggers when a privileged process starts from a directory masquerading as the system directory.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Unsigned DLL Loaded from System Directory Triggers when an unsigned DLL is loaded from the system directory.
Building Block BB:CategoryDefinition: Elevated Process (Windows) Identifies elevated processes.
Building Block BB:CategoryDefinition: UAC Bypass Registry Key Identifies registry keys known to facilitate UAC bypassing.
Rule Potential UAC Bypass Triggers when behavior associated with bypassing Windows User Account Control is detected.

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IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.3.0

The following table shows the custom properties in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.3.0.

Table 13. Custom Properties in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.3.0
Name Optimized Found in
Encoded Argument Yes Microsoft Windows

The following table shows the rules and building blocks in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.3.0.

Table 14. Rules and Building Blocks in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.3.0
Type Name Description
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Remote Desktop Access from a Remote Host Identifies flows where a remote desktop application is being accessed from a remote host
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Administrative Share Accessed Triggers when an administrative share is accessed.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Cobalt Strike Inbound Traffic Identifies flows that show a host sending mail to remote hosts.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Cobalt Strike Inbound Traffic Triggers when a TLS fingerprint known to be a communication from a Cobalt Strike server is detected.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Cobalt Strike Outbound Traffic Triggers when a TLS fingerprint known to be a communication from a Cobalt Strike client is detected.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Potential Cobalt Strike Traffic Triggers when a TLS fingerprint known to be related to Cobalt Strike is observed. Cobalt Strike is a penetration-testing tool commonly used by red teams. However, malicious actors will often use illegally-obtained versions of this application to utilize in their own attacks. The rule is looking to match both client and server fingerprints to reduce the risk of false-positives.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Programming Environment Started with a Privileged Account Triggers when a programming environment has been started with a privileged account.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Regular Endpoint Administration Defines regular administration activity such as user management, download file in command line, or execution with elevated privilege.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Suspicious Endpoint Activities Defines suspicious endpoint activities.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: VNC Activity from a Remote Host Identifies flows where a VNC service is being accessed from a remote host.
Rule Cobalt Strike Behaviour Detected Triggers when behavior potentially belonging to Cobalt Strike is detected. Cobalt Strike is a penetration-testing tool commonly used by red teams. However, malicious actors will often use illegally-obtained versions of this application to utilize in their own attacks.
Rule Communication with a Potential Hostile Host Triggers when communication with a potential hostile host, categorized by X-force or in the reference set collection is detected.
Rule Encoded Command Malicious Usage in a Programming Environment Triggers when an encoded command is used in a programming environment type cmd or PowerShell.
Rule Malware: Potential Dridex Traffic Triggers when a TLS fingerprint known to be related to the Dridex trojan is observed. The rule is looking to match both client and server fingerprints to reduce the risk of false-positives.
Rule Malware: Potential Emotet Traffic Triggers when a JA3 fingerprint known to be related to the Emotet trojan is observed. The rule is looking to match both client and server fingerprints to reduce the risk of false-positives.
Rule Malware: Potential Empire Traffic Triggers when a TLS fingerprint known to be related to the Empire downloader is observed. The rule is looking to match both client and server fingerprints to reduce the risk of false-positives.
Rule Malware: Potential Trickbot Traffic Triggers when a TLS fingerprint known to be related to the Trickbot trojan is observed. The rule is looking to match both client and server fingerprints to reduce the risk of false-positives.
Rule Potential Metasploit Traffic Triggers when a TLS fingerprint known to be related to the Metasploit is observed. Metasploit is a penetration-testing tool commonly used by red teams. However, malicious actors will often use it in their own attacks. The rule is looking to match both client and server fingerprints to reduce the risk of false-positives.
Rule Potential Tor Traffic Triggers when a TLS fingerprint known to be related to the Tor project is observed. Tor is a non malicious anonymization service that can be used to bypass policies and conduct malicious activities. The rule is looking to match both client and server fingerprints to reduce the risk of false-positives.
Rule Ransomware: Ryuk Potential Traffic Triggers when a TLS fingerprint known to be related to the Ryuk ransomware is observed. The rule is looking to match both client and server fingerprints to reduce the risk of false-positives.
Rule Remote: Remote Desktop Access from the Internet Triggers when the Microsoft Remote Desktop Protocol is detected from the internet to a local host. Most companies consider this a violation of corporate policy. If this is normal activity on your network, you should disable this rule.
Rule Remote: VNC Access from the Internet Triggers when VNC (a remote desktop access application) is detected from the Internet to a local host. Many companies consider this a policy issue that should be addressed. If this is normal activity on your network, disable this rule.
Rule Service Configured to Use PowerShell Triggers when a service is configured to use PowerShell.
Rule Suspicious Parent for a process Triggers when a service is configured to use PowerShell.
Rule Suspicious PSExec Module Usage Detected Triggers when a usage of the PSExec module is detected.

The following table shows the updated reference sets in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.3.0

Table 15. Updated Reference Sets in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.3.0
Name Description
Default Process Name and Process Directories Lists sensitive processes and their directories.

A synchronization error was fixed in the Endpoint Overview Pulse dashboard.

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IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.2.0

The following table shows the custom properties in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.2.0.

Table 16. Custom Properties in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.2.0
Name Optimized Found in
ServiceFileName Yes Microsoft Windows

The following table shows the rules and building blocks in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.2.0.

Table 17. Rules and Building Blocks in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.2.0
Type Name Description
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Malware as a Service Path IOC

Triggers when a file path indicator of compromise (IoC) related to Malware as a Service (MaaS), such as Emotet Trojan and Trickbot Trojan, is observed.

IOCs will follow the pattern in these custom directories:

  • %APPDATA%\roaming\winapp\client_id
  • %APPDATA%\roaming\winapp\group_tag
  • %APPDATA%\system32\Tasks\services update
  • %APPDATA%\system32\Tasks\MsSysToken
  • HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RandomNumber.EXE
  • C:\WINDOWS\SYSWOW64\RandomNumber.EXE
  • C:\WINDOWS\SYSWOW64\RandomNumber.EXE
  • C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\RandomNumber.TMP

The Malware as a Service_Path reference set is prepopulated. Tune this reference set with relevant IOC.

Rule Potential Memory Code Injection Triggers when Cobalt strike beacon spawns a Windows process. Cobalt strike beacon spawn a native Windows binary and manipulating its memory space resulting in the spawned processes not having command line arguments. specified.
Rule Service Configured to Use a Pipe Triggers when a service is configured to use a pipe. This could indicate an attacker gaining access to a users system via privilege escalation using getsystem.

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IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.1.1

Fixed a synchronization error in the Endpoint Overview and Ransomware Pulse dashboards.

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IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.1.0

The following table shows the custom properties in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.1.0.

Table 18. Custom Properties in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.1.0
Name Optimized Found in
Process Name Yes
Terminated process Yes Microsoft Windows

The following table shows the rules and building blocks in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.1.0.

Table 19. Rules and Building Blocks in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.1.0
Type Name Description
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Malware as a Service Path IOC

Triggers when a file path indicator of compromise (IoC) related to Malware as a Service (MaaS), such as Emotet Trojan and Trickbot Trojan, is observed.

IOCs will follow the pattern in these custom directories:

  • %APPDATA%\roaming\winapp\client_id
  • %APPDATA%\roaming\winapp\group_tag
  • %APPDATA%\system32\Tasks\services update
  • %APPDATA%\system32\Tasks\MsSysToken
  • HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\RandomNumber.EXE
  • C:\WINDOWS\SYSWOW64\RandomNumber.EXE
  • C:\WINDOWS\SYSWOW64\RandomNumber.EXE
  • C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\RandomNumber.TMP

The Malware as a Service_Path reference set is prepopulated. Tune this reference set with relevant IOC.

Building Block BB:DeviceDefinition: Operating System Defines all operating systems on the system.
Rule Detection of Malicious IOC in Events

Triggers when an IoC is categorized as malicious in a reference set collection.

The Malware as a Service Hash IOC in Events, and Ransomware: Ryuk IOC in Events rules are excluded from this rule to avoid repetition. Their purpose is to have a dedicated rule response.

Rule Detection of Malicious IOC in Flows

Triggers when an IoC is categorized as malicious in a reference set collection.

The Malware as a Service Hash IOC in Flows, and Ransomware: Ryuk IOC in Flows are excluded from this rule to avoid repetition. Their purpose is to have a dedicated rule response.

Rule Excessive Administrative Share Access Failures from the Same Host Triggers when repeated failures to access administrative shares are seen from the same host.

This rule was renamed from Excessive Failed Access to an Administrative Share from the Same Source

Rule Excessive Login Failures via Network Connection

Triggers when multiple failed authentication events on the same machine from a single source IP address are detected.

This behavior indicates a potential brute-force attempt to access a machine.

This rule was renamed from Excessive Login Failures via RDP.

Rule Excessive Login Failures via Network Connection to Multiple Machines

Triggers when multiple failed authentication events on different machines from a single source IP address are detected.

This behavior indicates a potential brute-force attempt to access a machine.

This rule was renamed from Excessive Login Failures via Network Connection to Multiple Machines.

Rule Malicious DLL created by spoolsv Triggers when a suspicious file has been created by spoolsv.exe.
Rule Malware as a Service Behaviour

Triggers when a Malware as a service behavior is observed.

These behaviors include using a download utility on the endpoint and the file path showing the indication of compromise.

Rule Malware as a Service Hash IOC in Events

Triggers when a file hash IoC related to MaaS, such as Emotet Trojan and Trickbot Trojan, is observed.

The Malware as a Service_SHA1, Malware as a Service_SHA256, and Malware as a Service_MD5 reference sets are prepopulated. Tune these reference sets with relevant IoC.

Rule Malware as a Service Hash IOC in Flows

Triggers when a file hash IoC related to MaaS, such as Emotet Trojan and Trickbot Trojan, is observed.

The Malware as a Service_SHA1, Malware as a Service_SHA256, and Malware as a Service_MD5 are prepopulated. Tune these reference sets with relevant IoC.

Rule Programming Environment Spawned by a Suspicious Process Triggers when a programming environment is spawned by a suspicious process. This could indicate an attacker trying to execute a malicious script.

This rule was updated for Windows vulnerabilities.

Rule Ransomware Decryption Instructions Created Triggers when a decryption instruction filename is found on a machine. It is typical for ransomware to create a decryption instruction file to provide users with instructions on how to pay the ransom to recover their files. This particular file is often named with common terms such as: decrypt, recover, instructions, or how to.

This rule was updated for Ryuk ransomware.

Rule Ransomware Encrypted File Extension Triggers when a known ransomware file extension is detected. Ransomware typically encrypts files and appends a specific file extension as part of their process.

This rule was updated for Ryuk ransomware.

Rule Ransomware IOCs Detected on Multiple Machines Triggers when a ransomware IoC is detected on five or more different machines. This could indicate the ransomware is successfully spreading in the network.

This rule was updated for all of the new detection rules that were added in this release.

Rule Ransomware: Ryuk IOC in Events

Triggers when a file hash IoC related to Ryuk ransomware is observed.

The Ryuk_SHA256, Ryuk_SHA1, and Ryuk_MD5 are prepopulated. Tune these reference sets with relevant IoC.

Rule Ransomware: Ryuk IOC in Flows

Triggers when a file hash IoC related to Ryuk ransomware is observed.

The Ryuk_SHA256, Ryuk_SHA1, and Ryuk_MD5 are prepopulated. Tune these reference sets with relevant IoC.

Rule Ransomware: Ryuk Service or Process Termination

Triggers when Ryuk ransomware terminates running processes after making a copy of itself.

The Ryuk Service and Process Termination List reference set is prepopulated. Tune this reference set with relevant services and processes.

The following table shows the reference sets in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.1.0.

Table 20. Reference Sets in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.1.0
Name Description
Malware as a Service_MD5 Lists MD5 file hashes that are indicators for malwares as a service.
Malware as a Service_Path Lists file paths that are indicators for malwares as a service.
Malware as a Service_SHA1 Lists SHA1 file hashes that are indicators for malwares as a service.
Malware as a Service_SHA256 Lists SHA256 file hashes that are indicators for malwares as a service.
Pulse_imports Pulse dashboard.
Ryuk Service and Process Termination List Lists possible processes or services terminated by Ryuk ransomware.
Ryuk_MD5 Lists MD5 file hashes that are indicators for Ryuk ransomware.
Ryuk_SHA1 Lists SHA1 file hashes that are indicators for Ryuk ransomware.
Ryuk_SHA256 Lists SHA256 file hashes that are indicators for Ryuk ransomware.

The Pulse dashboard added in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.1.0 contains eight widgets related to ransomware:

  • One with statistics about the number of machines affected per rules.
  • One with statistics about the number of alerts per machine.
  • Six tables which represent the six phases of an attack.

The first two widgets include all rules from each phase:

WHERE (RULENAME(creEventList) IN ('Attempt to Delete Shadow Copies', 'Critical File Deleted (Unix)', 'RDP Hijacking Tool Detected', 'Recovery Disabled in Boot Configuration Data', 'Detection of Malicious File or Process', 'Detection of Malicious IOC', 'File Decode or Download followed by Suspicious Activity', 'Cobalt Strike Behaviour Detected', 'Excessive Failed Access to an Administrative Share from the Same Source', 'Excessive Nslookup Usage', 'Reconnaissance Tool Detected', 'Excessive File Deletion and Creation', 'Suspicious Amount of Files Renamed on the Same Machine (Windows)', 'Suspicious Amount of Files Renamed/Moved on the Same Machine (Unix)', 'Suspicious Amount of Files Deleted on the Same Machine') 
OR RULENAME(creEventList) MATCHES '.*(Ransomware|Maze|Bad Rabbit|Petya|REvil|Ryuk|WCry|Malware as a Service Hash IOC).*?')

The following table lists the rules included for each phase.

Table 21. Rules included for each attack phase
Phase Rules
  • Malware as a Service Hash IOC in Events
  • Malware as a Service Hash IOC in Flows
  • Attempt to Delete Shadow Copies
  • Critical File Deleted (Unix)
  • RDP Hijacking Tool Detected
  • Recovery Disabled in Boot Configuration Data
  • Ransomware: Ryuk Service or Process Termination
  • Detection of Malicious File or Process
  • Detection of Malicious IOC
  • File Decode or Download followed by Suspicious Activity
  • Ransomware: BadRabbit IOC in Events
  • Ransomware: BadRabbit IOC in Flows
  • Ransomware: Maze IOC in Events
  • Ransomware: Petya / NotPetya IOC in Events
  • Ransomware: Petya / NotPetya IOC in Flows
  • Ransomware: REvil IOC in Events
  • Ransomware: WCry IOC in Events
  • Ransomware: WCry IOC in Flows
  • Ransomware: WCry Payload in Flows
  • Ransomware IOCs Detected on Multiple Machines
  • Ransomware: Ryuk IOC in Events
  • Ransomware: Ryuk IOC in Flows
  • Ransomware Encrypted File Extension
  • Cobalt Strike Behaviour Detected
  • Excessive Failed Access to an Administrative Share from the Same Source
  • Excessive Nslookup Usage
  • Reconnaissance Tool Detected
  • Excessive File Deletion and Creation
  • Ransomware Encrypted File Extension
  • Ransomware: Maze Suspicious File Transfer
  • Suspicious Amount of Files Deleted on the Same Machine
  • Suspicious Amount of Files Renamed on the Same Machine (Windows)
  • Suspicious Amount of Files Renamed/Moved on the Same Machine (Unix)
Ransom notification Ransomware Decryption Instructions Created

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IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.0.0

The following table shows the custom properties in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.0.0.

Table 22. Custom Properties in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 2.0.0
Name Optimized Found in
Logon Type Yes Microsoft Windows
Share Name Yes Microsoft Windows
StartAddress Yes Microsoft Windows

The following table shows the rules and building blocks in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.0.0.

Table 23. Rules and Building Blocks in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 2.0.0
Type Name Description
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Cobalt Strike Inbound Traffic Triggers when a TLS fingerprint known to be a communication from a Cobalt Strike server is detected.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Cobalt Strike Outbound Traffic Triggers when a TLS fingerprint known to be a communication from a Cobalt Strike client is detected.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Cobalt Strike Port Usage Triggers when outbound TCP traffic over the port 50050 is detected. This is the default port for communication with a Cobalt Strike Server.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Cobalt Strike Process Address Triggers when a remote thread is created at a start address ending in "0B80". This behavior is indicative of a thread being created by Cobalt Strike.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Directory Discovery (Unix) Defines when a Unix command is run that discovers a large number of directories. The commands detected by this rule are:
  • ls -d
  • find -type d
  • ls -r
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Directory Discovery (Windows) Defines when a PowerShell is run which discovers directories recursively. This can occur when the Get-ChildItem function is run with the -recurse argument, or is used inside of a ForEach loop.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: File Creation and Deletion Detects file creation and file deletion events in the same directory on a Windows computer, and can be used in rules to detect multiple file modifications across many directories.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: PowerShell File Upload Activity Triggers when PowerShell is used to upload files.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Repeated nslookup Usage Triggers when the nslookup is used repeatedly. The threshold can still be considered as a normal administration behavior and needs to be correlated with other events to be considered as abnormal.
Building Block BB:CategoryDefinition: Multiple File Deletions on Endpoint System Triggers when multiple non-temporary files are deleted on endpoint systems.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Hostname or Network Discovery Matches when a hostname or network discovery action is performed.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Regular Endpoint Administration Defines regular administration activity such as user management, download file in command line, execution with elevated privilege.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Suspicious Endpoint Activities Defines suspicious endpoint activities.
Rule Attempt to Delete Shadow Copies Triggers when a command to delete shadowcopies is run. Malicious programs can attempt to use the Windows Management Instrumentation or Vssadmin to remove snapshots of files created by Windows.
Rule Cobalt Strike Behaviour Detected Triggers when behavior potentially belonging to Cobalt Strike is detected. Cobalt Strike is a penetration-testing tool that is commonly used by red teams. However, malicious actors often use illegally obtained versions of this application for attacks.
Rule Critical File Deleted (Unix) Detects when a critical file or file in a critical directory is deleted. The swap files are excluded by default and any other file extensions that you do not want to monitor can be excluded as well.

Edit the BB:CategoryDefinition: Files with Sensitive Permissions building block with files or directories to monitor. These locations should be related to boot, backup, logging, or credentials, which have a higher severity when exploited.

Rule Detection Malicious File or Process Detects when a file name or process name considered as being part of Malware execution is observed. This rule is monitoring for the following file or process names:
  • Minergate
  • Neshta
  • Slayer Leecher
  • NLBrute (NL)
  • EternalBlue
  • MimiKatz / MimiPenguin
Rule Excessive Failed Access to an Administrative Share from the Same Source Triggers after consecutive failed attempts to access an administrative share are observed.
Rule Excessive Files Deletion and Creation Triggers when a large number of filesof are being created and deleted across multiple directories. This might indicate the presence of a ransomware like WCry or Samsam which create an encrypted copy of a file before deleting the original.
Rule Excessive Login Failures via RDP Triggers when multiple failed authentication events on the same machine in RDP from a single source IP address are detected. This behavior indicates a potential brute-force latertempt to access a machine.
Rule Excessive Login Failures via RDP to Multiple Machines Triggers when multiple failed authentication events on different machines in RDP from a single source IP address are detected. This behavior indicates a potential brute-force attempt to access multiple machines.
Rule Excessive Nslookup Usage Triggers when the nslookup command is executed an excessive number of times from the same machine. This behavior might indicate a malicious actor attempting to gather information about the network to exfiltrate at.
Rule Ransomware Decryption Instructions Created Triggers when a decryption instruction file name is found on a machine. It is typical for ransomware to create a decryption instruction file to provide users with instructions on how to pay ransom to recover their files. This particular file is often named with common terms such as: decrypt, recover, instructions, how to, and so on.
Rule Ransomware Encrypted File Extension Triggers when a known ransomware file extension is detected. Ransomware typically encrypts files and appends a specific file extension as part of their process. The full list of extensions is: aes_ni, 1999, _23-06-2016-20-27-23_$f_tactics@aol.com$.legion, _crypt, $centurion_legion@aol.com$.cbf, 0x0, 34xxx, 3angle@india.com, 73i87a, 8lock8, aaa, abc, acrypt, aes_ni_0day, aes256, alcatraz, arzamass7@163.com, bart.zip, better_call_saul, biz, blackblock, bleep, bloc, bloccato, btc, btc-help-you, btcbtcbtc, btcware, bugsecccc, cazzo, ccc, cerber, chifrator@qq_com, clf, code, coverton, crab, crime, crinf, crjoker, cry, cryp1, crypt, crypted, cryptendblackdc, crypto, cryptobyte, cryptoshield, cryptotorlocker2015!, cryptowall, cryptowin, crysis, ctb2, ctbl, czvxce, darkness, dharma, dll555, don0t0uch7h!$cryptedfile, doomed, duhust, dyatel@qq_com_ryp, ecc, ecovector2@aol.com, ecrypt, enc, encedrsa, enciphered, encrypt, encrypted, encryptedaes, encryptedfile, encryptedrsa, encryptile, enigma, epic, exploit, exx, ezz, flyper, foobar.docx.onyon, frozen, fucked, fun, gdcb, gefickt, globe, good, greg_blood@india.com, gruzin@qq_com, gsupport, gws, ha3, hb15, helpdecrypt@ukr, hnyear, hollycrypt, html, hush, infected, j, johnycryptor@hackermail.com, justbtcwillhelpyou, keybtc@inbox_com, keyh0les, keyz, kimcilware, kimcilware.lechiffre, kkk, korrektor, krab, kraken, kratos, krypted, kyra, lechiffre, lesli, lock, locked, locky, lok, lol!, magic, mecpt, micro, milarepa.lotos@aol.com, mole, monstro, mychemicalromance4ever, nalog@qq_com, no.btc@protonmail.ch, no.btcw@protonmail.ch, no.xop@protonmail.ch, nochance, obfuscated, omg!*, only-we_can-help_you, oor, oplata@qq_com, oshit, p5tkjw, payb, paybtcs, paymds, paymrts, payms, paymst, paymts, payransom, payrms, payrmts, pays, pizda@qq_com, poar2w, porno, pornoransom, purged, pzdc, r16m01d05, r4a, r5a, radamant, raid, razy, rdm, rdmk, relock@qq_com, remind, rmd, rokku, rrk, rscl, saeid, sanction, savepanda@india.com, scl, securecrypted, siri-down@india.com, sport, sql772@aol.com, supercrypt, surprise, systemdown@india.com, szf, theva, tombit@india.com, toxcrypt, troyancoder@qq_com, trun, ttt*, uk-dealer@sigaint.org, unlockit, vault, vegclass@aol.com, versiegelt, vscrypt, vvv, wallet, xdata, xort, xrnt, xrtn, xtbl, xxx, xyz, zendr, zendrz, zepto, zzz, 암호화됨
Rule Ransomware IOCs Detected on Multiple Machines Triggers when a ransomware IOC detected on five or more different machines. This mightindicate that the ransomware isthe is successfully spreading in the network.
Rule Ransomware: BadRabbit IOC in Events Triggers when an IOC (file name, file hash, hostname, IP address) related to BadRabbit Ransomware is observed.
Rule Ransomware: BadRabbit IOC in Flows Triggers when an IOC (file name, file hash, hostname, IP address) related to BadRabbit Ransomware is observed.
Rule Ransomware: Maze IOC in Events Triggers when an IOC (Filename) related to Maze Ransomware is observed.
Rule Ransomware: Maze Suspicious File Transfer Triggers when a file transfer associated with Maze ransomware data exfiltration is detected.
Rule Ransomware: Petya / NotPetya IOC in Events Triggers when an IOC (file name, file hash, hostname, IP address) related to Petya Ransomware is observed.
Rule Ransomware: Petya / NotPetya IOC in Flows Triggers when an IOC (file name, file hash, hostname, IP address) related to Petya Ransomware is observed.
Rule Ransomware: Petya / NotPetya Payload in Flows Triggers when a Petya payload is observed in flows.
Rule Ransomware: REvil IOC in Events Triggers when an IOC (Filename) related to REvil Ransomware, also known as Sodinokibi and Sodin, is observed.
Rule Ransomware: WCry IOC in Events Triggers when an IOC (file name, file hash, hostname, IP address) related to WCry Ransomware is observed.
Rule Ransomware: WCry IOC in Flows Triggers when an IOC (file name, file hash, hostname, IP address) related to WCry Ransomware is observed.
Rule Ransomware: WCry Payload in Flows Triggers when a WCry payload is observed in flows.
Rule RDP Hijacking Tool Detected Triggers when a process that can bypass RDP security is created. The tools that are monitored are:
  • ngrok, which can be used to open connections that bypass a firewall
  • tscon, a native Windows tool that can be used to hijack another active RDP session
Rule Reconnaissance Tool Process Detected Triggers when discovery tools commonly used before deploying ransomware are detected. These tools can also be used by red teams and are not inherently dangerous, however malicious actors can use them to survey an environment before attacking it. The rule has been prepopulated with the following tools:
  • BloodHound, and its data-ingestion tool SharpHound, is an application that is used to map hidden and unintended relationships within an Active Directory environment. Attackers can use these tools to easily identify attack paths.
  • PingCastle is a tool commonly used by enterprises to asses the security their Active Directory. Malicious actors can use this tool to detect vulnerabilities within the environment.
  • Advanced IP Scanner is a network scanner that can be used to remotely control devices in an environment. This tool can be used during a ransomware attack to enable lateral movement.
  • AdFind is a command line Active Directory query tool. It can be used to quickly identify weak points within an Active Directory configuration.
  • Everything (or ES) is a search utility allowing to find files and folders faster. This functionality can enable ransomware to gather information about all files and folders for later encryption.
  • Masscan is a port-scanning tool. It is frequently used by attackers to list potentially vulnerable ports. These tools can also be used by red teams and are not inherently dangerous, however malicious actors can use them to survey an environment before attacking it.
Rule Recovery Disabled in Boot Configuration Data Triggers when recovery options are disabled in the boot configuration data. This might indicate a malicious actor attempting to disable to ability to recover files from a ransomware attack.
Rule Search for Password Files using findstr (Windows) Triggers when a search is made for the string password by using the findstr command. This behavior might indicate a malicious actor searching for files containing passwords.
Rule Search for Password Files using grep or find (Unix) Triggers when a search is made for the string password by using the grep or find commands. This behavior might indicate a malicious actor searching for files containing passwords on a Unix system.
Rule Search for Password Files using Select-String (Windows) Triggers when a search is made for the string password by using the Select-String PowerShell command. This behavior might indicate a malicious actor searching for files containing passwords.
Rule SharpHound PowerShell Detected Triggers when a SharpHound PowerShell script is run. The primary function that is used in the script is named invoke-BloodHound.
Rule Suspicious Amount of Files Deleted on the Same Machine Triggers when a suspicious number of files are deleted from a large number of different folders. This might indicate an attempt to disrupt services or hide traces an attack.
Rule Suspicious Amount of Files Renamed on the Same Machine (Windows) Triggers when a suspicious number of files are renamed from PowerShell. This might indicate the presence of ransomware, which typically encrypt and rename files as part of their process.
Rule Suspicious Amount of Files Renamed/Moved on the Same Machine (Unix) Triggers when a suspicious number of files are renamed by using the mv command. This might indicate the presence of ransomware, which typically encrypt and rename files as part of their process.

The following table shows the reference data in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint

Table 24. Reference Data in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint
Type Name Description
Reference Set BadRabbit_FileHash Lists file hashes associated with the BadRabbit ransomware.
Reference Set BadRabbit_FileName Lists file names that are associated with the BadRabbit ransomware.
Reference Set BadRabbit_Hostname Lists hostnames associated with the BadRabbit ransomware.
Reference Set BadRabbit_IP Lists IP addresses associated with the BadRabbit ransomware.
Reference Set Petya_File_Name Lists file names that are associated with the Petya/NotPetya ransomware.
Reference Set Petya_FileHash Lists file hashes associated with the Petya/NotPetya ransomware.
Reference Set Petya_HostName Lists hostnames associated with the Petya/NotPetya ransomware.
Reference Set Petya_IP Lists IP addresses associated with the Petya/NotPetya ransomware.
Reference Set WCry_FileHash Lists file hashes associated with the WannaCry ransomware.
Reference Set WCry_FileName Lists file names that are associated with the WannaCry ransomware.
Reference Set WCry_HostName Lists hostnames associated with the WannaCry ransomware.
Reference Set WCry_IP Lists IP addresses associated with the WannaCry ransomware.

The following table shows the saved searches in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint

Table 25. Saved Searches in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint
Name Description
BadRabbit Event "DestinationIP" Last 24 Hours Displays events with a known BadRabbit destination IP address.
BadRabbit Event "FileHash" Last 24 Hours Displays events with a known BadRabbit file hash.
BadRabbit Event "Hostname" Last 24 Hours Displays events with a known BadRabbit hostname.
BadRabbit Event "SourceIP" Last 24 Hours Displays events with a known BadRabbit source IP address.
BadRabbit Flows  "DestinationIP" Last 24 Hours Displays flows with a known BadRabbit destination IP address.
BadRabbit Flows "SourceIP" Last 24 Hours Displays flows with a known BadRabbit source IP address.
Outbound UDP Traffic Displays outbound flows that use UDP.
Petya/NotPetya Event "DestinationIP" Last 24 Hours Displays events with a known Petya/NotPetya destination IP address.
Petya/NotPetya Event "File Hash" Last 24 Hours Displays events with a known Petya/NotPetya file hash.
Petya/NotPetya Event "SourceIP" Last 24 Hours Displays events with a known Petya/NotPetya source IP address.
Petya/NotPetya Flows "DestinationIP" Last 24 Hours Displays flows with a known Petya/NotPetya destination IP address.
Petya/NotPetya Flows "SourceIP" Last 24 Hours Displays flows with a known Petya/NotPetya source IP address.
Petya/NotPetya Flows Last 24 Hours Displays flows that are associated with Petya/NotPetya.
Potential Ransomware (Suspicious activity, Possible Petya, NotPetya) Displays flows with suspicious payloads that are associated with Ransomware.
WannaCry Events "Destination Hostname" Last 24 Hours Displays events with a known WannaCry destination hostname.
WannaCry Events "DestinationIP" Last 24 Hours Displays events with a known WannaCry destination IP address.
WannaCry Events "File Hash" Last 24 Hours Displays events with a known WannaCry file hash.
WannaCry Events "Host Name" Last 24 Hours Displays events with a known WannaCry hostname
WannaCry Events "Source Host Name" Last 24 Hours Displays events with a known WannaCry source hostname.
WannaCry Events "SourceIP" Last 24 Hours Displays events with a known WannaCry source IP address.
WannaCry Events "URL" Last 24 Hours Displays events with a known WannaCry URL.
WannaCry Flows Last 24 Hours Displays flows that are associated with WannaCry.

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IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 1.0.0

The following table shows the custom properties in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 1.0.0.

Table 26. Custom Properties in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint Content Extension 1.0.0
Name Optimized Found in
Application Yes Linux
Architecture Yes Linux
Audit ID Yes Linux
Call Type Yes Linux
Command Arguments Yes Linux
Encoded File Directory Yes Linux
Encoded Filename Yes Linux
File Directory Yes
File Extension Yes
File Permissions Yes
Filename Yes
Group Name Yes
Machine ID Yes
MD5 Hash No
Parent Process Name Yes
Process CommandLine Yes
Process Name Yes
Process Path Yes
Record Number No Linux
Registry Key Yes Microsoft Windows
Registry Value Data Yes Microsoft Windows
Rule Name Yes Microsoft Windows
SHA256 Hash Yes
Target User Name Yes
Token Elevation Type Yes Microsoft Windows
UrlHost Yes
User ID Yes

The following table shows the rules and building blocks in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 1.0.0.

Table 27. Rules and Building Blocks in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 1.0.0
Type Name Description
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Admin Privileges Added (Unix) Detects admin privileges added to standard users. An adversary may escalate its privileges for further attacks.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Admin Privileges Added (Windows) Detects admin privileges added to standard users. An adversary may escalate its privileges for further attacks.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Admin Privileges Removed (Windows) Detects permission removed from a superuser group. An adversary may strip off high privileges to prevent mitigation actions from administrators.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Component Object Model Hijacking Detects Component Object Model (COM) hijacking activities. Monitors registry details that may be changed to load a different process. For example Command Prompt was modified to execute a malicious .exe file instead, followed by a process creation.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Component Object Model Hijacking Rules Detects Component Object Model (COM) hijacking activity by monitoring registry modifications on Windows Tooltip handler, keys that contain the application to establish Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) conversation, and keys that contain the path of a Dynamic Link Library (DLL).
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Critical Security Tool Process Information Detects when an audit message records information about a Critical Security Tool as a response to its PID being targeted by another signal.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Download Utilities in Events Detects when a download utility is being used on an endpoint, such as ftp, sftp, curl, cuteftp, wget, certutil, bits, or nc.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Group or Account Discovery Matches when a group or account discovery action is performed.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Hidden File or Folder Created Triggers when a hidden file or folder is created. A hidden file or folder can take three forms:
  • Start with a dot
  • Start with a dot and contain a space
  • Permissions based (for example -rwx------)
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Password Policy Discovery (Unix) Detects when a password policy discovery action is performed. By default, this building block is watching the following files:
  • /etc/login.defs
  • /etc/pam.d/common-password
  • /etc/pam.d/system-auth
  • /etc/security/pwquality.conf
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Password Policy Discovery (Windows) Detects when a password policy discovery action is performed.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: PowerShell File Download Activity Detects when PowerShell is used to download files.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Process Killed Triggers when a Linux process is killed using the kill system call.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Regular Endpoint Administration Defines regular administration activity such as user management, download file in command line, execution with elevated privilege.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Run as Superuser or Another User (Unix) Detects programs run as root or another user.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Run as Superuser or Another User (Windows) Detects programs run as administrator or by another user.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: Suspicious Endpoint Activities Defines suspicious endpoint activities.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: User Account Added (Unix) Detects when a user account is created.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: User Account Added (Windows) Detects when a user or group account is created.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: User Account Deleted (Unix) Detects when a user account is deleted.
Building Block BB:BehaviorDefinition: User Account Deleted (Windows) Detects when a user or group account is deleted.
Building Block BB:CategoryDefinition: File Decode by a Utility Detects when a utility is used to decode files.
Building Block BB:CategoryDefinition: File Permission Changed Detects when a command has been executed to change the permissions assigned to a file.
Building Block BB:CategoryDefinition: Files with Sensitive Permissions Defines files for which permissions shouldn't be changed. This might reveal the behavior of an attacker trying to prevent normal functioning. By default, this building block is watching the following files:
  • /boot/
  • /etc/pam.d/
  • /etc/shadow
  • /etc/passwd
  • /etc/rsyslog/
  • /etc/openldap/
  • /etc/sysconfig/syslog
  • /etc/syslog.conf
  • /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
  • /etc/default/ufw
  • /etc/sudoers
Building Block BB:DeviceDefinition: Operating System Defines all operating systems on the system.
Rule Communication with a Potential Hostile Host Detects communication with a potential hostile host, categorized by X-force or in the reference set collection.
Rule Communication with a Potential Hostile IP Address Detects communication with a potential hostile IP address, categorized by X-force or in the reference set collection.
Rule Credential Dumping Activities Discovered Triggers when credential dumping activities are detected in Windows registry. Adversaries may query the registry looking for credentials and passwords that have been stored for use by other programs or services and exploit those credentials. Credential dumping activities include, but are not limited to:
  • Registry scanning for passwords that can be used by the system or other programs
  • Hash dumping using Security Accounts Manager (SAM)
  • modifying the WDigest registry to allow storing passwords in plain text.

The AQL filter conditions below indicate three credential dumping methods that are implemented in this rule. Each method can be implemented separately using these AQL filters for tuning purpose.

  1. An adversary can search registry hives by scanning for password values: when the event matches LOWER("Process CommandLine") MATCHES 'reg\s+query.*password.*' AQL filter query.
  2. The registry hives can be dumped and exfiltrated by an adversary for malicious purposes. This is an indication of credential dumping via Security Accounts Manager (SAM): when the event matches LOWER("Process CommandLine") MATCHES 'reg.*save.*(sam|system|security)' AQL filter query.
  3. This registry key modification forces wdigest to store credentials in plain text the next time someone logs on to this system: when the event matches LOWER("Process CommandLine) MATCHES 'reg\s+(add|query).*uselogoncredential.*' AQL filter query when the event matches LOWER("Registry Key") MATCHES '\\system\\(controlset001|controlset002|currentcontrolset).*wdigest' AQL filter query.
Rule Critical File Permission Changed (Unix) Triggers when permission of critical files or directories are modified. An attacker may modify the permissions of a sensitive file to become the only user able to access it and proceed to defacement, data destruction, or disabling security tools.
Note: Edit the BB:CategoryDefinition: Files with Sensitive Permissions building block with files or directories to monitor. These locations should be related to boot, backup, logging, or credentials, which have a higher severity when exploited.
Rule Critical Security Tool Killed (Unix) Detects when a critical security process has been killed. An adversary may disable security tools to avoid detection.
Note: The building blocks included in this rule use the Critical Security Tool Processes reference set. The Critical Security Tool Processes reference set has been prepopulated with common security tool process names. Tune the reference set with any tool used by the organization.
Rule Critical Security Tool Stopped Triggers when permission of critical files or directories are modified. An attacker may modify the permissions of a sensitive file to become the only user able to access it and proceed to defacement, data destruction, or disabling security tools.
Note: The Critical Security Tool Processes reference set has been prepopulated with common security tool process names. Tune the reference set with any tool used by the organization.
Rule Detection of Malicious IOC Detects when an IOC is categorized as malicious in a reference set collection.
Rule File Created with Right to Left Override Triggers when the Right to Left Override character (U+202E) is found in the name of a created file. In some operating systems, the graphical interface will process this character - reversing the display order of parts of the file name.
Rule File Created with Space After Filename Triggers when the last character of a file name is a space. This will force the operating system to determine the file's type and execute accordingly, even if there appears to be a valid file extension. For example, a shell script named info.txt would open as a text file, while info.txt (note the space after the name) opens with whatever default program handles shell scripts.
Rule File Decode or Download followed by Suspicious Activity Triggers when utilities such as certutil is used to decode a file. This might indicate a malicious user downloading an encoded file and decoding the file to evade security.
Rule Potential Component Object Model (COM) Hijacking Detects Potential Component Object Model (COM) hijacking activities. An attacker can execute malicious code by hijacking legitimate COM references.
Rule Potential DLL Hijacking Triggers when a dynamic-link library (DLL) file is created or downloaded, and loaded by an application. This can indicate a DLL search order hijacking.
Note: Exclude processes to monitor to reduce false positives.
Rule Potential Malicious Application Shimming Detects application shimming activity by monitoring registry modifications. Attackers can use retrocompatibility functionalities to perform privilege escalation, install backdoors, etc. Custom Databases can be found in the following locations:
  • %WINDIR%\AppPatch\Custom
  • %WINDIR%\AppPatch\CustomSDB
  • %WINDIR%\AppPatch\AppPatch64\Custom
Note: The Shims Allowlist reference set is populated with default shims installed by the default Windows installer. Tune this reference set with any custom Shim.
Rule Process Masquerading (Unix) Triggers when a process is executing from a directory it is not supposed to run from. An attacker can masquerade a legitimate process to avoid detection, thereby execute malicious commands from the non-legitimate process.
Note: Tune this rule to include or exclude any directory.
Rule Process Masquerading (Windows) Triggers when a sensitive process is executing from a non-legitimate directory. An attacker can masquerade a legitimate process to avoid detection, thereby execute malicious commands from the non-legitimate process.
Note: The Sensitive Process Names reference set is populated with known sensitive processes. Tune this reference set with processes to watch. The Default Process Name and Process Directories reference map set has been prepopulated with sensitive process names and directories. Tune this reference data with the default location of the sensitive processes.
Rule Programming Environment Spawned by a Suspicious Process Triggers when a programming environment is spawned by a suspicious process. This might indicate an attacker trying to execute a malicious script.
Rule Recommended Blocked Process is Running Detects a recommended block process running in the system. Microsoft Windows lists recommended block rules to disable application that can potentially be exploited by an attacker and also bypass Windows Defender Application Control.
Note: The Recommended Blocked Processes reference set is prepopulated with the Microsoft commonly exploited applications. Tune the reference set with any endpoint process to fit business needs.
Rule Suspicious Activity Followed by Endpoint Administration Task Detects normal administration tasks (download a file, update user rights, run as another user, etc) are performed after a suspicious activity is detected on the same machine.
Rule User Account Creation followed by Account Deletion Triggers when a user is created and deleted within a short period of time. This might indicate an attacker or malware trying to hide or evade detection by using different user accounts or to drop a bomb on the system.

The following table shows the reference data in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 1.0.0.

Table 28. Reference Data in IBM Security QRadar Endpoint 1.0.0
Type Name Description
Reference Map of Sets Default Process Name and Process Directories This reference map of sets lists sensitive processes and their directories.
Reference Data pulse_imports Part of the Pulse dashboard.
Reference Set Anonymizer IPs Lists identified anonymizer IP addresses.
Reference Set Botnet C&C IPs Lists identified botnet command and control server IP addresses.
Reference Set Botnet IPs Lists identified botnet IP addresses.
Reference Set Critical Security Tool Processes Lists critical security tools.
Reference Set Malicious URLs Lists identified malicious URLs.
Reference Set Malware Hashes MD5 Lists identified md5 malware hashes.
Reference Set Malware Hashes SHA Lists identified sha256 malware hashes.
Reference Set Malware IPs Lists identified malware IP addresses.
Reference Set Malware URLs Lists identified malware URLs.
Reference Set Phishing IPs Lists identified phishing IP addresses.
Reference Set Phishing URLs Lists identified phishing URLs.
Reference Set Recommended Blocked Processes Lists processes that are recommended to be blocked.
Reference Set Sensitive Process Names Lists sensitive processes.
Reference Set Shims Allowlist Lists applications shimming registry.

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