Troubleshooting Planning Analytics on Cloud

This section answers some common questions that customers might have about IBM® Planning Analytics on cloud.

Which TM1 databases are set up initially?

A single blank TM1 database, with the name TM1, is set up initially when the system is provisioned.

Note: If you'd like to change the default TM1 database name on your system, you can open a support case and request a name change at

How do I set up new TM1 databases?

If you are an administrator, you can set up new or additional TM1 databases in Planning Analytics on Cloud. For more information, see Create a database.

How can I migrate my existing TM1 database content and settings to the Cloud?

You can migrate your existing TM1 database content and settings to the Cloud by following these steps:

  1. Set up a new TM1 database in Planning Analytics on Cloud. For more information, see Create a database.
  2. Delete the default TM1 objects from the new TM1 database.
  3. Copy the TM1 objects from your existing TM1 data directory to the data directory in the new TM1 database.
  4. Add an existing Cognos user to the Cognos TM1 ADMIN group to act as the administrator. For more information, see Defining a Cognos user to function as a Cognos TM1 administrator (
    Tip: All Planning Analytics user accounts are already configured by default with Cognos security mode 5.

For more information, see Loading and migrating data in to IBM Planning Analytics.

How do I access text files in Architect, TurboIntegrator or Performance Modeler?

When you specify access to text files, select the Data Source tab and ensure that the values forData Source Name and Data Source Name on Server are different. See the following table.

Name of text box on Data Source tab Description
Data Source Name This is the path used by Architect and Performance Modeler when you run remote desktop. The full path is required.

For example, type \\data\s\prod\tm1\data\Integration\OracleGLSubAccountDim.csv

Data Source Name on Server This is the path used by TurboIntegrator processes on the TM1 database. The path should be relative to the TM1 data directory, although absolute paths are possible using S:\...
Important: If you enter \\data\s as the Data Source Name on Server value, the TI process will fail.

For example, type .\Integration\OracleGLSubAccountDim.csv


All files must reside on the Shared Drive for these reasons:

  • The TM1 database cannot see the Remote Desktop file system.
  • Only the shared drive is backed up. Therefore, you risk losing your data if you store files on the remote desktop disk drive.

How do I restore data from a backup?

To restore data from a backup, contact the Cloud Operations team. The Cloud Operations team performs daily backups of the data in your shared folder. They retain the last seven daily backups and an additional four weekly backups.

Important: Ensure that your data resides in your shared folder. Any files that are stored in a location other than the shared folder will not be backed up.

Why did the expand and collapse icons disappear in the object tree pane?

In some scenarios, running TM1® Architect or Server Explorer in the desktop session of the IBM Planning Analytics system causes the expand and collapse icons (+ and - symbols) in the object tree pane to disappear.

If this display issue happens, you cannot expand the object nodes in the tree and access your TM1 data objects.

As a workaround, close and reopen TM1 Architect or Server Explorer to correct the display.

Why am I seeing Error opening the log file in TM1 Architect?

Viewing the Message log in TM1 Architect with IBM Planning Analytics requires a workaround.

When you click Server > View Message Log, the following error displays: Error opening the log file.

As a workaround, use a text editor, such as Windows Notepad, to open and view the tm1server.log file from the \\data\s\prod\tm1 shared folder location.