The first step towards using a queue manager in a high availability cluster is to create
the queue manager on one of the nodes.
About this task
To create a queue manager for use in an HA cluster, you must first select one of the nodes in the
cluster on which to create the queue manager, and then complete the following steps on this
Mount the queue manager's file systems on the node.
Create the queue manager by using the crtmqm command.
For example:
crtmqm -md /MQHA/qmgrname/data -ld /MQHA/qmgrname/log
Start the queue manager manually by using the strmqm command.
Complete any initial configuration of the queue manager, such as creating queues and channels,
and setting the queue manager to start a listener automatically when the queue manager starts.
Stop the queue manager by using the endmqm command.
Use the dspmqinf command to display the addmqinf
addmqinf command is displayed in a similar way to the following
addmqinf -sQueueManager -vName=qmgrname -vDirectory=qmgrname \
-vPrefix=/var/mqm -vDataPath=/MQHA/qmgrname/data/qmgrname
Make a careful note of the displayed command.
Unmount the queue manager's file systems.