Writing channel exits in Java for IBM MQ classes for JMS
You create channel exits by defining Java classes that implement specified interfaces.
- WMQSendExit, for a send exit
- WMQReceiveExit, for a receive exit
- WMQSecurityExit, for a security exit
public class MyMQExits implements
WMQSendExit, WMQReceiveExit, WMQSecurityExit {
// Default constructor
public MyMQExits(){
// This method implements the send exit interface
public ByteBuffer channelSendExit(
MQCXP channelExitParms,
MQCD channelDefinition,
ByteBuffer agentBuffer)
// Complete the body of the send exit here
// This method implements the receive exit interface
public ByteBuffer channelReceiveExit(
MQCXP channelExitParms,
MQCD channelDefinition,
ByteBuffer agentBuffer)
// Complete the body of the receive exit here
// This method implements the security exit interface
public ByteBuffer channelSecurityExit(
MQCXP channelExitParms,
MQCD channelDefinition,
ByteBuffer agentBuffer)
// Complete the body of the security exit here
Each exit receives as parameters an MQCXP object and an MQCD object. These objects represent the MQCXP and MQCD structures defined in the procedural interface.
{ return agentBuffer; }
When a receive exit is called, the agentBuffer parameter contains the data that has been received from the server queue manager. The receive exit returns as its value the data to be passed to the application by IBM® MQ classes for JMS. However, if the receive exit is not the last receive exit in a sequence of receive exits, the data returned is passed instead to the next receive exit in the sequence.
When a security exit is called, the agentBuffer parameter contains the data that has been received in a security flow from the security exit at the server end of the connection. The security exit returns as its value the data to be sent in a security flow to the server security exit.
Channel exits are called with a buffer that has a backing array. For best performance, the exit should return a buffer with a backing array.
Up to 32 characters of user data can be passed to a channel exit when it is called. The exit accesses the user data by calling the getExitData() method of the MQCXP object. Although the exit can change the user data by calling the setExitData() method, the user data is refreshed every time the exit is called. Any changes made to the user data are therefore lost. However, the exit can pass data from one call to the next by using the exit user area of the MQCXP object. The exit accesses the exit user area by reference by calling the getExitUserArea() method.
Every exit class must have a constructor. The constructor can be either the default constructor, as shown in the previous example, or a constructor with a string parameter. The constructor is called to create an instance of the exit class for each exit defined in the class. Therefore, in the previous example, an instance of the MyMQExits class is created for the send exit, another instance is created for the receive exit, and a third instance is created for the security exit. When a constructor with a string parameter is called, the parameter contains the same user data that is passed to the channel exit for which the instance is being created. If an exit class has both a default constructor and a single parameter constructor, the single parameter constructor takes precedence.
Do not close the connection from within a channel exit.
When data is sent to the server end of a connection, TLS encryption is performed after any channel exits are called. Similarly, when data is received from the server end of a connection, TLS decryption is performed before any channel exits are called.
In versions of IBM MQ classes for JMS earlier than IBM WebSphere® MQ 7.0, channel exits were implemented using the interfaces MQSendExit, MQReceiveExit, and MQSecurityExit. You can still use these interfaces, but the new interfaces are preferred for improved function and performance.