IBM Connect:Direct Web Services and its related software have the following features and
FixPack 10 (v6.2.0.10)
New Features and Enhancements |
IBM Connect:Direct Web Services has the following features and
- Implementation of storing IBM Connect:Direct Web Services data in
JSON file:
- IBM Connect:Direct Web Services uses PostgreSQL database to
store data. Starting with IBM Connect:Direct Web Services
release, the JSON file system will replace
PostgreSQL and all information will be stored to the
JSON file system.
- PostgreSQL database will be removed.
- Now the below details will be stored in JSON file system
instead of Postgres database.
- Admin authentication details to logged into IBM
Connect:Direct Web Services admin UI
- Token details (session details) generated from
sign on activity
- Audit Logs of IBM Connect:Direct Web Services
admin user
- Netmap partners associated with IBM
Connect:Direct node
- Secure partners associated with IBM
Connect:Direct node
FixPack 8 (v6.2.0.8)
New Features and Enhancements |
IBM Connect:Direct Web Services has the following features and
- CA Signed certificate at installation: User can
import the CA Signed certificate at installation. For more
details, refer to Installing, Uninstalling, and Upgrading IBM Connect:Direct Web Service
- Auto-Refresh in Statistics: Auto Refresh option has been
added to automatically refresh statistics after a specified
interval of time. Go to Statistics, click
on Auto Refresh icon. Select the Auto
Refresh checkbox and enter the time duration
in minutes to specify the interval between refreshes.
- Initialization Parameter in Text View: User can also view
and modify the Initialization Parameters in text view for all
three platforms. Go to . Click on Show Text
- Export Statistics: To export statistics, go to
Statistics, click on
Export icon to export data.
FixPack 5 (v6.2.0.5)
New Features and Enhancements |
IBM Connect:Direct Web Services has the following features and enhancements:
- Control Center Integration: On the IBM®
Connect:Direct® Web Service login page, now a
user can view the node list configured at Control Center. For more information, refer to Connect:Direct Web Services and Control Center Integration.
- Group Authorities Enhancement: User can belong to multiple group authorities and
permissions in different groups may vary. Sequencing of group authorities is important and will
determine permissions for a specific group user. The order of the group authorities can be modified
by dragging and dropping in IBM
Connect:Direct Web Service. For more
information, refer to Defining a Group Authority.
option is available for Web Services users under
- Translation Table Enhancement: Two additional representations have been added to the
translation table - Decimal and Octal. The desired representation can be selected using the options
available such as Hex,Dec or Oct.
This option is available for Web Services users under
- Statistics Enhancement: The user can now view the statistics over a certain period. For
example,you can select the view stat time to 2 hours and 35 minutes.
To view this, go to
. The user can enter hours and minutes to specify a
FixPack 1 (v6.2.0.1)
New Features and Enhancements |
IBM Connect:Direct Web Services has the following features and enhancements:
- External stat enhancement: External Stats Logging permission has been added in Functional
Authorities. This permission will decide whether you have the permission to log statistics from
external sources (like File Agent). Valid values are 'Yes' or 'No'.
This option is available for
Web Services users under
- Receive functionality to transfer a file option: Receive functionality has been added to
Transfer a File option for Windows and UNIX.
Now, you can choose to send or
receive a file depending upon the option (send/receive) selected on Transfer a
File window. To do so, go to .
- Now, TLS Cipher Suites can be included/excluded via
- Admin/CD User lockout: An Admin/CD user trying to login to CDWS will be blocked after N
login failures. The value ‘N’ is now configurable via
Base Release (v6.2)
New Features and Enhancements |
IBM Connect:Direct Web Services 6.2 has the following features and enhancements:
- IBM Connect:Direct Web Services is now
supporting Process Library and File Agent for Connect:Direct UNIX, Windows and z/OS:
- Web console and REST APIs support for IBM Sterling Integrated Connect:Direct File Agent.
- Navigate to to access File Agent configurations and rules.
- Process Library web console and REST APIs to add, edit, delete and rename the Connect:Direct
process files.
- Navigate to to add new process and listing view of added process files.