IBM DataPower Gateway transformation guide

This guide provides the steps needed to migrate an on-premise IBM DataPower Gateway deployment to IBM Cloud Pak for Integration.

Prepare for your migration

Confirm that you have installed IBM Cloud Pak for Integration and deployed the Gateway operator (datapower-operator). If you have not done so already, see Installing.

Additionally, ensure that you have:


Overview: IBM DataPower Gateway transformation guide

Complete the following tasks to migrate your IBM DataPower Gateway deployment to Cloud Pak for Integration:

Backing up your existing IBM DataPower Gateway deployment

  1. Log in to your existing IBM DataPower Gateway WebGUI as the admin user.

  2. From the default domain, select Export Configration in the Control Panel.

  3. Select either Create a backup of one or more application domains or Create a backup of the entire system, depending on how many domains you intend to migrate.

  4. Follow the system prompts.

  5. Once complete, download the backup ZIP.

Generating ConfigMap YAMLs for application domains

  1. Download the script.

    This script is designed to automatically generate the ConfigMaps for each application domain from an IBM DataPower Gateway backup:

    • ConfigMap YAML for each domain cfg file

    • ConfigMap YAML for each domain's local:/// file system

  2. Run the script against your backup ZIP.


    If you only wish to migrate a single domain, specify the -d or --domain argument. For example:

    ./ --domain test
  3. Inspect the generated output for details on where output files are generated, for example,

    YAML will be generated in: backup-output
  4. Review the generated YAML files.

    • Files ending in -cfg.yaml contain the domain's configuration in cfg format.

    • Files ending in -local.yaml contain the domain's local:/// file system, in .tar.gz format.

    You apply the YAML (both formats) in the next step.

Creating ConfigMaps in OpenShift cluster

In the appropriate OpenShift project (namespace), apply the generated YAML for each domain that you wish to migrate. These ConfigMaps will be used later in Building the DataPowerService resource spec.

  1. Using your oc CLI, switch to the project (namespace) you wish to deploy the migrated IBM DataPower Gateway.

    oc project <namespace>
  2. Apply the generated YAML files. Be sure to apply all YAML files for each domain you wish to migrate.

    Example of single domain with a cfg and local YAML each:

    cd backup-output
    oc apply -f domain-cfg.yaml
    oc apply -f domain-local.yaml

    Example using bash scripting to apply all YAMLs from the backup at once:

    for yaml in $(find backup-output -name '*.yaml'); do
        oc apply -f $yaml
  3. Once the YAML is applied, check the cluster to ensure that everything looks correct:

    oc get configmap

Creating Kubernetes Secrets in your OpenShift cluster

The TLS keys and certificates used by your IBM DataPower Gateway services must be stored in Kubernetes secrets. These secrets will be used later in Building the DataPowerService resource spec.

  1. Gather the keys and certificates you wish to use.

    Note: You cannot export the private keys from an existing physical or virtual appliance.
  2. For each key/cert pair or set of crypto, create a Secret with an appropriate name to reference later:

    oc create secret tls <my-tls-secret> --key=/path/to/my.crt --cert=/path/to/my.key

    or for generic (non-TLS) crypto:

    oc create secret generic <my-crypto-secret> --from-file=/path/to/cert --from-file=/path/to/key

    Refer to the Kubernetes documentation for details on the differences among Secrets.

Creating an admin user credential

Following security best-practices, the admin user credentials are stored in a Kubernetes secret.

Create the secret using oc, specifying the password via CLI, and noting the name of the Secret as you will need this later:

oc create secret generic admin-credentials --from-literal=password=admin

Example: In the preceding command, admin-credentials is the name of the Secret, and admin is the password.

Building the DataPowerService resource spec

Recommended: Open our DataPowerService API docs for reference as you build your custom resource spec.

  1. Open your editor of choice, and start with the following template:

    kind: DataPowerService
      name: migration-example
      replicas: 1
      version: 10.5-lts
        accept: true
        use: production
        license: L-RJON-CCAT5F
  2. Edit the spec.version and spec.license to choose your desired firmware version and edition.

    • Refer to our Licenses guide for appropriate values for spec.license.license and how they map to the spec.version and spec.license.use.

    • Refer to the spec.license and spec.version API docs for details on these fields.

  3. Add a spec.users definition for your admin user, using the Secret name (admin-credentials) created in the Create an admin user credential step for the value of passwordSecret. See the spec.users API docs for details.

    For example:

    - name: admin
      accessLevel: privileged
      passwordSecret: admin-credentials
  4. Add a definition, with an entry for each application domain you wish to deploy.

    For reference, see the Domain configuration guide.

    As an example, let's assume a domain name of example. Let's also assume that we created example-cfg and example-local ConfigMaps for this domain, containing its configuration and local:/// file system respectively. The definition would be:

    - name: example
        - example-cfg
        - example-local

    Next, update the domain object to include any certs definitions, referencing the Secrets you created in an earlier step containg TLS or other crypto material.

    As an example, let's assume we created a Secret named example-service which contains a TLS key/cert pair for a service defined in this example application domain. The amended domains spec would be:

    - name: example
      - certType: usrcerts
        secret: example-service
        - example-cfg
        - example-local

    Repeat the full procedure in this step for each application domain you wish to deploy.

  5. You should now have a complete DataPowerService definition. Putting the preceding examples together would give us:

    kind: DataPowerService
      name: migration-example
      replicas: 1
      version: 10.0-cd
        accept: true
        use: production
        license: L-RJON-BYDR3Q
      - name: admin
        accessLevel: privileged
        passwordSecret: admin-credentials
      - name: example
        - certType: usrcerts
          secret: example-service
          - example-cfg
          - example-local
  6. Save the YAML to a file of your choosing. For subsequent examples, we'll use migration-example.yaml.

Deploying the DataPowerService resource

  1. Create the DataPowerService resource in the cluster.

    oc apply -f migration-example.yaml
  2. Check the status of the deployment to ensure successful migration.

    # full view
    oc get all
    # just the DataPowerService instance(s)
    oc get dp

    Refer to our guide on operand status for more information.

  3. If the DataPowerService is operational and Ready, continue on to modernizing your IBM DataPower Gateway workloads.


Now that you have successfully migrated an existing IBM DataPower Gateway workload to IBM Cloud Pak for Integration on OpenShift, you can begin leveraging features that modernize your deployment.

  • Automatically scale your IBM DataPower Gateway pods horizontally or vertically using Pod Auto-Scaling.

  • Learn how the IBM DataPower Operator manages IBM DataPower Gateway upgrades in Operand Upgrades.

  • Fine-tune your topology and scheduling of IBM DataPower Gateway pods using affinity, tolerations, and nodeSelector properties in the DataPowerService custom resource.

  • Check out our release notes for the latest details on features and changes within the IBM DataPower Operator.