Configuring an API instance for AI test generation

Discover untested behaviors in your API and generate test cases with AI test generation.

Complete these tasks, in the order provided:

  1. Before you begin

  2. Preparing the Production environment

  3. Preparing the Test environment

  4. Managing your API

  5. Validating configuration of your test environment

  6. Adding AI insight to your test suites

Before you begin

Instrumentation of your API

AI test generation analyzes and compares OpenTracing traces emitted by your application, so it is a prerequisite that your API be instrumented to produce those traces. Specifically, the analysis assumes the Jaeger implementation of OpenTracing and your application must send its trace spans to a Jaeger collector.

OpenTracing is an aspect of OpenTelemetry and, if you don't yet have tracing enabled in your application, consider using the OpenTelemetry libraries as a quick way to get started. The analysis primarily examines calls between RESTful services and does not yet fully take into account spans generated within a service, so a minimal trace that records only incoming and outgoing calls is sufficient.

Your API must be a RESTful API that is described by an OpenAPI 2.0 (Swagger 2.0) definition.

Deployment environment

AI Test Generation operates across two distinct environments:

  • Production environment, where traces are produced.

  • Test environment, where the traces received from the production environment are analyzed, test cases are generated, and tests are run.

For the sake of illustration, this procedure assumes that each environment corresponds to a single OpenShift project, and that all the components required for an environment are deployed within the corresponding project. The two projects may be in different clusters, but a requirement of this release is that the Data service deployed to the Production environment must be directly reachable from the Test environment.

Prerequisites: Both environments require that you install IBM Cloud Pak® for Integration as described in Overview – Installation. In particular:

Preparing the production environment

The Production environment is your client-facing environment. The purpose of this environment is to collect trace and payload data from genuine customer requests for your API, in order to analyze that data and identify behaviors demonstrated by the API that are not yet covered by test cases.

To enable data collection, you need an instance of:

  • Jaeger, to collect trace data.

  • Your API, logging trace spans to the Jaeger collector.

  • An API management capability that serves your API to customers, logs trace spans to the Jaeger collector, and requests payloads to API Connect Analytics.

  • The AI test generation Data service, serving trace and payload data to the analyzer. The Data service only serves up data on demand (when the analysis is run) and imposes no CPU or network overhead outside those instances.

Installing Jaeger in your production environment

AI Test Generation is compatible with the Red Hat OpenShift distributed tracing platform (previously Red Hat OpenShift Jaeger) using the production deployment strategy and supported by Elasticsearch storage. Follow the instructions for Installing Jaeger in the OpenShift Container Platform documentation. You can install Jaeger with or without Service Mesh, depending on your requirements. To improve security for the Jaeger Query gRPC interface, follow the steps in Securing Jaeger Query with TLS or mTLS.

As an example, assume that your Jaeger instance is called jaeger-production. Once installation is complete, you should find the following resources:

  • A service called jaeger-production-collector-headless.

  • A secret called jaeger-production-collector-headless-tls.

You will need these resources when configuring your API management instance later in this procedure.

Creating the Jaeger Query service

Create a service called jaeger-production-query-api that exposes the trace data for analysis. You can create the service in the Red Hat OpenShift console or the CLI.

To create the service in the Red Hat OpenShift console:

  1. Click Networking > Services.

  2. Select the project that contains the Jaeger instance.

  3. Click Create Service.

  4. Select the YAML view.

  5. Replace the sample YAML with the following service instance. Use the actual name of your instance for the value of jaeger-production:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: jaeger-production-query-api
        app: jaeger query jaeger-production-query-api
        app: jaeger query jaeger-production-query
        - name: grpc-api
          protocol: TCP
          port: 16685
        - name: http-api
          protocol: TCP
          port: 16686
  6. Click Create.

To create the service from the CLI:

  1. Copy the following service definition into a text editor. Use the actual name of your instance for the value of jaeger-production:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
      name: jaeger-production-query-api
        app: jaeger query jaeger-production-query-api
        app: jaeger query jaeger-production-query
        - name: grpc-api
          protocol: TCP
          port: 16685
        - name: http-api
          protocol: TCP
          port: 16686
  2. Save the text to a file called jaeger-query-api-service.yaml.

  3. Run this command; use your actual project name as the value for {my-project}:

    oc apply -f jaeger-query-api-service.yaml -n {my-project}

Creating a Jaeger Query network policy

Important: Because the Jaeger Query service exposes an unsecured port throughout your cluster, IBM recommends you also create a network policy that limits access to the service to only the AI Test Generation Data service deployed in the same project.

You can create the network policy in the Red Hat OpenShift console or the CLI.

To create the network policy in the Red Hat OpenShift console:

  1. Click Networking > Network Policies.

  2. Select the project that contains the Jaeger instance.

  3. Click Create Network Policy.

  4. Select the YAML view.

  5. Replace the sample YAML with the following policy definition. Replace jaeger-production with actual name of your instance:

    kind: NetworkPolicy
      name: jaeger-production-query
          app: jaeger
        - ports:
            - protocol: TCP
              port: 16685
            - podSelector:
        - ports:
            - protocol: TCP
              port: 8443
            - namespaceSelector: {}
        - Ingress
  6. Click Create.

To create the network policy in the CLI:

  1. Copy the following policy definition into a text editor. Replace jaeger-production with actual name of your instance:

    kind: NetworkPolicy
      name: jaeger-production-query
          app: jaeger
        - ports:
            - protocol: TCP
              port: 16685
            - podSelector:
        - ports:
            - protocol: TCP
              port: 8443
            - namespaceSelector: {}
        - Ingress
  2. Save the text to a file called jaeger-query-api-policy.yaml.

  3. Run this command; replace {my-project} with the name of your project that contains the Jaeger instance:

    oc apply -f jaeger-query-api-policy.yaml -n {my-project}

Deploying and instrumenting your API

Although how you deploy your API is beyond the scope of this document, your API must be configured to log trace spans to the Jaeger collector you created in the previous section.

At this time, the analysis by API Analytics only works for simple RESTful services implemented directly using programming languages such as JavaScript, Go, Python,, and so on, and there are OpenTelemetry libraries to assist with instrumentation for these languages. For more information, see the OpenTelemetry documentation. Cloud Pak for Integration capabilities such as IBM MQ and IBM App Connect do not yet log trace spans to Jaeger, so they are excluded from the analysis.

Configuring an API management with AI test generation

Prerequisite step: If you do not have a deployed instance of API management, follow the procedure in API management deployment to create a minimal deployment.

  1. Log in to the IBM Cloud Pak Platform UI.

  2. In the navigation menu, click Administration > Integration instances.

  3. Select your instance.

  4. Click the overflow menu (three-dot icon) and click Edit.

  5. Set Advanced settings to on so that you can enable advanced functionality for the instance that supports AI Test Generation.

  6. Configure the API gateway so that it logs trace spans to Jaeger.

    1. Select Gateway subsystem.

    2. Under Jaeger Tracing, scroll down and set the Jaeger collector endpoint to be the collector endpoint of the Jaeger instance you created in Installing Jaeger in your Production environment. In the example, the Jaeger agent deployed with the API Connect gateway communicates with the collector service on port 14250 (HTTPS gRPC), so the appropriate endpoint based on the example instance name jaeger-production would be:

      • Set the TLS Secret name as the secret you identified in Installing Jaeger in your Production environment.

      • Set the TLS Server name as the full cluster local DNS name for the collector service. Based on the example instance name jaeger-production in the project my-project the server name would be:
  7. Click Create to deploy your settings.

Important: The API management user, which is used to connect from the test deployment to the source deployment, must be either LDAP or LUR or similarly supported registry that supports password authentication.
Attention: The user can't be managed within an OIDC registry. If the user credentials in the API management definition are registered through OIDC, it will fail with an unsupported realm error when accessing the API management API to retrieve a bearer token.

For more information on how to deploy and configure API management, see:

Deploying the Data service

To deploy the Data service that serves trace and payload data to the analyzer:

  1. Log in to IBM Cloud Pak Platform UI.

  2. Follow the instructions from API management deployment through step 9.

  3. Select Management subsystem

  4. Enable the AI data service.

  5. Set the Jaeger endpoint for API data. The endpoint you specified for the Gateway is the collector endpoint, and this is the query endpoint that provides access to the collected traces. Specify the name of the service you created earlier, on port 16685 (older versions of Jaeger, pre 1.22, use 16686):


    Alternatively, you can express the configuration as a Custom Resource definition. Select the YAML view and copy and paste the following example:

    kind: APIConnectCluster
      name: apiconnect-production
      labels: apiconnect ibm-apiconnect apiconnect-minimum
        accept: true
        use: nonproduction
        license: <my_license>
      profile: n1xc7.m48
      version: "10.0.4"
          jaegerCollectorEndpoint: "jaeger-production-collector-headless:14250"
              secretName: jaeger-production-collector-headless-tls
          enabled: true
          jaegerEndpoint: "jaeger-production-query-api:16685"
  6. Click Create to deploy the API management capability, and the AI Test Generation Data service, into your project.

Get service details

To enable AI insight in a test suite (at the end of this procedure), you must provide details about the AI Test generation data service deployed to your Production environment.

To get those details, run the following commands using the OpenShift CLI. In each step, replace:

  • apiconnect-production with the actual name of your API management instance.

  • my-project with the name of the project which contains that instance.

Data service endpoint:

oc get route -n my-project --selector -o json | \
        jq -r '.items[] | select(|endswith("-api-data-service")) | ("https://" +'

Data service CA certificate:

oc get route -n my-project --selector -o json | \
        jq -r '.items[] | select(|endswith("-api-data-service")) | .spec.tls.caCertificate'

Data service API key:

oc get secret -n my-project --selector -o json | \
        jq -r '.items[] | select(|endswith("-data-service-api-key")) | .data.API_KEY' | \
        base64 --decode

Preparing the Test environment

The Test environment is an internal environment where your test suites run. AI Test Generation collects traces from the test suites, compares them to traces collected from Production, and makes suggestions for new test cases that cover untested behaviors.

To enable test generation, you need an instance of:

  • Jaeger, to collect trace data from the test suite.

  • Your API, executing tests and logging trace spans to the Jaeger collector.

  • An API management capability, with AI Test Generation enabled, that logs trace spans to the Jaeger collector.

You must also ensure that the Data service deployed in the Production environment is directly accessible from the Test environment. This requirement ensures that the analysis can inspect the production traces and retrieve payload data to populate the new test cases.

Installing Jaeger in your Test environment

To install Jaeger in the Test environment:

  1. Follow the instructions for Installing Jaeger in the OpenShift Container Platform documentation. You can install Jaeger with or without Service Mesh, depending on your requirements.

    Assuming an example name of jaeger-test for your Jaeger instance, the installation should create the following additional resources, which you will need when configuring the API management instance later:

    • A service called jaeger-test-collector-headless.

    • A secret called jaeger-test-collector-headless-tls.

  2. Create a service called jaeger-test-query-api that will expose the test trace data for analysis. Under Installing Jaeger in your Production environment, see "Creating the Jaeger Query service" for the procedure.

  3. IBM recommends creating a network policy that limits access to only the AI Test Generation Data service deployed in the same project. Under Installing Jaeger in your Production environment, see "Creating a Jaeger network policy" for more information.

  4. To improve security for the Jaeger Query gRPC interface follow these steps.

Deploying and instrumenting your API

You must deploy an instance of your API into the Test environment to execute test cases (under the control of the API management capability) and it must be configured to log trace spans to the Jaeger collector you created in the previous step. How you deploy your API is beyond the scope of this document, but for general guidance refer to Deploying your API.

Configuring Test and Monitor with AI insight on an API management instance

Prerequisite step: If you do not have a deployed instance of API management, follow the procedure in API management deployment to create a minimal deployment.

  1. Log in to the IBM Cloud Pak Platform UI.

  2. In the navigation menu, click Administration > Integration instances.

  3. Select your instance.

  4. Set Advanced settings to on. This setting enables additional functionality for the instance that supports Test and Monitor with AI insight.

  5. Configure the API gateway so that it logs trace spans to Jaeger.

    1. Select Gateway subsystem.

    2. Under Jaeger Tracing, scroll to Jaeger collector endpoint and set the value as the collector endpoint of the Jaeger instance you created in Installing Jaeger in your Test environment. In the example, the Jaeger agent deployed with the API Connect gateway communicates with the collector service on port 14250 (HTTPS gRPC), so the appropriate endpoint based on the example instance name jaeger-test is:

      • Set the TLS Secret name as the secret you identified in Installing Jaeger in your Test environment.

      • Set the TLS Server name as the full cluster local DNS name for the collector service. Based on the example instance name jaeger-test in the project my-project the server name is:
  6. Click Create to deploy your settings.

  7. Set the TLS Secret name to be the secret you created in Installing Jaeger in your Test environment.

  8. Set the TLS Server name to be the full cluster local DNS name for the collector service. Based on the example instance name jaeger-test in the project my-project the server name would be:
  9. Enable Test and Monitor with AI insight:

    1. Go to Management subsystem.

    2. Scroll to Test and Monitor and click Enable Test and Monitor.

    3. Click Enable AI test insight.

    4. Set the Jaeger endpoint for API data. The endpoint you specified for the gateway is the collector endpoint, and this endpoint is also the query endpoint that provides access to the collected traces. Use one of these two options for setting the endpoint:

      • Specify the name of the service you created earlier, on port 16685. For an older versions of Jaeger (before version 1.22), use 16686. For example:

      • Express the configuration as a custom resource (CR) definition. Click the YAML view and copy and paste the following example:

        kind: APIConnectCluster
          name: apiconnect-test
            accept: true
            use: nonproduction
            license: MY-LICENSE
          profile: n1xc7.m48
          version: "10.0.4"
              jaegerCollectorEndpoint: "jaeger-test-collector-headless:14250"
                  secretName: jaeger-test-collector-headless-tls
              enabled: true
              aiEnabled: true
              jaegerEndpoint: "jaeger-test-query-api.cp4i.svc:16685"
  10. Click Create to deploy the API management capability, with Test and Monitor and AI insight, into your project.

Important: The API management user, which is used to connect from the test deployment to the source deployment, must be either LDAP or LUR (or a similarly supported registry) that supports password authentication. The user can't be managed within an OIDC registry. If the user credentials in the API management definition are registered through OIDC, when the user accesses the API management API to retrieve a bearer token, it fails with an unsupported realm error.

For more information on how to deploy and configure API management, see:

Securing Jaeger Query with TLS or mTLS

IBM recommends that you improve the security of the Jaeger Query gRPC interface. With Jaeger 1.22 and later it is possible to enable either TLS or Mutual TLS (mTLS) on the Jaeger Query gRPC interface and set up the Data service or Test & Monitor to connect using the required certificates.

  1. Create certificates to be used for the TLS/mTLS. For TLS, this involves creating a certificate authority (CA) file named ca.crt, and server certificate/key files signed by the CA named server.crt/server.key. If mTLS is required then client certificate/key files, also signed by the CA, named client.crt/client.key are also required.

  2. Create a server secret containing the required certificates, for example:

    oc create secret generic jaeger-query-tls-server \
      --from-file=ca.crt \
      --from-file=tls.crt=server.crt \
      --from-file=tls.key=server.key \
      --dry-run=client \
      -o yaml | oc apply -f -
  3. Create a client secret containing the required certificates.

    • TLS example:

      oc create secret generic jaeger-query-tls-client \
        --from-file=ca.crt \
        --dry-run=client \
        -o yaml | oc apply -f -
    • mTLS example:

      oc create secret generic jaeger-query-tls-client \
        --from-file=ca.crt \
        --from-file=tls.crt=client.crt \
        --from-file=tls.key=client.key \
        --dry-run=client \
        -o yaml | oc apply -f -
  4. Configure the Jaeger resource to enable TLS/mTLS. Ensure the following query options are set to enable TLS and mount the secret. Note: query.grpc.tls.client-ca should only be enabled if mTLS is required.

    kind: Jaeger
          query.grpc.tls.enabled: true
          # query.grpc.tls.client-ca: /etc/tls-config/ca.crt
          query.grpc.tls.cert: /etc/tls-config/tls.crt
          query.grpc.tls.key: /etc/tls-config/tls.key
        - name: jaeger-query-tls-volume
          mountPath: /etc/tls-config
          readOnly: true
          - name: jaeger-query-tls-volume
              secretName: jaeger-query-tls-server
  5. Configure the APIConnectCluster resource to connect using TLS/mTLS a. To enable TLS or mTLS for the Data service, ensure that the jaegerTLSMode/jaegerTLSSecret values are set per the following example. Set jaegerTLSMode to mTLS if required:

          enabled: true
          jaegerEndpoint: "jaeger-production-query-api:16685"
          jaegerTLSMode: TLS
          jaegerTLSSecret: jaeger-query-tls-client

    b. To enable TLS or mTLS for Test & Monitor, ensure that the jaegerTLSMode/jaegerTLSSecret values are set per the following example. Set jaegerTLSMode to mTLS if required:

          enabled: true
          aiEnabled: true
          jaegerEndpoint: "jaeger-test-query-api.cp4i.svc:16685"
          jaegerTLSMode: TLS
          jaegerTLSSecret: jaeger-query-tls-client

Managing your API

AI Test Generation requires that your API is under API management and served through the API gateway (both in Production and in Test).

The required steps for defining and enabling your API for AI Test Generation are:

  1. Create a provider organization.

  2. Create a catalog.

    • Leave the Spaces slider control to Off.

    • Leave the Default slider control to Off.

    • Configure the catalog to use the Gateway Services provided by the API management instance.

  3. Define your API.

    • Your API must be a RESTful API described by an OpenAPI 2.0 (Swagger 2.0) definition.

    • Define your API by importing the OpenAPI document into the API Manager UI. See Creating a new REST OpenAPI definition.

  4. Enable payload logging.

    • Payload logging collects payload data from incoming API calls so that it can be used to populate new test cases.

    • Payload logging is required only in the Production environment:

      1. Select the Gateway tab in your API definition.

      2. Select Activity Log.

      3. Click the Enabled checkbox.

      4. Select payload under Success Content and Error Content

  5. Enable redaction.

    • Payload data is sensitive so you must redact values that must not be logged and used in test cases

    • Redaction is required only where payload logging is enabled:

      1. Select the Gateway tab in your API definition.

      2. Select Policies.

      3. Open Transforms and drag the Redaction node onto the canvas.

      4. Click on the Redaction policy node and enter the XPath location of the value to redact.

    • Redacted values are replaced with blank or default values in test cases, and this can mean that test cases do not reproduce the same behaviour seen in Production.

  6. Activate your API.

  7. Publish your API.

Note: The API management Source catalog cannot have syndication (Spaces) enabled.
Note: The environment into which AI test generation is enabled cannot be used as a source environment; doing so will result in the training job being unable to communicate with the data service to retrieve OpenTelemetry traces.

To learn more about the features and benefits of API management, see Managing your APIs.

Validating configuration of your environment

You can use the Test feature of the API management UI to verify that the environment has been configured correctly. These steps must be repeated for each environment.

Confirming your API is operating through the gateway

In the API Manager UI:

  1. Select Develop APIs and products.

  2. Open your API.

  3. Select the Test tab.

  4. Send some test requests.

If you see the correct responses, this confirms that your API is operating through the gateway.

Confirming trace spans are logged to Jaeger

In the Red Hat OpenShift console:

  1. Click Networking then Routes.

  2. Select the project for your environment.

  3. Search for your Jaeger instance (jaeger-production or jaeger-test).

  4. Click the Location link to open the Jaeger UI.

  5. Set the Service to apiconnect.

  6. Click Find Traces.

If you see traces corresponding to your test API calls, this confirms that the gateway and your API are logging trace spans to Jaeger.

Adding AI insight to your test suites

  • When your environment is properly configured, you can enhance your test suites with AI insight by following the instructions in Insights-Driven Test Generation.

    Important: Select different dates for the From and To values in the Jaeger Data source. If you select same date for these values, AI test generation attempts to fetch traces from 00:00 - 00:00 of the same day, which increases the probability of no results being returned.

  • For the required service details, see Get service details.


    • Avoid specifying a lower trace limit value for the Jaeger Data source. Since the end time is set to the end of the selected date, the traces you are interested in may gradually get further back in the stream, so that you need an increasingly larger limit to find them.