For developers to publish APIs, they must be a member of a provider organization. The
first step is to create a provider organization and specify an organization owner. Then members can
be added to the provider organization and can start publishing APIs.
Before you begin
This task can be completed by users who are assigned one of the following roles:
- Cloud Owner
- Cloud Administrator
- Organization Manager
- Custom role with the Provider-org:Manage permission
You must also complete the following tasks before beginning:
About this task
Note that an email server must be configured and an active email server must be selected before a
provider organization account can be created.
There are two options for creating a provider organization account, as follows:
- Option 1: Create a provider organization and send an email invitation to a new user to register
and become the organization owner. Choose the option.
- Option 2: Create a provider organization and specify the user who will be the organization
owner. Choose the
Option 1: To create a provider organization and invite a new user to register as the
owner, complete the following steps:
- In the Cloud Manager, click
Provider Organizations.
- Click
- Enter a valid email address and click Invite. An email
containing an activation link is sent to the email address inviting the person to register. The link
opens the registration form. Alternately, you can copy and paste the activation link into an email;
click Get Activation Link and click Copy in the pop up
Note that the email server requires the Authenticate User and
Authenticate Password values in order to send invitations. See Configuring an email server for
The new provider organization is placed in Pending status, and is changed to Enabled status after
the owner completes the registration form to activate their account. The owner can then log in to
the API Manager user interface
with the API Connect
user name that they specified during account activation.
Note: If you use this option with a Local User Registry, and the user already exists in the
registry, the user must re-activate their account by using the Sign In
option, not by completing the registration form and using the Sign Up
option; attempting to re-register will fail. This stipulation includes users that were previously
provider organization owners but whose organization was deleted.
- Option 2: To create a provider organization and specify the user who will be the
organization owner, complete the followings steps:
- In the Cloud Manager, click
Provider Organizations.
- Click .
- In the Title field, enter a title for the provider
organization. If desired, the title can be edited after the provider organization is
- The internal Name is automatically generated for you by the
system. The Name field contains the string that is included in the
organization segment of the URL for API calls. For more information, see Calling an API.
Tip: The Name field is auto-generated to ensure its validity in
the URL.
The value in the Name field is also used to identify the provider
organization in developer toolkit
CLI commands. To view the CLI commands to manage provider organizations, see the toolkit CLI reference documentation.
- Select the user registry for the provider organization owner.
The remaining
procedure varies according to the type of the selected user registry, as follows:
- Local User Registry
- Select whether the user is an Existing user or a New
- For an existing user, complete the following steps:
- Enter the name of an existing API Connect user that has
previously been invited to register and has activated their account.
- Click Create. The provider organization is created and immediately
enabled. The specified owner can log in to the API Manager user interface. If
the new provider organization is the user's only provider organization, the API Manager user interface opens
in that provider organization; if the user is a member of more than one provider organization, they
can then select the new provider organization from the Organization
- For a new user, complete the following steps:
- Enter a unique user name for the new user.
- Supply an email address, name details, and a password.
- Click Create. The user account is created, and the provider organization
is created and immediately enabled. The specified owner can log in to the API Manager user interface with
the specified user name and password; the user interface open in the new provider organization.
- Enter the name of a user that exists in the selected user registry.
- Click Create. The provider organization is created and immediately
enabled. The specified owner can log in to the API Manager user interface with
their LDAP user name. If the new provider organization is the user's only provider organization, the
API Manager user interface
opens in that provider organization; if the user is a member of more than one provider organization,
they can then select the new provider organization from the Organization
- Authentication URL and OIDC
- Enter the name of an existing API Connect user that has
previously been invited to register and has activated their account. If the required organization
owner has not previously been invited and activated their account, you must use the invitation
mechanism described in Option
- Click Create. The provider organization is created and immediately
enabled. The specified owner can log in to the API Manager user interface. If the
new provider organization is the user's only provider organization, the API Manager user interface opens
in that provider organization; if the user is a member of more than one provider organization, they
can then select the new provider organization from the Organization
What to do next
For details of how an invited organization owner activates their account see Activating your API Manager user account.
For details of how to log in to the API Manager user interface, see
Accessing the
API Manager user