Upgrading the license before deploying Db2

After you install the Db2 service, you can upgrade your license from Db2 Community Edition to Db2 Advanced Edition.

About this task

You can upgrade your Db2 Community Edition license to any of the Db2 11.5 production licenses:

Table 1. Processor and memory limits per Db2 server or pureScale® cluster
Db2 edition Processor cores Allowed instance memory
Advanced Unlimited Unlimited
Standard Up to 16 128 GB
Community Up to 4 16 GB

You can download the license keys for the Advanced and Standard editions from the IBM® Passport Advantage® site:

  • Db2 Advanced Edition: db2adv_vpc.lic
  • Db2 Standard Edition: db2std_vpc.lic
Note: You must be entitled to use a license before you can download it. Ensure that you or your organization purchased the required license.


  1. Encode your license to base64 by running the following command:
    base64 license.lic > /tmp/encode.lic
    license=$(cat /tmp/encode.lic)
  2. Optional: Create a secret by using the license from Step 1. For example:
    apiVersion: v1
      ${secretKeyName}: ${license}
    kind: Secret
      name: ${secretName}
      namespace: ${PROJECT_CPD_INSTANCE}
    type: Opaque
    Note: The value you set secretKeyName and secretName to must be supported by Kubernetes. For more information on supported object names, see Object Names and IDs in the Kubernetes documentation.
  3. Patch Db2oltpservice with the license information.
    • If you completed the previous optional step, run the following command:
      oc patch Db2oltpservice db2oltp-cr --type merge -p "{\"spec\":{\"license\":{\"license\":\"$licenseType\",\"licenseValue\":{\"valueFrom\":{\"secretKeyRef\":{\"key\":\"$secretKeyName\",\"name\":\"$secretName\"}}}}}}"
      where $licenseType is either Advanced or Standard, depending on which license is being upgraded; $secretName is the name of the secret that was created in the previous optional step; and $secretKeyName is the name of the key value for the secret that was created in the previous optional step.
    • If you did not complete the previous optional step, run the following command:
      oc patch Db2oltpservice db2oltp-cr --type merge -p "{\"spec\":{\"license\":{\"license\":\"$licenseType\",\"licenseValue\":{\"value64\":\"$license\"}}}}"
      where $licenseType is either Advanced or Standard, depending on which license is being upgraded; and $license is the base64 encoded value from Step 1.
  4. Wait for the Db2 service to be in Completed state.
    To get the state value, run the following command:
    oc get Db2oltpService db2oltp-cr -o jsonpath='{.status.db2oltpStatus} {"\n"}'