Monitoring your Java application with Health Center
In addition to the monitoring of the virtual machine resources that is provided by Cloud Pak System Software , you can also monitor your Java™ virtual application by using IBM® Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools for Java Health Center.
Before you begin
- If you enabled the Health Center agent by adding a JVM Policy to the virtual application, you do not need to complete the steps in this task. You can start Health Center in the IBM Support Assistant to monitor the application.
- Download the IBM Support Assistant (ISA), then install the Health Center client into ISA. For more information, see the IBM Monitoring and Diagnostic Tools for Java documentation.
- Your Java applications must be deployed and all of your virtual machines must be started before you can monitor results.
About this task
You can use Health Center to monitor various aspects of
your deployed Java application.
For example:
- Performance
- Memory usage
- Object allocations
- System environment
- Java class loading
Health Center also offers you some limited control of
the application:
- Generate diagnostic dump files
- Modify JVM level tracing