Installing IBM App Connect Enterprise on Linux

You can install IBM® App Connect Enterprise on Linux, either for use by a single user or for use by multiple users.

Before you begin

  • Check the readme.html file for any updates to these installation instructions; see the product readme web page.
  • Check that you have enough memory and disk space; see IBM App Connect Enterprise system requirements.
  • If you use SELinux, see the information in this technote to understand the requirements that apply when running IBM App Connect Enterprise in containers or in non-containerized environments.
  • Check that you completed any prerequisite steps; see Preparing the system.

About this task

As a user without administrative privileges, you can create a single-user installation of IBM App Connect Enterprise in your home directory. This single-user installation is then accessible only by your user ID.

As a user with administrative privileges, you can create a shared installation of IBM App Connect Enterprise. To authorize any users of the computer to access the shared installation of IBM App Connect Enterprise, add the users to the mqbrkrs group by using the security facilities that are provided by your operating system.

Installing the software


To install IBM App Connect Enterprise, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in to the system where you are installing IBM App Connect Enterprise.
    • If you are deploying a single-user installation, log in with your personal user ID.
    • If you are deploying a shared installation, log in by using one of the following methods:
      • Log in as root or as a super user who has write access to the /var directory.
      • Log in as a non-root user who is a member of mqbrkrs and has write access to the /var/mqsi directory.
  2. Unpack the installation image by completing the following steps:
    1. Create or navigate to a directory where you have write access.
      For example, $HOME for a single-user installation, or /opt/IBM for a shared installation.
    2. Unpack the installation image by running one of the following commands:
      • If you want to install all of the product components for IBM App Connect Enterprise, run the following command:

        tar -xzvf ace-13.0.n.0.tar.gz

      • On all Linux systems, except for Linux on Z, and Linux on POWER®, the installation includes the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit, the IBM App Connect Enterprise Connector Discovery and OpenAPI Editor, the IBM App Connect Enterprise Cloud Connectors, and the WebSphere® Service Registry and Repository nodes. If you do not want to install the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit, you can run the following command instead:

        tar -xzvf ace-13.0.n.0.tar.gz --exclude ace-13.0.n.0/tools

      • If you want to install the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit, but do not want include the IBM App Connect Enterprise Connector Discovery and OpenAPI Editor, you can run the following command instead:

        tar -xzvf ace-13.0.n.0.tar.gz --exclude ace-13.0.n.0/tools/tkelectronapp

      • If you do not want to install the WebSphere Service Registry and Repository nodes, you can run the following command instead:

        tar -xzvf ace-13.0.n.0.tar.gz --exclude ace-13.0.n.0/server/wsrrcomponent

        If you choose not to install the WebSphere Service Registry and Repository nodes, the <install_dir>\server\wsrrcomponent directory is not created during the installation. However,the WebSphere Service Registry and Repository nodes still appear in the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit.

      • If you do not want to install the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit or the WebSphere Service Registry and Repository nodes, you can run the following command instead:

        tar -xzvf ace-13.0.n.0.tar.gz --exclude ace-13.0.n.0/server/wsrrcomponent --exclude ace-13.0.n.0/tools

      • If you do not want to install the IBM App Connect Enterprise Cloud Connectors, you can run the following command instead:

        tar -xzvf ace-13.0.n.0.tar.gz --exclude ace-13.0.n.0/server/nodejs_all

  3. Accept the IBM App Connect Enterprise license by completing the following steps:
    1. Navigate to the installation directory.
      For example, install_dir/ace-13.0.n.0 where install_dir is the directory where you unpacked the installation image.
    2. Type one of the following commands:
      • For a single-user installation:
        • ./ace accept license. If you use this command, you are prompted to accept the license.
        • ./ace accept license silently. If you use this command, the license is accepted even though the license dialog is not displayed.

        The following directory is created: $HOME/aceconfig. This directory is the work path for IBM App Connect Enterprise, and stores the IBM App Connect Enterprise configuration files.

      • For a shared installation:
        • ./ace make registry global accept license. If you use this command, you are prompted to accept the license.
        • ./ace make registry global accept license silently. If you use this command, the license dialog is suppressed and the license is automatically accepted.

        The following directory is created: /var/mqsi. This directory is the work path for IBM App Connect Enterprise, and stores the IBM App Connect Enterprise configuration files.

  4. Optional: If you installed a shared installation of IBM App Connect Enterprise, grant users access to the installation by adding them to the mqbrkrs user group.
    Note: On Linux, the user ID that installed IBM App Connect Enterprise is not automatically added to the mqbrkrs group. If you want to use this user ID with IBM App Connect Enterprise, you must add the user ID to the mqbrkrs group.