Gathering postmortem information about your servers

Server postmortem information is useful in problem determination.

About this task

If you contact IBM® Support, you are typically required to provide postmortem information.


To gather postmortem information about your servers, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Cloud Manager, click Services.
  2. Navigate to the server for which you want to gather postmortem information, and click the Server Actions icon Server Actions icon, then click Download logs.
  3. Click Generate and Download.
  4. If prompted, choose to save the compressed (.zip) file.
    The file might also be automatically downloaded depending on your browser.
    The file is saved to the download location that is configured for your browser, and is named by default, where service represents the service type (management or gateway depending on the type of service that the server belongs to) and server represents the server name.

    You can extract the contents of the .zip file in order to review the postmortem files.

What to do next

If required, you can now restart or reboot your server, see Restarting and rebooting servers.