Getting started configuring the Developer Portal site
A quick start guide to the main tasks involved in configuring the Developer Portal to your brand or theme.
All of the customizations that are detailed in this topic are preserved when you update to new versions of API Connect. Drupal updates, as well as new functionality, defect fixes, and security updates, are made available through API Connect update packages as determined by IBM. These update packages can be applied by upgrading your deployment; see the upgrade instructions for your platform in Installing and maintaining your IBM API Connect cloud. To find out what update packages are available, select your product on IBM Fix Central.
Directly editing any API Connect themes, modules, or Drupal core on the file system is not permitted or supported, as edited versions of these files are overwritten when an update package is installed. Customizations must be done by using the proper mechanisms as described in this topic, such as custom modules and themes, and not by directly editing the source.
For more information about the API Connect support policy, see IBM® API Connect Support Lifecycle Policy.
Create a custom theme
If you want your Developer Portal to have your corporate branding and style, you need to create a custom theme. Themes are composed primarily of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) files, although they can include much more; see Advanced theme development.
Directly editing the API Connect theme is not permitted or supported, as edited versions of these files are overwritten when a fix pack or iFix is installed. The way to create a custom theme is to create a custom sub-theme of the standard API Connect theme that the Developer Portal uses by default. A sub-theme inherits the parent theme's resources, and this means that your custom sub-theme CSS file needs to contain only the changes or overrides that you want to make from the default theme. The CSS file can contain as little or as many updates as you like.
For more information, see Creating a sub-theme. You can also follow a tutorial that takes you through how to use the theme generator, customize a theme, and install a custom theme; see Tutorial: Creating a custom theme for the Developer Portal.
While experience with Drupal is beneficial, the only skill you really need to create a sub-theme is CSS.
Changing the page layout
While the theme defines regions of the page, such as a footer, or sidebar first, the page layout is defined by configuring which blocks appear in which regions. Blocks are controlled by using the Developer Portal administrator dashboard. You can then further limit those blocks to show only on specific pages, or show on all pages except certain ones, to show only for certain roles, or for certain languages, and more.
options on theFor information about how to configure the page layout, see Adding and changing the blocks displayed on Developer Portal pages.
Changing the page layout is done entirely in the Developer Portal UI as an Administrator.
Changing the front page
The front page is a special case and does not use the blocks system that is mentioned previously. Instead, you configure it from the Developer Portal administrator dashboard.
options on theFor information about how to configure the front page, see Configuring the front page.
- Change the banner block content or image: Changing the front page banner block.
- Display featured API Products by creating a featured content block: Changing the front page Featured Content block.
- Create custom blocks with your own HTML content: Adding and changing the blocks displayed on Developer Portal pages.
- Set up the social block to include your organization Twitter feed: Integrating X data into the social block.
- Add a carousel to the front page to display a series of images: Implementing an image carousel.
Again, changing the front page is done entirely in the Developer Portal UI as an Administrator.
Advanced theme development
The DOM structure for specific blocks and parts of the page is controlled by templates. These templates are Twig files that define the actual HTML output for a particular piece of content. You can override a Twig template by copying the original template into the templates folder of your custom sub-theme, and then editing the template to your specification. The Developer Portal then uses your template in preference to the original one. For more information, see Applying a modified content type template.
Modifying Twig templates allows very fine-grained control over the structure of pages. However, it also means you might miss new features and defect fixes that are made to the original templates, as your Developer Portal is using your overrides instead of the originals. So, if you override a template, it is your responsibility to check the templates in the latest API Connect releases, and to ensure that any equivalent changes that are needed to your overrides to maintain functional equivalence are made.
If you’re developing custom templates, knowledge of Twig templating language, Drupal, HTML, and CSS is recommended.
Custom modules
If you need to modify the functional behavior of the Developer Portal, then you can create a custom module to do so. Drupal has an extensible programmatic API that is built around a system of hooks. By using these hooks in your custom modules you can change what happens when, for example, forms are displayed, forms are submitted, or make extra variables available to custom templates, and other options.
For more information on writing custom modules, see Extend. You can also follow a tutorial that includes using a custom module, see Tutorial: Adding validation to a field on the sign-up form.
Custom modules are written in PHP, and so Drupal experience and PHP knowledge are very beneficial.
Hiding the admin login form
If your Developer Portal is public facing, you might want to hide the admin registry as an option on the login form. You can do this simply from the administrator dashboard, by clicking , and selecting Hide the admin registry on the login form. For more information, see Hiding the admin registry on the login form.
What to do next - exploring the main configuration content
- Appearance - control general appearance elements, and learn how to create a custom theme.
- Content - add, configure, and control content elements, such as meta tags, custom pages, custom content types, and adding content to an API or Product.
- Structure - control how the content in your Portal is displayed, for example configuring the front page, changing block display, and using the Views module.
- Configuration - configure content moderation, perform general configuration tasks, and manage Developer Portal security.
- People - create and customize site configuration roles, control access to sites and to content, and create internal Consumer organizations to allow customization of specific API properties.
- Forums - create and control forums.
- Reports - list of available reports about the general configuration and status of your site.
- Extend - introduction to and instructions for creating custom modules, including information about developing in PHP, and how to use hooks in custom modules.
- Developer Portal tutorials - guided examples taking you through the simple and the more complex areas of configuration.