Changing the availability of a Product

You can change the availability of a Product and the associated Plans by using the Products view within a Catalog in API Manager. The syndication feature in IBM® API Connect means that you can also use the Products view within a Space in a Catalog to change the availability of a Product.

Before you begin

To complete the Product management tasks that are described in this topic, you must either be the owner of the API provider organization, or be assigned Manage permission for Products in the Catalog that contains the Product. If you have View permission for Products, you have read-only access to the Product management page. For information on configuring Product management permissions for a Catalog, see Creating and configuring Catalogs.

The syndication feature in IBM API Connect means that Products can be contained within a Space in a Catalog. In this case, to complete the Product management tasks that are described in this topic, you must either be the owner of the API provider organization, or be assigned Manage permission for Products in the Space that contains the Product. For information on configuring Product management permissions for a Space, see Managing user access in a Space.

Note: All references in this topic to a Catalog can also be applied to a Space in a Catalog, unless specified otherwise. For more information about Spaces, see Using syndication in API Connect.


To change the availability of a Product, complete the following steps:

  1. In the navigation pane of the API Manager UI, click Manage icon in the API Manager UI navigation pane Manage, then select the Catalog that you want to work with.
    The Products page of the Catalog opens, and all of the Products available in that Catalog are displayed.
  2. If the Product that you want to work with is contained within a Space, select the required Space by completing the following steps:
    1. Click the Spaces tab.
    2. Select the Space that you want to work with.
    The Products page of the Space opens, and all of the Products available in that Space are displayed.
  3. Alongside the Product version that you want to work with, click the options icon Product manage icon, then click Edit visibility.
    The Visibility page opens.
  4. In the Visibility section, specify the users that you want the Product to be visible to. You can choose Public to make the Product visible to all users, Authenticated to make the Product available to users who have successfully authenticated, or Custom to specify the consumer organizations and consumer organization groups that you want the Product to be visible to.

    If you select Custom, use the Type to add organizations field to search for the consumer organizations and consumer organization groups that you want the Product to be visible to. For information about how to create and manage consumer organizations and consumer organization groups, see Working with consumer organizations.

    Use the Temporarily disable visibility check box to toggle whether the Product is or is not visible, without having to change other visibility settings.

  5. In the Subscribability section, specify the users that can subscribe to the Plans in the Product. You can choose Authenticated to make the Plans in the Product subscribable by users who have successfully authenticated, or Custom to specify the consumer organizations and consumer organization groups that can subscribe to the Plans in the Product.

    If you select Custom, use the Type to add organizations field to search for the consumer organizations and consumer organization groups that can subscribe to the Plans in the Product. If you selected custom visibility, only the consumer organizations and consumer organization groups selected there are available for adding to the custom subscribability list. For information about how to create and manage consumer organizations and consumer organization groups, see Working with consumer organizations.

    Use the Temporarily disable subscribability check box to toggle whether the Product can or cannot be subscribed to, without having to change other subscription settings.

  6. Click Save when done.
    The Product version is configured with the modified availability settings.
    • Changing who can view or subscribe to a Product does not affect the settings of the draft Product. The change applies only in the Catalog that was selected in Step 1.
    • Changing who can view or subscribe to a Product does not affect existing subscriptions.


Your Product remains in the same lifecycle state, now with new availability settings.