Deploying the Developer Portal subsystem OVA file

After you have specified configuration settings and created an ISO, deploy the subsystem OVA into an appliance VM.

Before you begin

You must have completed the configuration of the project file entries for the Developer Portal subsystem, for one of the following scenarios:


  1. Log into the VMWare vSphere Web Client.
  2. Using the VSphere Navigator, navigate to the directory where you are deploying the OVA file.
  3. Right-click the directory and select Deploy OVF Template.
  4. Complete the Deploy OVF Template wizard.
    1. Select the Portal subsystem .OVA file template by navigating to the location where you downloaded the file in First steps for deploying in a VMware environment.
    2. Enter a name and location for your file.
    3. Select a resource for your template.
    4. Review the details for your template.
    5. Select the size of your configuration.
    6. Select the storage settings.

      Note that the number of Central Processing Units, RAM, and size of disk that you need for the Developer Portal varies depending on the number of sites that are hosted and the number of concurrent users you expect your site to have:

      Table 1. Developer Portal hardware requirements
      Number of sites Number of concurrent users Number of CPUs Amount of RAM (GB) Data Disk Size (GB)++
      1 1 2** 4 50
      20 5 4 16 70
      100 20 8 32 100
      100 100 16 64 500
      • ++The data disk size is extra to the main disk of the OVA. The main disk of the OVA is sized at 100GB, and should not be changed. Therefore, the total disk size of the OVA is 100GB plus the data disk size. The default data disk size is 200GB. If you want to select a different value, then you need to do this by using the OVF Tool, or the VMware GUI, before you power on the VM. Note that certain versions of the VMware GUI may not allow you to resize the data disk, and in this case you should use the OVF Tool.
      • **The requirement of 2 CPUs is suitable only for proof-of-concept work, and non-high availability deployments. For example, this configuration is suitable for the demo mode of the apicup installation, which is set by using the command apicup subsys set port deployment-profile=n1xc2.m8.
      • It's not recommended to have more than 100 sites per Developer Portal service. Note that it's not necessary to have a Portal site for every Catalog, for example Catalogs that are only for API Developers don't need a Portal site, as the APIs can be tested by using credentials from the API Manager. If more than 100 sites are required, you should configure additional Developer Portal services; see Registering a Portal service.
    7. Select the networks.
    8. Customize the Template, if necessary.
    9. Review the details to ensure that they are correct.
    10. Select Finish to deploy the virtual machine.
    Note: Do not change the OVA hardware version, even if the VMware UI shows a Compatibility range that includes other versions. See Requirements for initial deployment on VMware.
    The template creation appears in your Recent Tasks list.
  5. Select the Storage tab in the Navigator.
  6. Navigate to your datastore.
  7. Upload your ISO file.
    1. Select the Navigate to the datastore file browser icon in the icon menu.
    2. Select the Upload a file to the Datastore icon in the icon menu.
    3. Navigate to the ISO file that you created in your project.
      It is the myProject/portplan-out
    4. Upload the ISO file to the datastore.
  8. Leave the datastore by selecting the VMs and Templates icon in the Navigator.
  9. Locate and select your virtual machine.
  10. Select the Configure tab in the main window.
  11. Select Edit....
    1. On the Virtual Hardware tab, select CD/DVD Drive 1.
    2. For the Client Device, select Datastore ISO File.
    3. Find and select your datastore in the Datastores category.
    4. Find and select your ISO file in the Contents category.
    5. Select OK to commit your selection and exit the Select File window.
    6. Ensure that the Connect At Power On check box is selected.
      • Expand the CD/DVD drive 1 entry to view the details and the complete Connect At Power On label.
      • Note that VMware related issues with ISO mounting at boot may occur if Connect At Power On
    7. Select OK to commit your selection and close the window.
  12. Start the virtual machine by selecting the play button on the icon bar.
    The installation might take several minutes to complete, depending on the availability of the system and the download speed.
  13. Continue with Verifying deployment of the Developer Portal subsystem.