Configuring two NICs on the Developer Portal

Configure the Developer Portal to use two network interface cards.

About this task

When deploying the Developer Portal, you can optionally separate network traffic such that the portal has network interface in your private network, where the communications to the APIM manager take places, and another network interface in your public network, where the end users can access the Portal web sites.

You can do this by using the iface on eth0 for your traffic and defining an extra iface definition (eth1) for your public interface. Do this as part of the initial configuration of the Developer Portal. Note the following requirements:

  • iface eth0 and eth1 must have different subnets. This means that you cannot test the configuration by using two IP addresses on the same subnet, due to the routing table produced by the OVA at bootup.
  • The hostname of the machine must be reachable via eth0 and you must use eth0 as the traffic (private interface) and eth1 as the public interface.


  1. Verify that you have created a first interface, by following the instructions in Step 13 of Configuring the Developer Portal subsystem.
  2. Use apicup to add an extra iface definition as follows for your public interface:
    apicup iface create test-stack-portal eth1
  3. Set the hostname of your portal-www ingress to the hostname that is associated with the IP address given on eth1.
    apicup subsys set my-portal portal-www
  4. When configuring the second NIC during initial installation, return to Step 14 of Configuring the Developer Portal subsystem. Follow the remaining steps in the configuration instructions, and then create the Portal OVA and deploy it as usual.
    • If you are creating multiple network interfaces, each one must be on a different subnet with a different gateway.
    • Before powering on the Portal, use the VMware GUI to add a second network card to the VM, with the correct settings for your public network.