License updates

IBM API Connect v10 is changing the way licenses are created to better serve customers in these dynamic times and reduce the number of licenses that need to be managed.

Currently, licenses follow the product numbering standard based on IBM V.R.M.F (Version.Release.Mod.FixPack) structure and API Connect v10 creates a new license for every fix pack.

Starting in March 2022, API Connect v10 future release licenses will be updated to use the single V.R.M Mod-level license that covers all fixes and security roll-ups underneath it. For example, the next license covering the 10.0.1.x stream will be listed as "10.0.1". This will be the master mod-level license for all Fix Pack and security roll-up releases in this stream. Existing licenses in this stream for,, etc will be superseded by the new mod-level license. There are no changes to license terms, only updates to open-source notices documented in the notes for each.