Getting started

Check the instructions and learn how to get started with IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence for IBM Z (IBM ADDI) based on your needs.

With IBM ADDI, you can leverage the capabilities of the following components to speed up your application modernization.


IBM Application Discovery for IBM Z (IBM AD) is an Eclipse-based static code analysis solution that fast-tracks the discovery and analysis phases of System z®/Enterprise Software work. It is used for application understanding and provides visualization of dependencies, flows, usage, and impacts.

Note: The following instructions is based on the assumption that you install only IBM AD with the IBM ADDI installer.
Complete the following steps to quickly get started:
  1. Access the software

    For details about downloading the product and getting license keys and activation kits, see the IBM Support Licensing page. If you are downloading your software from Passport Advantage, follow the instructions at

  2. Evaluate the hardware and system configuration

    Check the detailed system requirements introduced in the Prerequisites section.

  3. Installing or upgrading

    Follow the instructions in the Installing section to install the product. If an earlier version of IBM AD is installed, follow the instructions in the Upgrading section.

  4. Configuring

    To configure IBM AD components, follow the instructions in the Configuring section.

IBM ADDI Extensions

IBM Application Discovery and Delivery Intelligence Extensions (IBM ADDI Extensions) is a web-based tool to facilitate enterprise DevOps adoption and drive continuous improvement across the lifecycle of product development, delivery, and maintenance.

Note: The following instructions is based on the assumption that you install both IBM AD and ADDI Extensions with the ADDI installer.
Complete the following steps to quickly get started:
  1. Access the software and documentation

    For details about downloading the product and getting license keys and activation kits, see the IBM Support Licensing page. If you are downloading your software from Passport Advantage®, follow the instructions at

    You can find the product documentation of IBM® ADDI on IBM Documentation site.

  2. Evaluate the hardware and system configuration

    See the detailed system requirements document from the following links:
  3. Install IBM AD and IBM ADDI Extensions with the ADDI installer

    Use the ADDI installer wizard to install IBM AD and IBM ADDI Extensions on Windows or Linux®. For more information, see Installing with ADDI installer and Installing and setting up IBM ADDI Extensions with ADDI installer topics.

  4. Configuring IBM AD.

    Follow the instructions in the Configuring IBM Application Discovery topic to configure IBM AD components.
    Note: To explore the Business Rule Discovery feature, you need to enable the feature through IBM AD Configuration Server. For more information, see Enabling Business Rule Discovery feature.
  5. Configuring IBM ADDI Extensions.

    Follow the instructions in the Installing and setting up IBM ADDI Extensions with ADDI installer topic. If you installed IBM ADDI Extensions already, skip the installation steps that are described in the instructions.

  6. Setting up IBM ADDI Extensions to start with analysis.

    Complete the following steps to create the workbook to be used for analysis.
    1. Create a connection to the IBM AD server.
    2. Create one or more data providers: Application Discovery data provider, Business Rule Discovery data provider, or both.
    3. Create a workbook that is associated with the created data provider.
  7. Performing workbook analysis

    Perform either discovering and managing business terms or Static Analysis of application discovery data.

IBM Wazi Analyze

IBM Wazi Analyze is a containerized component that creates rapid, graphical analysis in an installation-free and configuration-free web UI. With Wazi Analyze, developers can discover the relationships among their z/OS application artifacts and quickly understand the impact of the changes to make.

To quickly get started with Wazi Analyze and explore its key features, see Checklist for getting started. For a complete user guide of Wazi Analyze, see IBM Wazi Analyze User Guide.

Note: To download the Wazi Analyze archive file and other related e-assemblies of major releases, complete the following steps:
  1. Log on to Passport Advantage.
  2. Select Software Downloads and Media Access.
  3. Select Program offering and agreement number, and click Continue.
  4. Enter the part description or part number, and click Finder.
  5. Optionally, you can click the alphabetical order list to display and view the product by name.
  6. Select All Operating Systems in the Operating system field, and All Languages in the Languages field. Then, click Go.
  7. Verify the e-assemblies that you want to download with the list in this table.
Table 1. Wazi Analyze download packages
  Part Name Component name Part number Image classification File name
1 IBM Wazi Analyze 2.2.0 Linux Multilingual Analyze M0D0FML Required wazianalyze_2.2.0.tar.gz
2 IBM Wazi Analyze 2.2.0 zLinux Multilingual Analyze M0D0GML Required wazianalyze_zLinux_2.2.0.tar.gz
3 IBM Wazi Analyze 2.2.0 Quick Start Guide Analyze M0D0DML Required wazianalyze_2.2.0_QSG.tar.gz
4 z/OS Discovery Library Adapter z/OS Discovery Library Adapter CC79FML Required
5 IBM Z Resource Discovery Data Service 1.2 Linux Multilingual IBM Z Resource Discovery Data Service M0591ML Required
6 IBM Z Resource Discovery Data Service 1.2 zLinux Multilingual IBM Z Resource Discovery Data Service M0592ML Required
Note: Fix packs of Wazi Analyze are available on Fix Central at for download. To obtain fixes or updates that are available for Wazi Analyze, follow the instructions on Fix Central.