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Group optim.cpoptimizer

The CP Optimizer API in C++.
Class Summary
IlcCPEngine An instance of this class represents a backtracking search engine for CP Optimizer.
IloCP An instance of this class represents a search engine for CP Optimizer.
IloCP::Callback Class for search monitoring.
IloCPEngine An instance of this class represents a search engine for CP Optimizer.
IloCPEngine::IntVarIterator The class for iterating over the current domain of an integer variable.
IloCP::Exception The base class of exceptions thrown by IloCP.
IloCP::IntVarIterator The class for iterating over the current domain of an integer variable.
IloIntValueChooser The handle class for a value chooser in a search strategy.
IloIntValueChooserI The implementation class for a value chooser in a search strategy.
IloIntValueEval The handle class for a value evaluator in a search strategy.
IloIntValueEvalI The implementation class for a value evaluator in a search strategy.
IloIntVarChooser The handle class for a variable chooser in a search strategy.
IloIntVarChooserI The implementation class for a variable chooser in a search strategy.
IloIntVarEval The handle class for a variable evaluator in a search strategy.
IloIntVarEvalI The implementation class for a variable evaluator in a search strategy.
IloSearchPhase The class for defining search strategies in CP Optimizer.
IloValueSelector The base class for value selectors used by value choosers.
IloVarSelector The base class for variable selectors used by value choosers.
Typedef Summary
IloSearchPhaseArray This type definition represents arrays of instances of IloSearchPhase.
IloValueSelectorArray This type definition represents arrays of instances of IloValueSelector.
IloVarSelectorArray This type definition represents arrays of instances of IloVarSelector.
Enumeration Summary
Callback::Reason Enumerated type describing the reason for callback.
IlcCPEngine::IntInfo Integer information for IlcCPEngine.
IloCP::ConflictStatus Status of an element (constraint or variable) in the conflict refiner.
IloCP::IntInfo Integer information for IloCP.
IloCP::IntParam Integer parameter for IloCP.
IloCP::NumInfo Floating-point information for IloCP.
IloCP::NumParam Integer parameter for IloCP.
IloCP::ParameterValues Parameter values for IloCP.
IloCP::StateFunctionValue Integer parameter for IloCP.
Function Summary
IloDomainMax Returns an evaluator which evaluates variables according to their largest domain value.
IloDomainMin Returns an evaluator which evaluates variables according to their smallest domain value.
IloDomainSize Returns an evaluator which evaluates the number of possible values of a domain.
IloExplicitValueEval Returns a value evaluator giving an explicit evaluation to each domain value.
IloExplicitValueEval Returns a value evaluator giving an explicit evaluation to each domain value.
IloExplicitVarEval Returns a variable evaluator whose evaluation depends on its index in an array.
IloExplicitVarEval Returns a variable evaluator giving an explicit evaluation to each variable.
IloImpactOfLastBranch Returns a variable evaluator which evaluates variables according to recent domain reduction.
IloSelectLargest Returns a selector which selects variables with the largest evaluation.
IloSelectLargest Returns a selector which selects variables with the largest evaluation.
IloSelectLargest Returns a selector which selects variables with the largest evaluation.
IloSelectLargest Returns a selector which selects values with the largest evaluation.
IloSelectLargest Returns a selector which selects values with the largest evaluation.
IloSelectLargest Returns a selector which selects values with the largest evaluation.
IloSelectRandomValue Returns a selector which selects a value randomly.
IloSelectRandomVar Returns a selector which selects a variable randomly.
IloSelectSmallest Returns a selector which selects variables with the smallest evaluation.
IloSelectSmallest Returns a selector which selects variables with the smallest evaluation.
IloSelectSmallest Returns a selector which selects variables with the smallest evaluation.
IloSelectSmallest Returns a selector which selects values with the smallest evaluation.
IloSelectSmallest Returns a selector which selects values with the smallest evaluation.
IloSelectSmallest Returns a selector which selects values with the smallest evaluation.
IloValue Returns an evaluator which evaluates a value itself.
IloValueImpact Returns a value evaluator which evaluates the impact of a variable instantiation.
IloValueIndex Returns an evaluator which gives index of the value in its array.
IloValueSuccessRate Returns a value evaluator giving the success rate when instantiating a variable.
IloVarImpact Returns a variable evaluator which gives the impact of a variable.
IloVarIndex Returns a variable evaluator which gives the index of a variable in its array.
IloVarLocalImpact Returns a variable evaluator which evaluates a variable in the current node.
IloVarSuccessRate Returns a variable evaluator which evaluates the success rate of a variable.

The CP Optimizer API.

The optim.cpoptimizer group contains the basic classes and functions for CP Optimizer.