Interface ECLOIANotify

public interface ECLOIANotify

ECLOIANotify can be used to implement an object which will receive and handle ECLOIA events. Events are generated whenever any status indicator within ECLOIA changes. Special events are generated when event generation stops and when errors occur during event generation.

To be notified of OIA events, the application must perform the following steps:

  1. Define a class which implements the ECLOIANotify interface.
  2. Implement the NotifyEvent(), NotifyStop(), and NotifyError() methods.
  3. Create an instance of the new class.
  4. Register the instance with the ECLOIA.RegisterOIAEvent() method.

See Also:

Method Summary
 void NotifyError(ECLOIA oia, ECLErr e)
          The NotifyError() method is called whenever the ECLOIA object detects an error during event generation.
 void NotifyEvent(ECLOIA oia, int newState, int changedMask, java.lang.String data)
          The NotifyEvent() method is called whenever a status indicator within ECLOIA changes.
 void NotifyStop(ECLOIA oia, int reason)
          The NotifyStop() method is called when event generation is stopped for any reason.

Method Detail


public void NotifyEvent(ECLOIA oia,
                        int newState,
                        int changedMask,
                        java.lang.String data)
The NotifyEvent() method is called whenever a status indicator within ECLOIA changes. Status changes may be caused by input inhibit state changes, the keyboard state changes, and communications state changes.

An application should not assume it will receive a distinct event for every update. An update event is defined as one or more changes in the OIA since the last time an event was generated (or since registration, if there is not a prior update event).

The flag constants and values which can be used to interpret the state data are described in ECLOIA/GetStatusFlags()/

oia - The object which generated the event.
newState - The current state of the OIA.
changedMask - The bits in this mask indicate which bits in newState have changed.
data - Information such as a communications indicator like "655". The data is specific to the state as indicated by newState.
See Also:


public void NotifyStop(ECLOIA oia,
                       int reason)
The NotifyStop() method is called when event generation is stopped for any reason. Event generation might be stopped because of an error condition or because the ECLOIA.UnregisterOIAEvent() method was called.
oia - The object which generated the event.
reason - This parameter is not currently used.


public void NotifyError(ECLOIA oia,
                        ECLErr e)
The NotifyError() method is called whenever the ECLOIA object detects an error during event generation. An ECLErr object containing information about the error is passed to this method. If event generation stops due to an error, the NotifyStop() method is also called.
oia - The object which generated the event.
e - The ECLErr object containing error data.
See Also:
ECLErr, NotifyStop(, int)