Common Elements

Use AD Perspectives Common Elements for a detailed description of interface elements common to all Application Discovery perspectives.

When launching Eclipse, you can select a perspective, that is, a specific set of views according to the type of project you need to analyze.

IBM AD Analyze perspectives bring together specific Application Discovery views and a subset of Eclipse views to create several AD default layouts. You can modify the layout of the selected perspective at any time, by changing the layout of existing views, opening and closing views as required. Some of the views from a perspective are initially docked to the borders of the display area, but they can be undocked and moved, resized, and hidden (closed). Window names are not shown on docked windows. Many of the windows have pop-up menus that are opened by moving the mouse cursor into the window and right-clicking. In some cases, different pop-up menus are available, depending on the exact position of the cursor in the window.

To return to the default perspective layout, right-click on the perspective box at the upper right of the screen and select Reset or select Window > Reset > Perspective.

To select one of IBM® AD Analyze Client default perspectives, follow the instructions on screen and either click the button as indicated or select Window > Open Perspective > Other. A list of default perspectives is displayed.

The following are IBM AD Analyze Client specific perspectives:

  • Application Discovery Analysis and Application Discovery Flow - used for the analysis of Java™ projects.
  • Application Discovery Browser - used for the analysis of mainframe projects.
  • When a perspective is open, the following elements are available on screen.
    • Title bar, displays the name of the current perspective, such as Application Discovery Browser.
    • Menu bar, displays the Eclipse and AD Client menus.
    • Toolbar, displays the options available for working with Eclipse and AD Client.
    • Explore tab, in the central part of the screen, displays the projects list if the Explore projects tab is displayed, the contents of the selected project if the Explore project tab is displayed and the results of a Search in files operation if the Search in files tab is displayed. The area to the right of the screen presents the graphs, reports, and usage analyses that can be generated for the selected projects or resources.
    • Explore API tab, displaying APIs and services downloaded from the AD Catalog web service and defined in z/OS® Connect.
    • Graphs, AD Reports and AD Usage tabs, in the central part of the screen, display the current analysis output (graph, report, usage analysis) (for details, see AD Graphs Tab, AD Reports Tab, and AD Usage Tab).
    • Views, AD Graph Overview, AD Graph Inventory, Properties, Editor, Outline, Problems, Errors - display details or additional information related to the current analysis output.
    • Status bar, displays the current system status according to the current task/view.
Some of these elements are part of Eclipse’s general set of tools while others are especially created for analysis purposes with AD Analyze Client. This section presents a short inventory of the specific AD Analyze Client views, for details on the general Eclipse views see Eclipse help files.
Note: The perspective layout can be customized according to the user’s needs by moving, resizing, minimizing, maximizing, or closing windows and tabs. Each layout can be saved as a perspective for use in the future. See the Eclipse help files for details on perspectives.

Menu Bar

AD Analyze Client operations are controlled by choosing commands in the Menu bar and pop-up menus, clicking icons on the toolbar, and by using keyboard shortcuts.

The menu bar commands are summarized in the following table. Equivalent keyboard shortcuts, when available, are also listed.

Table 1. IBM AD Analyze Client menus
Menu Keyboard shortcut Description
File Alt+F Opens the File menu. All options in this menu are standard Eclipse options. For details, see your Eclipse help file.
Edit Alt+E

Opens the Edit menu. All options in this menu are standard Eclipse options. For details, see your Eclipse help file.

Navigate Alt+N

Opens the Navigate menu. All options in this menu are standard Eclipse options. For details, see your Eclipse help file.

Search Alt+A

Opens the Search menu. All options in this menu are standard Eclipse options. For details, see your Eclipse help file.

Project Alt+P

Opens the Project menu. All options in this menu are standard Eclipse options. For details, see your Eclipse help file.

Application Discovery Alt+L Opens AD Client Menu.
Run Alt+Run

Opens the Run menu. All options in this menu are standard Eclipse options.

Window Alt+W

Opens the Window menu, which includes both Eclipse and AD Analyze Client options.

Help Alt+H

Opens the Help menu All options in this menu are standard Eclipse options. For details, see your Eclipse help file.

All the menu commands under the File, Edit, Navigate, Search, Project, Run Window and Help menus are standard Eclipse options. For details about these commands, refer to your Eclipse help files.

The options available in Application Discovery menu are described in the following sections.

Application Discovery Menu

According to the version that you purchased, Application Discovery menu can contain several options. One, several or all of the following options might be available at some point in Application Discovery menu: Annotations, Java Reports, Export Graph, Project Database Connection Test.

Window Menu

In the Window menu, the Preferences option offers access to a set of IBM AD Analyze Client specific parameters that allow the user to define general, graph, usage, and reports settings and other parameters.

For detailed instructions on how to set these parameters see Customizing Preferences.

Main Screen Toolbar

The main screen toolbar icons enable frequently used menu commands to be performed without having to navigate through the menu hierarchy. A brief explanation of each is presented in the following table.
Note: As the menu can be configured according to the user’s requirements, in this section only the options relevant for IBM AD Analyze Client are explained.
Table 2. IBM AD Analyze Main Screen toolbar buttons
Function Menu Bar (Keyboard Shortcut Equivalent) Description
New File/New (Ctrl+N) Starts the New Project/Other wizard.
Save file File/Save (Ctrl+S) Saves the current file.
Print File/Print (Ctrl+P) Prints the selected/displayed file.
Build All File/Build All (Ctrl+B) Builds the current project.
Export Graph

Application Discovery/Export Graph

Exports the selected graph. For details, see the Exporting the Graph.

Search Search (Ctrl+H) Opens the Search window.
Last Edit Location (Ctrl+Q)

Jumps to the location in the file that was last edited.

Back to Navigate/Back (Alt+left)

Jumps to the previous file in the list of opened files.

Forward to   Jumps to the next file in the list of opened files.

AD Graph Overview Window

AD Graph Overview window presents an overview of the graph that is displayed in the AD Graphs tab; a zoom square marks the current area of the graph that is displayed in AD Graphs tab. For details, see AD Graph Overview window.

AD Graph Inventory

AD Graph Inventory view shows a hierarchical, tree-like list of all the components in the currently selected graph. For details, see AD Graph Inventory View.

Properties View

The Properties view displays the properties for the selected item, which can be a file, a project, a project node, SQL table, IDMS record/set, and so on. For details, see the Eclipse help.

Text Editor area

AD Analyze Client uses the Eclipse integrated text editor where the content of text files can be viewed and modified. Files that are modified in the Editor are permanently changed.
Note: Files from mainframe projects cannot be modified with the Editor.

To open a file in the text Editor window, select File > Open to open the standard Windows Open File dialog box.

Alternatively, double-click a source file icon from the graph to open the corresponding file in an Editor window, often with the appropriate statement highlighted.

For details on the text Editor area, Outline, Problems, and Errors views, see the Eclipse help.