Notebooks (Watson Studio)

A Jupyter notebook is a web-based environment for interactive computing. You can run small pieces of code that process your data, and you can immediately view the results of your computation. Notebooks include all of the building blocks you need to work with data:

In Watson Studio, you can work with Jupyter notebooks in different tools:

Working in the notebook editor

In the IBM Watson Studio notebook editor, you can create Python, Scala, and R notebooks to analyze your data.

Required service
Data format
Code support for loading and accessing data from:
Tables in all variants of IBM Db2, PostgreSQ, Microsoft SQL Server and many other popular database systems
Data size
5 GB. If your files are larger, you must load the data in multiple parts.

Working in JupyterLab

In JupyterLab, you can create Python notebooks to analyze your data. To work in JupyterLab, you must associate the project with a Git repository and select to edit notebooks with the JuypterLab IDE.

Required service
Data format
Code support for loading and accessing data in data assets that have been added to the project from:
Tables in all variants of IBM Db2, PostgreSQ, Microsoft SQL Server and many other popular database systems

Notebook UI

A notebook

Code computations can build upon each other to quickly unlock key insights from your data. Notebooks record how you worked with data, so you can understand exactly what was done, reproduce computations reliably, and share your findings with others.

If you want to work on more than one notebook at the same time, you can open multiple notebooks on separate browser tabs. To open multiple notebooks, right-click the edit button and select open in a new tab. You can also collaborate with others on your notebooks, add comments, and view a history of your notebooks.

Notebook CLI commands

CPDCTL is a command-line interface (CLI) you can use to manage the lifecycle of notebooks. By using the notebook CLI, you can automate the flow for creating notebooks and running notebook jobs, moving notebooks between projects in Watson Studio, and adding custom libraries to notebook runtime environments.

Useful links:

Learn more