Creating notebooks (Watson Studio)

After you set up a project and configured the environment, you can create a notebook file, or add a notebook from a catalog. You must have the Admin or Editor role in the project to create a notebook.

Watch this short video to learn the basics of Jupyter notebooks.

This video provides a visual method as an alternative to following the written steps in this documentation.

Create a notebook file

To create a notebook file in the project:

  1. From your project, click Add to Project > Notebook.
  2. On the New Notebook page, specify the method to use to create your notebook. You can create a blank notebook, upload a notebook file from your file system, or upload a notebook file from a URL. The notebook you select to upload must be a .ipynb file. The URL must be a public URL that is shareable and doesn’t require authentication.
    Notebook options
  3. Specify the runtime environment for the language you want to use (Python, R, or Scala). You can select a preset environment definition or an environment definition which you created and configured from the Environments page of your project.
  4. Click Create Notebook. The notebook opens in edit mode and is locked by you. Locking the file avoids possible merge conflicts that might be caused by competing changes to the file. To get familiar with the structure of a notebook, see Parts of a notebook.

    Note that the time that it takes to create a new notebook or to open an existing one for editing might vary. If no runtime container is available, a container needs to be created and only after it is available, the Jupyter notebook user interface can be loaded. The time it takes to create a container depends on the cluster load and size. Once a runtime container exists, subsequent calls to open notebooks will be significantly faster.

Next step

Learn more

See Sample notebooks for additional sample notebooks.