Choosing TEST or NOTEST compiler suboptions for COBOL programs

You need to specify the combination of TEST compiler option and suboptions for the compiler to create the debug information needed to debug a program. This topic assumes that you are compiling your COBOL program with Enterprise COBOL for z/OS®, Version 6.2, or later; however, the topics provide information about alternatives to use for older versions of the COBOL compiler.

The COBOL compiler provides the TEST compiler option and its suboptions to control the following actions:

  • The generation of debug data.
  • The placement of debug information into the program object or a separate debug file.

The following instructions help you choose the combination of TEST compiler suboptions that provide the functionality you need to debug your program:

  1. Choose a debugging scenario from the following list, with your site's resources in consideration:
    • Scenario A: If you are compiling with Enterprise COBOL for z/OS Version 6 Release 2 or later, you can get the most z/OS Debugger functionality by using TEST(SEPARATE/NOSEPARATE,SOURCE/NOSOURCE,EJPD). For Enterprise COBOL for z/OS Version 6 Release 2 with APAR PH04485 installed or later, you can specify SEPARATE(DSNAME). The DSNAME option tells the compiler to store the separate debug file name, which is the SYSDEBUG DD data set name, in the program object.
      • With the TEST(NOSEPARATE) compiler option, the debug data is saved in the program object in a NOLOAD debug segment. The debug data always matches the executable and is always available, so there is no need to search for the SYSDEBUG file. The size of the program object increases but not the footprint in memory, unless it is required to load the debug data when you are debugging.
        • Do not use the binder PAGE statement when you bind a program object that contains more than one Enterprise COBOL for z/OS Version 5 or later program that is compiled with a TEST compiler option where the debug data is saved in the program object in a NOLOAD debug segment.
        • If you want to use source level debug, do not use the binder PAGE statement when you bind a program object that contains any Enterprise COBOL for z/OS Version 6.2 or later program that is compiled with a TEST compiler option where the debug data is saved in the program object in a NOLOAD debug segment.
      • With the TEST(SEPARATE) compiler option, the debug data is saved in a separate debug file. The compiler uses the SYSDEBUG DD statement to specify the location of the separate debug file.
        • For Enterprise COBOL for z/OS Version 6 Release 2 with APAR PH04485 installed or later, you can specify SEPARATE(DSNAME) to store the name of the separate debug file in the program object.
        • If you do not specify SEPARATE(DSNAME) or the location of the separate debug file has changed since the compilation, specify the separate debug file location with one of the following methods. z/OS Debugger looks for the separate debug file in the following order:
          • SET SOURCE command to specify the exact location of the separate debug file
          • EQAUEDAT user exit
          • SET DEFAULT LISTINGS command
          • EQADEBUG DD name
          • EQA_DBG_SYSDEBUG environment variable

          If you use an EQAUEDAT user exit, SET DEFAULT LISTINGS command, EQADEBUG DD name, or EQA_DBG_SYSDEBUG environment variable, specify a PDS data set or z/OS UNIX System Services directory as the separate debug file location.

          If you use a SET DEFAULT LISTINGS command, EQADEBUG DD name, or EQA_DBG_SYSDEBUG environment variable, and if the separate debug file is not found because the file name does not match the CU name, z/OS Debugger will do an exhaustive search of the data sets specified by the same method to locate the matching debug file. The exhaustive search might be slow.

      • With TEST(SOURCE), the compiler includes the source of your program either in the program object or the SYSDEBUG file as part of your debug data. All the copy files are expanded. This expanded source is called the listing and is used to populate the Source window in the MFI user interface or the Listing view when you use the Eclipse IDE. If you use TEST(NOSOURCE), the compiler does not include the source of your program as part of your debug data, so you need to indicate the location of the source file for the program being debugged. This is only supported by the Eclipse IDE and is used for the Source view. For more information about the views in the Eclipse IDE, see Working with different debug views.
      • You can combine TEST(EJPD) with the OPT(1/2) compile option to allow the compiler to optimize your object and still have all debug functionality available. If you want better optimization of your object, you can instead use TEST(NOEJPD). However, with the optimization, some variables might not be properly displayed or the target of a JUMPTO or GOTO command might fail in some scenarios. If you still want a better performing object, you can choose NOEJPD and move directly into production for debugging capabilities.
        • With NOEJPD, GOTO and JUMPTO are disabled. You can enable them by using command SET WARNING OFF in the command line for the MFI user interface, or in the debug console for the Eclipse IDE.
    • Scenario B: If you need to debug programs that are loaded into protected storage, you must verify that your site installed the Authorized Debug Facility.
      To debug programs loaded into read-only storage, complete the following steps:
      1. Use the Dynamic Debug facility to place hooks into programs that reside in read-only storage. Verify with your system administrator that the Authorized Debug facility has been installed and that you are authorized to use it.
      2. After you start z/OS Debugger, verify that you have not deactivated the Dynamic Debug facility by entering the QUERY DYNDEBUG command.
      3. Verify that the separate debug file is a nontemporary file and is available during the debug session. The listing does not need to be saved.
      Note: Do not use the binder PAGE statement when you bind a program object that contains more than one Enterprise COBOL for z/OS Version 5 or later program that is compiled with a TEST compiler option where the debug data is saved in the program object in a NOLOAD debug segment.
    • Scenario C: If you are new to z/OS Debugger and compiled your programs with Enterprise COBOL for z/OS Version 4 or earlier using NOTEST, and you don't want to recompile your programs to use z/OS Debugger, you can get most debug functionality by generating an EQALANGX file. This requires that you debug your program in LangX COBOL mode. This feature helps you migrate to the recommended TEST compile options at your own pace.
      Note: Generating EQALANGX files is not supported for Enterprise COBOL for z/OS Version 5 or later.
    • Scenario D: If your program object was compiled with the NOTEST compiler option and you don’t have an EQALANGX file, you can get some debug functionality by debugging your program in disassembly mode.
      If you are using other Application Delivery Foundation for z/OS tools, review the topic in IBM® Application Delivery Foundation for z/OS Common Components Customization Guide and User Guide that corresponds to the compiler that you are using from the following list to make sure you specify all the compiler options that you need to create the files needed by all the Application Delivery Foundation for z/OS tools:
      • Enterprise COBOL for z/OS Version 4 programs
      • Enterprise COBOL for z/OS Version 3 and COBOL for OS/390® and VM programs
      • COBOL for MVS™(tm) and VM programs
      • VS COBOL II programs
      • OS/VS COBOL programs
    • Scenario E: If you are compiling with Enterprise COBOL for z/OS, Version 4, you can get the most z/OS Debugger functionality and a small program size by using TEST(NOHOOK,SEPARATE). If you need to debug programs that are loaded into protected storage, verify that your site installed the Authorized Debug Facility.
      If you want to compile your program with the OPT(STD) or OPT(FULL) compiler option, you must also specify the EJPD suboption of the TEST compiler option to be able to do the following tasks:
      • Use the GOTO or JUMPTO commands.
      • Modify variables with predictable results.
      When you use the EJPD suboption, you might lose some optimization.
      To get all z/OS Debugger functionality but have a larger program size and do not want debug information in a separate debug file, compile with the following compiler options:
      • TEST(HOOK,NOSEPARATE) with Enterprise COBOL for z/OS, Version 4.
      • TEST(ALL,SYM,NOSEPARATE) with any of the following compilers:
        • Enterprise COBOL for z/OS and OS/390, Version 3 Release 2 or later
        • Enterprise COBOL for z/OS and OS/390, Version 3 Release 1 with APAR PQ63235
        • COBOL for OS/390 & VM, Version 2 Release 2
        • COBOL for OS/390 & VM, Version 2 Release 1 with APAR PQ40298

      If you are using other Application Delivery Foundation for z/OS tools, review the information in IBM Application Delivery Foundation for z/OS Common Components Customization Guide and User Guide to make sure you specify all the compiler options you need to create the files needed by all the Application Delivery Foundation for z/OS tools.

    • Scenario F: If you are compiling with any of the following compilers, you can get the most z/OS Debugger functionality and a small program size by using TEST(NONE,SYM,SEPARATE):
      • Enterprise COBOL for z/OS and OS/390, Version 3 Release 2 or later
      • Enterprise COBOL for z/OS and OS/390, Version 3 Release 1 with APAR PQ63235
      • COBOL for OS/390 & VM, Version 2 Release 2
      • COBOL for OS/390 & VM, Version 2 Release 1 with APAR PQ63234.
      If you need to debug programs that are loaded into protected storage, verify that your site installed the Authorized Debug Facility.
      If you want to compile your program with optimization and be able to get the most z/OS Debugger functionality, you must compile it with one of the following combination of compiler options:
      For these types of programs, you can modify variables, but the results might be unpredictable.

      If you are using other Application Delivery Foundation for z/OS tools, review the information in IBM Application Delivery Foundation for z/OS Common Components Customization Guide and User Guide to make sure you specify all the compiler options you need to create the files needed by all the Application Delivery Foundation for z/OS tools.

    • Scenario G: If you are using COBOL for OS/390 & VM, Version 2 Release 1, or earlier, and you want to get all z/OS Debugger functionality, use TEST(ALL,SYM).
      If you are using other Application Delivery Foundation for z/OS tools, review the topic in IBM Application Delivery Foundation for z/OS Common Components Customization Guide and User Guide that corresponds to the compiler that you are using from the following list to make sure that you specify all the compiler options that you need to create the files needed by all the Application Delivery Foundation for z/OS tools:
      • Enterprise COBOL for z/OS Version 3 and COBOL for OS/390 and VM programs
      • COBOL for MVS(tm) and VM programs
      • VS COBOL II programs
      • OS/VS COBOL programs
  2. For COBOL programs using IMS, include the IMS interface module DFSLI000 from the IMS RESLIB library.
  3. Verify whether you need to do any of the following tasks:
    • If you specify NUMBER with TEST, make sure the sequence fields in your source code all contain numeric characters.
    • You need to specify the SYM suboption of the TEST compiler option to do the following actions:
      • To specify labels (paragraph or section names) as targets of the GOTO command.
      • To reference program variables by name.
      • To access a variable or expression through commands like LIST or DESCRIBE.
      • To use the DATA suboption of the PLAYBACK ENABLE command.
      You need to specify the SYM suboption to do these actions only if you are compiling with any of the following compilers:
      • Any release of Enterprise COBOL for z/OS and OS/390, Version 3
      • Any release of COBOL for OS/390 & VM, Version 2
    • The TEST compiler option and the DEBUG runtime option are mutually exclusive, with DEBUG taking precedence. If you specify both the WITH DEBUGGING MODE clause in your SOURCE-COMPUTER paragraph and the USE FOR DEBUGGING statement in your code, TEST is deactivated. The TEST compiler option appears in the list of options, but a diagnostic message is issued telling you that because of the conflict, TEST is not in effect.
    • For VS COBOL II programs, if you use the TEST compiler option, you must specify:
      • the SOURCE compiler option. This option is required to generate a listing file and save it at location userid.pgmname.list.
      • the RESIDENT compiler option. This option is required by Language Environment® to ensure that the necessary z/OS Debugger routines are loaded dynamically at run time.

      In addition, you must link your program with the Language Environment SCEELKED library and not the VS COBOL II COB2LIB library.

After you have chosen the compiler options and suboptions, see Planning your debug session to determine the next task you must complete.

Refer to the following topics for more information related to the material discussed in this topic.

  • Related references
  • Description of the TEST compiler option in Enterprise COBOL for z/OS Programming Guide

The following table explains the effects of the NOTEST compiler option, the TEST compiler option, and some of the suboptions of the TEST compiler option on z/OS Debugger behavior or the availability of features, which are not described in Enterprise COBOL for z/OS Programming Guide:

Table 1. Description of the effects that the COBOL NOTEST compiler option and some of the TEST compiler suboptions have on z/OS Debugger.
Name of compiler option or suboption Description of the effect
  • You cannot step through program statements.
  • You can suspend execution of the program only at the initialization of the main compile unit.
  • You can include calls to CEETEST in your program to allow you to suspend program execution and issue z/OS Debugger commands.
  • You cannot examine or use any program variables.
  • You can list storage and registers.
  • The source listing produced by the compiler cannot be used; therefore, no listing is available during a debug session. Using the SET DEFAULT LISTINGS command cannot make a listing available.
  • Because a statement table is not available, you cannot set any statement breakpoints or use commands such as GOTO or QUERY location.
However, you can still debug your program using the disassembly view. To learn how to use the disassembly view, see Debugging a disassembled program.
You can modify variables in an optimized program that was compiled with one the following compilers:
  • Enterprise COBOL for z/OS, Version 5 and later
  • Enterprise COBOL for z/OS, Version 4
However, results might be unpredictable. To obtain more predictable results, compile your program with Enterprise COBOL for z/OS, Version 4 and 5, and specify the EJPD suboption of the TEST compiler option. However, variables that are declared with the VALUE clause to initialize them cannot be modified.
The LOUD parameter is suggested, but optional. If you specify it, additional informational and statistical messages are displayed.

When you compile with the NOEJPD suboption of the TEST compiler option, you can use the SET WARNING OFF setting to obtain limited support for the GOTO and JUMPTO commands. GOTO and JUMPTO are not enabled.

The following options are supported only in Enterprise COBOL for z/OS Version 4 and earlier:
  • You cannot reference program variables by name.
  • You cannot use commands such as LIST or DESCRIBE to access a variable or expression.
  • You cannot use commands such as CALL variable to branch to another program, or GOTO to branch to another label (paragraph or section name).

If you are compiling with Enterprise COBOL for z/OS, Version 4, the compiler ignores SYM or NOSYM and always creates a symbol table.

This option is not available with Enterprise COBOL for z/OS Version 5.

  • The COBOL compiler generates compiled-in hooks for date processing statements only when the DATEPROC compiler option is specified. A date processing statement is any statement that references a date field, or any EVALUATE or SEARCH statement WHEN phrase that references a date field.
  • You can set breakpoints at all statements and step through your program.
  • z/OS Debugger cannot gain control at path points unless they are also at statement boundaries.
  • Branching to all statements and labels using the z/OS Debugger command GOTO is allowed.

If you are compiling with Enterprise COBOL for z/OS, Version 4, the compiler treats the STMT suboption as if it were the HOOK suboption, which is equivalent to the ALL suboption for any release of Enterprise COBOL for z/OS and OS/390, Version 3, or COBOL for OS/390 & VM, Version 2.

This option is not available with Enterprise COBOL for z/OS Version 5.

  • z/OS Debugger can gain control only at path points and block entry and exit points. If you attempt to step through your program, z/OS Debugger gains control only at statements that coincide with path points, giving the appearance that not all statements are executed.
  • A call to CEETEST can be used at any point to start z/OS Debugger.
  • The z/OS Debugger command GOTO is valid for all statements and labels coinciding with path points.

If you are compiling with Enterprise COBOL for z/OS, Version 4, the compiler treats the PATH suboption as if it were the HOOK suboption, which is equivalent to the ALL suboption for any release of Enterprise COBOL for z/OS and OS/390, Version 3, or COBOL for OS/390 & VM, Version 2.

This option is not available with Enterprise COBOL for z/OS Version 5.

  • z/OS Debugger gains control at entry and exit of your program, methods, and nested programs.
  • z/OS Debugger can be explicitly started at any point with a call to CEETEST.
  • Issuing a command such as STEP causes your program to run until it reaches the next entry or exit point.
  • GOTO can be used to branch to statements that coincide with block entry and exit points.

If you are compiling with Enterprise COBOL for z/OS, Version 4, the compiler treats the BLOCK suboption as if it were the HOOK suboption, which is equivalent to the ALL suboption for any release of Enterprise COBOL for z/OS and OS/390, Version 3, or COBOL for OS/390 & VM, Version 2.

This option is not available with Enterprise COBOL for z/OS Version 5.

  • You can set breakpoints at all statements and path points, and step through your program.
  • z/OS Debugger can gain control of the program at all statements, path points, date processing statements, labels, and block entry and exit points, allowing you to enter z/OS Debugger commands.
  • Branching to statements and labels using the z/OS Debugger command GOTO is allowed.

If you are compiling with Enterprise COBOL for z/OS, Version 4, the compiler treats the ALL suboption as if it were the HOOK suboption, which is equivalent to the ALL suboption for any release of Enterprise COBOL for z/OS and OS/390, Version 3, or COBOL for OS/390 & VM, Version 2.

This option is not available with Enterprise COBOL for z/OS Version 5, but when you specify the TEST compile with this compiler, it creates an object similar to specifying ALL with the exception that compiled-in hooks are not available.