Using $ref to reuse code fragments in your OpenAPI files

If you deploy an API to an IBM® API Connect Management server by using the developer toolkit command line, you can use the $ref field in your OpenAPI YAML and JSON API definition files to reference a fragment of OpenAPI code that is defined in a separate file. When API Connect processes the source API definition file, the $ref field is replaced with the contents of the target file.

Use the following syntax in your source YAML file:
$ref: path_to_file_containing_code_fragment
Use the following syntax in your source JSON file:
$ref: path_to_file_containing_code_fragment
For example:
$ref: ./code_fragments/my_fragment.yaml
  "$ref": "./code_fragments/my_fragment.json"
The replacement of the $ref field with the target code fragment occurs when you perform any of the following actions on the API defined by the source API definition file:
Important: You cannot insert a $ref field at the root level of your OpenAPI file.


A source YAML file contains the following OpenAPI code:
swagger: '2.0'
  version: 1.0.0
  title: Branches
  x-ibm-name: Branches
  description: Provides operations relating to BankA branch information.
basePath: /branches
  $ref: ./code_fragments/paths.yaml
The file paths.yaml contains the following OpenAPI code fragment:
        description: 200 OK defined in $ref file
          $ref: '#/definitions/branch'
    summary: Branch details
    description: Retrieve details of the current branches of BankA.
When API Connect processes the source YAML file, the $ref field is replaced with the target code fragment, yielding the following OpenAPI code:
swagger: '2.0'
  version: 1.0.0
  title: Branches
  x-ibm-name: Branches
  description: Provides operations relating to BankA branch information.
basePath: /branches
          description: 200 OK
            $ref: '#/definitions/branch'
      summary: Branch details
      description: Retrieve details of the current branches of BankA.