DataPower Gateway (Classic)

Authoring policies for the DataPower Gateway (v5 compatible)

A user-defined policy for the DataPower® Gateway (v5 compatible) consists of a package that contains a YAML definition file that describes the policy, together with the policy implementation files. You import the package into one or more Catalogs in your IBM® API Connect environment to make the policy available to APIs that are published to those Catalogs.

How do user-defined policies work?

A user-defined policy is implemented as a DataPower processing rule. After a policy is imported into an IBM API Connect Catalog, the policy is available to be placed into an assembly flow of an enforced API. When the API is published, and invoked by an application, the API Gateway executes all policies that are associated with this API. An API Gateway that is running in DataPower calls the IBM DataPower Gateway processing rules that those policies implement.

The following diagram provides an overview of how to create and execute a user-defined policy in IBM API Connect.
Figure 1. The user-defined policy process
Diagram showing an overview of how to create and execute a user-defined policy in IBM API Connect.

For details on how to define and deploy user-defined policies for the DataPower Gateway (v5 compatible), see the following subtopics: