Installing analytics

Deploy the Analytics CR to install the Analytics subsystem in your IBM® API Connect deployment.

Before you begin

Now that you have a complete analytics custom resource file, you should double-check it for accuracy. In particular, verify that:

  • No placeholder values remain in the analytics_cr.yaml file.
  • You configured all the topology options that you plan to deploy.
  • You configured appropriate volume sizes for storage and message queue.


  1. Run the following command to apply the analytics_cr.yaml:
    kubectl apply -f path/to/analytics-cr -n namespace


    • path/to/analytics-cr is the path to your saved analytics_cr.yaml file
    • namespace is the name of your namespace
  2. Verify that the analytics subsystem is fully installed by running the following command:
    kubectl get AnalyticsCluster -n namespace

    where namespace is the name of your namespace.

    The installation is complete when the READY status is True and the SUMMARY reports that all services are online. Example:

    analytics   True    8/8       <version>-eus   <version>-<build>-eus        7m39s 

    The SUMMARY total count is based on your configured topology. Both numbers are be equal when the installation is complete.


Table 1 lists the number of microservices that should deploy, along with notes on which topologies might not include each microservice.

Table 1. Number of microservices deployed in typical Analytics subsystems
Expected Microservice Note
3 client Not expected if disabled internal storage
n/a cj-retention Not expected if disabled internal storage
n/a cj-rollover Not expected if disabled internal storage
3 ingestion Always expected
3 mq-kafka Not expected if did not add message queue
3 mq-zk Not expected if did not add message queue
3 mtls-gw Always expected
3 storage-coord Not expected if disabled internal storage or reduced storage complexity
3 storage-data Not expected if disabled internal storage or reduced storage complexity
3 storage-master Not expected if disabled internal storage or reduced storage complexity
3 storage-shared Not expected if disabled internal storage or did not reduce storage complexity

Depending on your configured topology, some of the microservices in Table 1 are not expected to deploy. Refer to the appropriate planning topic for your topology option to check whether a particular microservice should exist.

The development profile only expects 1 (instead of 3) of each microservice.

The microservices cj-retention and cj-rollover are only created when needed on a cron schedule. They will probably not be included in the initial installation results.