Processing CICS statistics

CICS® has several utilities and sample programs to help you process and analyze statistics. You can also use other products to access the statistics data and analyze your CICS regions.

About this task

You can process CICS statistics in the following ways.


  • Use the CICS DFHSTUP offline utility. DFHSTUP prepares and prints reports offline, using the CICS statistics data recorded on the MVS™ system management facilities (SMF) SYS1.MANx data sets. For guidance about retrieving CICS statistics from SMF, and about running DFHSTUP, see DFHSTUP operation.
  • Use the sample statistics program (DFH0STAT). You can use the statistics sample program, DFH0STAT, to produce online reports from the CICS statistics data. The program demonstrates the use of the EXEC CICS INQUIRE, EXEC CICS COLLECT STATISTICS, and EXEC CICS EXTRACT STATISTICS commands to produce an analysis of a CICS system. You can use the sample program as provided or modify it to suit your needs. For more information, see The sample statistics program, DFH0STAT.
  • Use CICS Performance Analyzer to produce reports and extracts using CICS Monitoring Facility (CMF) and CICS statistics SMF 110 records. For more information, see CICS Performance Analyzer for z/OS (CICS PA).
  • Use IBM Z® Decision Support to process CICS SMF records to produce joint reports with data from other SMF records. For more information, see Performance measuring with IBM Z Decision Support.
  • Create your own statistics reports using the DFHSTUP extract statistics reporting facility. This facility provides a DFHSTUP exit that sends CICS statistics data to a user program that can process statistics records to create tailored reports. For guidance about using the extract reporting facility, see Statistics utility program (DFHSTUP).
  • Write your own program to report and analyze the statistics. For details about the statistics record types, see the assembler DSECTs named in each set of statistics. For programming information about the formats of CICS statistics SMF records, see CICS statistics record format.