IBM Maximo Spatial Asset Management, Version 7.6

Creating and configuring maps

To use maps in spatially-enabled applications, you must create and configure the maps and map services.

Before you begin

  • If you want to use the Geocoder tool in the map toolbar, a geocode service and address locator must exist in your GIS.

  • You must create GIS objects in the Database Configuration application for the layer that is registered.

  • All map layers that are configured to relate to Maximo records must have the OBJECTID field and the SHAPE field enabled in the Layer Properties window in ESRI ArcMap.

About this task

Only map services from ESRI ArcGIS Server are supported. You can use public maps from Bing Maps, OpenStreetMap, and ArcGIS Online as base maps.

All URLs are for representational state transfer (REST) services, for example: http://localhost:8399/arcgis/rest/services/mymapservice/MapServer.


  1. In the Map Manager application, select a map or click New Map.
  2. For new maps, specify a unique name for the map and type a short description.
  3. Specify the sites that you want to use the map. A site can use only one map.
  4. Optional: Specify a link to the geometry service that this map uses.
  5. Optional: In the Map Services table window, add a map service. You can add more than one map service.
    Option Description
    Name Specify a unique name for the map service.
    URL Specify the link to the map service in your GIS.
    Order If you use more than one map service, specify the order in which they are drawn on the map. Map data from smaller numbers is drawn first. This drawing sequence means that data from larger numbers is applied to the map behind data from smaller numbers. For example, the largest number is the last map service added to the map. This map service might have some features hidden behind features of a lower ordered map service.
    % Transparency Specify how transparent you want the map service to be. Transparency can help to reduce features being hidden by other map services. 0 indicates no transparency; 100 indicates total transparency.
  6. Optional: Enable map features to be linked with application records: If a layer is not in the Service Layers table window, it can be visualized by any user that has access to this map.
    1. In the Map Services table window, select a layer.
    2. In the Service Layers table window, click Select Layers.
    3. In the Select Layers window, select one or more layers to add to the map service, and click OK.
    4. For each layer, select the GIS object that the layer uses. If there is more than one layer in the map that maps to the same GIS object, then all layers must be added to the Service Layers table.
    Map features in the layer can be linked with application records. A signature option (SIGOPTION) is created for the map service layer.
  7. Optional: On the Services tab, specify a link to the geocode service this map uses.
  8. Optional: On the Auto Create tab, select the feature class and label that the Auto-Create action uses for work orders and service requests.
  9. Optional: On the Auto Locate tab, specify the label text and label position for work orders, service requests, and service addresses.
  10. Optional: On the Map Tips tab, specify the menu item details for the map tips menu links.
  11. Optional: To use public maps, specify the public map details on the Settings tab.
  12. Select the Active check box to make this map active for the sites that you specified and save the map.
