Adding content to myBox

Identify and add custom content to be included in a myBox implementation.

Before you begin

Ensure that a DASH_HOME/myBox directory exists in your Dashboard Application Services Hub environment.

About this task

You must identify custom content that you want to include in myBox so that the content is available to be added to a dashboard using an image widget or a web widget.


  1. Identify the content that you want to include in myBox.
  2. Add your custom content to the DASH_HOME/myBox/web_files directory. In the DASH_HOME/myBox/web_files directory, you can create custom subdirectories to suit your requirements. For example, if you have an image called logo.jpg, you can add the image to DASH_HOME/myBox/web_files/images/.

What to do next

Update myBox so that your custom content is available to be added to dashboards.