JavaScript agent API


The JavaScript agent exposes an API that is available on monitored websites. Your website can interact with the API of our JavaScript agent in order to enrich/configure the collected data, send custom events and more.

The JavaScript agent API should not be confused with the Web REST API. The Web REST API that can be used to execute queries against the collected data and to configure a new website.

The Global Object

The Instana JavaScript agent defines a new global function called ineum. This function is available immediately after the JavaScript snippet within the HTML document. That means that the function exists even when the agent itself has not been downloaded yet. This was done to make ineum API calls easy and efficient.

When the agent is not yet downloaded, ineum will queue all the executed API calls. Upon finished agent download, these API calls are executed synchronously in the order in which they were made. From that point forth, ineum will be replaced with a function that immediately executes API calls.

API Structure

All ineum calls follow the same structure. They look like this:

ineum(commandName, ...args);


Parameter Description
commandName (string) Identifies what command should be executed, e.g. set metadata or report an error.
...args The actual arguments for the particular command. The number of arguments and their type are specific to each command and are explained within the following sections in more detail.

Note that the function ineum never returns anything (with the exception of command getPageLoadId, see as follows).

TypeScript Type Definitions

TypeScript users can install and use the type definitions provided by the DefinitelyTyped project.

npm install --save @types/ineum


The following sections describe the available command names with their arguments.

Monitoring Key

Monitoring keys can be set via the key command. The monitoring key can be seen when configuring websites within the Instana user interface.

ineum('key', trackingKey);


Parameter Description
trackingKey (string) The monitoring key for the website configuration in Instana.


A correct configuration is shown within the Instana user interface.

Switching Monitoring Keys

We recommend that each of your environments (e.g. production, staging, test) be modeled as unique websites within Instana. This will require you to configure different monitoring keys for the JavaScript agent depending on the deployment. If available, we suggest to store monitoring keys in your configuration management system and to use the stored value to replace the monitoring key.

For cases in which the website consists purely of static files or when no configuration management system is available, you can choose to employ a tool such as Google Tag Manager which helps you manage code snippets for your website. Alternatively you can choose to hard-code the monitoring keys and execute a small check right within the web browser.

if (window.location.hostname === '') {
  ineum('key', 'production monitoring key');
} else if (window.location.hostname === '') {
  ineum('key', 'QA monitoring key');
} else {
  ineum('key', 'test monitoring key');

Reporting URL

Beacons are transmitted to this URL via HTTP GET and POST to deliver the monitoring data to Instana.

ineum('reportingUrl', reportingUrl);


Parameter Description
reportingUrl (string) The URL to which to send website monitoring data to.


A correct configuration is shown within the Instana user interface for customers using our SaaS product. On-premises customers will have to identify the correct URL based on their configured EUM Endpoint.

Multiple backends

In some cases, it might be desirable to make a JavaScript agent report to multiple backends. In this case, use the reportingBackends command to make the JavaScript agent report to multiple backends.

ineum('reportingBackends', reportingBackends);


Parameter Description
reportingBackends (ReportingBackend[]) An array of ReportingBackend objects. Each of the objects defines a backend to which the website monitoring data is sent. The ReportingBackend object looks like as follows.
  reportingUrl: '',  // The URL to which to send website monitoring data to.
  key: 'monitoring key'                // The monitoring key for the website configuration in Instana.


The command reportingBackends is available beginning with Instana Release 230.


ineum('reportingBackends', [
      { reportingUrl: '', key: 'monitoring key 1' },
      { reportingUrl: '', key: 'moniroting key 2' }

The reportingBackends command takes precedence over the reportingUrl command. After the reportingBackends command call is made, any reportingUrl command call will be ignored.


Instana can segment website metrics by logical pages. To do so, it needs a hint what page the user is currently looking at. This page name can be set via the page command. We recommend to set the page as early as possible. Additionally, it is perfectly fine to change the page at some point to present document changes (e.g. for single-page applications). This will enable Instana to track page transitions in addition to page loads.

ineum('page', pageName);

Page transition events are recorded whenever the page name is changed via API – with the exception of the first invocation of this API during the page load phase.

Generally speaking, we recommend not to use window.title or window.href to define pages. This will result in a large number of tracked pages that will not provide value in the majority of cases, e.g. because window.title contains product names. Instead, we recommend the usage of logical names for pages. For example product detail page or payment selection. This will result in fewer pages which will have a direct relation to actually existing code.

We provide sample projects that show how to collect meaningful page names for a variety of frameworks and libraries. Should your framework/library be missing, feel free to raise a pull or support request.


Parameter Description
pageName (string) The name of the page.


ineum('page', 'shopping-cart');

// Do you want to change meta data and the page name at the same time?
// Make sure to change the page name last as this immediately
// triggers a page transition beacon.
ineum('meta', 'product', 'skateboard');
ineum('page', 'article-details');

Automatic page detection (public preview)

Instana's website monitoring automatically detects page changes for single-page web applications. This feature is supported since website JavaScript agent 1.7.1.

Automatic page detection is used to track and record page transition events, and this feature is disabled by default. To enable the automatic page detection feature, use one of the following ways:

ineum('autoPageDetection', enabled);
Parameter Description
enabled (boolean) To enable the automatic page detection
ineum('autoPageDetection', true);  
// page changes will be detected once set to true 
Set Logical Page Names

You can set logical page names by using the mappingRule parameter, which provides an array of regular expressions to map URL changes and replace with the provided name. To set the document title as the page name, you can enable the titleAsPageName parameter to true.

For static content applications, you can ignore the popstate event for page changes by setting the ignorePopstateEvent parameter to true.

If you enable automatic page detection by configuring website automatic instrumentation, the document title is set as the page name by default.

ineum('autoPageDetection', {mappingRule});
ineum('autoPageDetection', {titleAsPageName});
ineum('autoPageDetection',  {ignorePopstateEvent});
Parameter Description
mappingRule (RegExp[], string) An array of RegExp objects matching the url of the page change to be replaced by the string provided. If the mapping result is empty, this transition will be ignored.
titleAsPageName (boolean) To enable document title as page name
ignorePopstateEvent (boolean) To ignore popstate event
ineum('autoPageDetection',  {mappingRule: [[/.*checkuserdetails.*/i, 'User Details']]}); 
// matches the regex and sets page name as User Details
ineum('autoPageDetection',  {mappingRule: [[/.*product[0-9]+contains-[A-Za-z]+-productID,-account-([A-Za-z].*)\1+/, 'Product Page : id $1'],[[/.*aboutPage.*-([A-Za-z].*)/, 'About Page id: $1']]]});           
ineum('autoPageDetection',  {mappingRule: [[/^.*?-(profile.*?)-(accountId.*?)-(yes.*?)$/, '$1 : $2, Logged in: $3']]});
ineum('autoPageDetection',  {titleAsPageName:true});        
ineum('autoPageDetection',  {ignorePopstateEvent:true});        

Identifying Users

User-specific information can optionally be sent with data transmitted to Instana. This information can then be used to unlock additional capabilities such as:

  • calculate the number of users affected by errors,
  • to filter data for specific users and
  • to see which user initiated a page load / AJAX call.

By default, Instana will not associate any user-identifiable information to beacons. Please be aware of the respective data protection laws when choosing to do so. We generally recommend identification of users via a user ID. For Instana this is a completely transparent string that is only used to calculate certain metrics. userName and userEmail can also be used to have access to more filters and a more pleasant presentation of user information.

It is important to note that data already transmitted to Instana's server cannot be retroactively updated. For this reason it is important to call this API as soon as possible in the page loading process. We recommend to call this API synchronously in the page loading process, e.g. by rendering the information into the HTML document on the server side. This ensures that all beacons carry user information, that the unique/affected user statistics are correct and that beacons can be correctly filtered and grouped when analyzing.

ineum('user', userId, userName, userEmail);


Parameter Description
userId (string, optional) An identifier for the user.
userName (string, optional) The user name.
userEmail (string, optional) The user's email address.

You can pass null or undefined for values that you do not want to set.


// Report everything to Instana
ineum('user', 'hjmna897k1', 'Tom Mason', '');

// or only some data points
ineum('user', 'hjmna897k1');
ineum('user', null, null, '');

Session Tracking

Session tracking can be used in order to gain insights into activity of end-users across page loads. Session tracking specifically enables Instana to determine end-user impact in the absence of defined user information.

In order to track sessions the JavaScript agent will use the localStorage browser API after making the trackSessions call. Technically a session is a random ID stored alongside two timestamps within browsers' localStorage under the key in-session.

Responsibility for adherence to privacy regulations lies with the caller of this API.

Initialize/Reuse Session

This API starts a new session or reuses an existing one when possible.

ineum('trackSessions', sessionInactivityTimeout, sessionTerminationTimeout);
Parameter Description
sessionInactivityTimeout (number, optional) Describes how long a session remains active since the last trackSessions call in milliseconds. Defaults to three hours.
sessionTerminationTimeout (number, optional) Describes how long a session remains active since the first trackSessions call in milliseconds. Defaults to six hours.

You can pass null or undefined for values that you do not want to set.

// Starts tracking sessions with the default timeouts

// or specify custom timeouts
ineum('trackSessions', 900000 /* 15min */, 3600000 /* 1h */);

Terminate Session

Terminates the currently running session (if any) and removes the stored data from localStorage.

// Starts tracking sessions with the default timeouts

// after some time…


Metadata can be used to annotate page loads and AJAX calls. Consider using this to track UI configuration values, settings, feature flags… any additional context that might be useful for analysis.

ineum('meta', key, value);


Parameter Description
key (string) The key of the key-value pair you want to add as metadata.
value (string) The value of the key-value pair you want to add as metadata.


ineum('meta', 'version', '1.42.3');
ineum('meta', 'role', 'admin');

Page Load Backend Trace ID

As part of the page load, a backend trace ID can be defined to allow for frontend/backend correlation. See our dedicated section on backend correlation for more details. This is only required in order to gain correlation between page loads' backend and frontend processing. It is not required for correlation between XMLHttpRequest or fetch requests. A trace id should be a hex string with 16 or 32 characters.

ineum('traceId', traceId);


Parameter Description
traceId (string) The trace ID of the associated backend trace.


ineum('traceId', '89jkbds891jkn321');

Excluding URLs from Tracking

This API allows you to define several regular expressions that, when at least one matches, will not result in data transmission to Instana. The regular expressions are evaluated in the following scenarios.

  • Evaluation against the documents' URLs (the URLs visible in the address bar, i.e. window.location.href). All data transmission to Instana is disabled when one of the regular expressions matches.
  • Evaluation against resources' URLs, e.g. URLs of JavaScript and CSS files. No information about resources matching one of the regular expressions will be transmitted to Instana.
  • Evaluation against the target URLs of HTTP calls, e.g. via XMLHttpRequest and fetch. No information about HTTP calls matching one of the regular expressions will be transmitted to Instana.
ineum('ignoreUrls', ignoreUrls);

We also support stripping of secrets from document URLs, i.e. the URL visible in the browser address bar (see the secrets API). However, be aware that secrets stored in document URLs are almost certainly leaked to all third-parties. We have a dedicated example app with description that shows why secrets stored in document URLs are prone to being leaked to all third-parties. Please refer to this example app and description for more details. You may however choose to ignore all monitoring data collection for these URLs via this API.


Parameter Description
ignoreUrls (RegExp[]) An array of RegExp objects matching the URLs you want to ignore.


ineum('ignoreUrls', [

Redacting secrets from URLs

Query parameters in collected URLs may contain sensitive data. Therefore, the JavaScript agent supports the specification of patterns for query parameter keys whose values shall be redacted. Redaction happens within the JavaScript agent, i.e., within the web browser. Consequently, secrets will not reach the Instana servers for processing and will not be available for analysis in the UI or retrieval via API.

ineum('secrets', secrets);

If a query parameter matches an entry from the list, the value is redacted and not sent to the Instana backend. If no ineum('secrets') is defined, Instana uses [/key/i, /secret/i, /password/i] as matching rule by default.


Parameter Description
secrets (RegExp[]) An array of RegExp objects matching the query parameter key names whose values shall be treated as secrets.


ineum('secrets', [/account/i, /user/i]);

For example, will be collected and displayed as<redacted>&user=<redacted>.

The JavaScript agent does not support treating path parameters (/account/<account id>/status) or matrix parameters (/account;accountId=<account id>/status) as secrets.

Secrets stored in document URLs are almost certainly leaked to all third-parties. We have a dedicated example app with description that shows why secrets stored in document URLs are prone to being leaked to all third-parties. Please refer to this example app and description for more details.

Redacting fragment from URLs

The fragment of collected URLs might contain sensitive information. Therefore, the JavaScript agent supports the specification of patterns for fragment values that can be redacted based on the URL path. This redaction takes place within the JavaScript agent in the web browser. As a result, sensitive information is prevented from reaching the Instana servers for processing. Sensitive information remains inaccessible for analysis in the UI or retrieval through the API.

ineum('fragment', fragment);

If a segment of your URL path matches an entry in the list, the fragment value is redacted and not sent to the Instana backend. By default, Instana does not redact URL fragments.


Parameter Description
fragment (RegExp[]) An array with a RegExp object that matches the URL path whose fragment is redacted.


ineum('fragment', [/]);

For example, is collected and displayed as<redacted>.

Excluding User-Timings from Tracking

We automatically collect markers and measures made via the User-Timing API and turn them into custom events. This means that the User-Timing API can be used as a vendor-neutral way to report pure timing data to Instana.

This API allows you to define several regular expressions that, when at least one matches, will not result in collection of specific user-timings. By default we are ignoring…

  • React's user-timings, i.e. marks and measures that start with the ⚛️ or ⛔ emoji,
  • Angular's user-timings, i.e. marks and measures that start with Zone and
  • Marks and measures whose names start with either start or end .
ineum('ignoreUserTimings', ignoreUserTimings);


Parameter Description
ignoreUserTimings (RegExp[]) An array of RegExp objects matching names of user timing marks and measures you want to ignore.


ineum('ignoreUserTimings', [

Configuring Maximum Waiting after Page Load

In order to collect additional metrics, e.g. first input delay and cumulative layout shift, the JavaScript agent will wait until…

  • all of the metrics are available
  • the page is unloaded (e.g. tab is closed) or
  • until a maximum waiting time has elapsed.

You can use this API to re-configure the maximum waiting time. By default we will wait for up to one second after the page load is finished, i.e. the onLoad event has ended.

ineum('maxMaitForPageLoadMetricsMillis', durationMillis);


Parameter Description
durationMillis (numbner) Maximum time in milliseconds to wait after the page load has finished before the page load beacon is transmitted.


ineum('maxMaitForPageLoadMetricsMillis', 500);

Retrieving the Page Load ID

It can sometimes be useful to manually receive the ID of the page load, e.g. when wanting to do custom correlation. This function will return undefined as long as the JavaScript agent hasn't been loaded yet. Once loaded, it will always return the same string.



  • The page load ID as a string or undefined.


var pageLoadId = ineum('getPageLoadId');

Error Tracking

Manual Error Reporting

It is possible to report caught errors. This can be used to integrate Instana with frameworks and libraries that catch uncaught errors.

ineum('reportError', error, opts);
Parameter Description
error (Error or string) JavaScript Error object or an error message.
opts (ErrorReportingOpts, optional) An object that looks like as follows.
  componentStack: '...' // an optional string

  meta: {               // An optional JavaScript object with `string` values which can be used
    widgetType: 'chart' // to send metadata to Instana just for this singular event. In contrast to
  }                     // the usage of the metadata API, this metadata is not included in subsequent
                        // beacons.
ineum('reportError', new Error('Something failed'), {
  componentStack: '…',
  meta: {
    widgetType: 'chart'
React Integration

It is possible to get better error insights when integrating the JavaScript agent with React error boundaries. Specifically, it will result in component stack traces to be available in addition to the error (function) stack traces.

The following code snippet shows how React's componentDidCatch can be extended to achieve this integration. For more information about componentDidCatch lifecycle, see React documentation.

componentDidCatch(error, info) {
  ineum('reportError', error, {
    componentStack: info.componentStack

  // your regular error boundary code
Angular 2+ Integration

Angular will catch all errors by default and log them to the console. This means that the JavaScript agent will never have access to these errors. The following TypeScript snippet shows how to integrate Angular's caught errors with Instana.

For more information about Angular error handlers, see Angular documentation.

import { ErrorHandler, NgModule } from '@angular/core';

class CustomErrorHandler implements ErrorHandler {
  handleError(error) {
    ineum('reportError', error);

    // Continue to log caught errors to the console

  providers: [{ provide: ErrorHandler, useClass: CustomErrorHandler }],
class MyModule {
  // the rest of your application code…
Vue Integration

Vue can assign a global handler for uncaught errors that are propagated from the application. The following code snippet shows how to integrate Vue's error handling with Instana.

For more information about Vue error handlers, see Vue documentation.

app.config.errorHandler = (err, instance, info) => {
  ineum('reportError', err);
  // your regular error handling code

Excluding Errors from Tracking

It is possible to explicitly stop some errors from being reported to Instana. This can be used to ignore known / unfixable errors.

ineum('ignoreErrorMessages', ignoreErrorMessages);
Parameter Description
ignoreErrorMessages (RegExp[]) An array of RegExp objects to match the errors you want to exclude from error tracking.
ineum('ignoreErrorMessages', [/^script error/i]);

Insights Into Script Errors

Websites embedding a large number of third-party scripts typically encounter a steady number of Script Errors. We do provide guidance on how to make these errors accessible, i.e. how to get access to the real error message and stack. Sometimes though, you may not be able to follow these instructions, e.g. because the third-party will not add the necessary Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. For these case, we provide alternative means to improve insights into Script Errorss.

Please note that this mechanism is no silver bullet. It grants you improved visibility and you encounter more helpful tracked errors, but you will still see (a reduced number of) Script Errors. We still advise to read through and attempt implementation of the cross-origin guidance first.

Explicit Tracking Of DOM Event Listener Errors

This puts the Instana agent into the call stack of every DOM event listener. The Instana agent will automatically put try/catch statements around the event listeners' functions. This allows better insights into cross-origin errors.

This feature is disabled by default as the value is questionable for most of our customers. It is furthermore not guaranteed that better information about script errors can be collected by doing this as web browsers have started to patch this hole in the web security model.

ineum('wrapEventHandlers', enabled);
Parameter Description
enabled (boolean) The flag for disabling/enabling this feature.
ineum('wrapEventHandlers', true);
Explicit Tracking Of Timer Errors

This puts the Instana agent into the call stack of all timers. The Instana agent will automatically put try/catch statements around the timer handlers' functions. This allows better insights into cross-origin errors.

This feature is disabled by default as the value is questionable for most of our customers. It is furthermore not guaranteed that better information about script errors can be collected by doing this as web browsers have started to patch this hole in the web security model.

ineum('wrapTimers', enabled);
Parameter Description
enabled (boolean) The flag for disabling/enabling this feature.
ineum('wrapTimers', true);
Ignoring Script Errors

If you aren't able to get insights into script errors using any of the previously mentioned mechanisms, you may want to stop them from being reported to Instana. This can be useful in order to ensure that error statistics remain actionable. To stop script errors from being reported to Instana, you can use the following snippet.

ineum('ignoreErrorMessages', [/^script error/i]);

Reporting Custom Events

Disambiguation: Looking for Global Custom Events instead? Head over to the Events page.

Custom events enable reporting about non-standard activities, important interactions and custom timings to Instana. This can be especially helpful when analyzing uncaught errors (breadcrumbs) and to track additional performance metrics.

ineum('reportEvent', eventName, {
  duration: duration,
  timestamp: timestamp,
  backendTraceId: backendTraceId,
  error: error,
  componentStack: componentStack,
  meta: meta,
  customMetric: customMetric


Parameter Description
eventName (string) Defines what kind of event has happened on your website that should result in the transmission of a custom beacon.
timestamp (number, optional) A timestamp indicating at which time the event took place. Falls back to now() - duration when not defined.
duration (number, optional) The duration in milliseconds of how long the event took.
backendTraceId (string, optional) Use this parameter to relate a beacon to a backend trace. Its value should be a hex string with 16 or 32 characters.
error (Error, optional) A JavaScript error object to provide additional context. If only wanting to report that an error occurred, we recommend the usage of the dedicated error reporting API.
componentStack (string, optional) A string representing a component hierarchy. Typically provided by component-based frameworks.
meta (object, optional) A JavaScript object with string values which can be used to send metadata to Instana just for this singular event. In contrast to the usage of the metadata API, this metadata is not included in subsequent beacons.
customMetric (number, optional) A custom metric data with precision up to four decimal places. Do not include sensitive information in this metric.


ineum('reportEvent', 'login');

ineum('reportEvent', 'full example', {
  duration: 42,
  backendTraceId: '31ab91fc109223fe',
  error: new Error('whooops – sorry!'),
  componentStack: 'a component stack',
  meta: {
    state: 'running'
  customMetric: 123.2342  

Cross-Origin Request Backend Correlation

Instana's backend correlation works by setting custom headers on XMLHttpRequest / fetch requests. The JavaScript agent sets these headers which are then read by the server. Within the browser, the same-origin policy restricts the transmission of custom headers. More specifically, custom headers can be set only for same-origin requests or for requests to other origins which allow transmission of custom headers. For example, by default a website being served by cannot make XMLHttpRequests to as these are two different origins.

To work around this security restriction, cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is available. With CORS, origins can be allowed for cross-origin resource access. If you already have cross-origin resource access within your application, then you are most likely already using some CORS headers.

To enable Instana backend correlation, the following needs to be done:

  1. Allow Instana's correlation headers for cross-origin requests by responding on the server-side with the following headers.

    Please note that your server must respond with these headers for both preflight requests and regular requests. Preflight requests (identifiable via the OPTIONS HTTP method) are executed by the browser to verify that requests may be issued to the server.

    Access-Control-Allow-Headers: X-INSTANA-T, X-INSTANA-S, X-INSTANA-L
  2. Inform the JavaScript agent that CORS is configured correctly and that it should set these correlation headers:

    ineum('allowedOrigins', urls);


Parameter Description
urls (RegExp[]) An array of RegExp objects to match allowed URLs.


The command allowedOrigins is available beginning with Instana Release 185. Use the alias whitelistedOrigins with older releases.


The command whitelistedOrigins is a deprecated alias for allowedOrigins.


ineum('allowedOrigins', [/.*api\.example\.com.*/]);

Check that your application works correctly after these changes. Instructing the JavaScript agent to add backend correlation headers (i.e. allowing origins) without configuring CORS on the server side, has a high probability of breaking your website!

Capture HTTP request or response headers

The HTTP request or response headers on XMLHttpRequest or fetch requests can be captured by the JavaScript agent. You can define the HTTP headers that you want the JavaScript agent to capture by the captureHeaders command.

Within the browser, the same-origin policy restricts the access of custom headers. Without cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) configuration, the JavaScript agent might not be able to capture all HTTP headers. To enable CORS, see Cross-Origin Request Backend Correlation. With CORS, only the CORS-satisfied request or response headers and the ones that are defined in Access-Control-Expose-Headers can be collected by the JavaScript agent.

  • For headers in request, usually you can capture only the headers that you add to the HTTP request, not the built-in ones that are added by the browser. For example, the User-Agent header is a characteristic string with which servers and network peers identify the application, operating system, vendor, and version of the requesting user agent. It is added by the browser and cannot be captured by the JavaScript agent.
  • For headers in response, if not blocked by cross-origin policy, both built-in or custom headers from server side can be captured by the JavaScript agent.


Parameter Description
captureHeaders (RegExp[]) An array of RegExp objects to match the key of HTTP request or response headers that you want the JavaScript agent to capture.


The command captureHeaders is available beginning with Instana Release 216.


ineum('captureHeaders', [/content-type/i]);