Downloading prerequisites and instructions

Before you download and install the product packages, verify that the hardware and software requirements are met. Hardware and software requirements information for Wazi Developer is available with the Software Product Compatibility Reports tool. The Software Product Compatibility Reports is a tool designed to allow you to easily generate custom reports about compatible IBM® software combinations.

  1. Go to the Software Product Compatibility Reports website.
  2. Select Create a report under In-depth reports.
  3. In the Full or partial product name: field, enter IBM Wazi Developer for Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces and click the search icon.
  4. From the Search results: area, select IBM Wazi Developer for Red Hat® CodeReady Workspaces.
  5. From the Version list, select a version.
  6. Customize the Filters: area.
  7. Click Submit. The report is displayed in a new browser window.