Tracking the OS Update status for device groups

Administrators can track the status of the OS update actions performed on device groups.

About this task

Administrators can utilize this dashboard to view the aggregated progress of all the OS update actions performed on a device group, the deployment progress status, progress at the individual device level, and can also perform retry for failed OS update actions.


  1. From the MaaS360® Portal Home page, select Devices > Groups.
  2. On the Groups page, click the More link for the group name and then click OS Update History.

    The Actions page is displayed. The page displays the administrator action log data for the past 6 months.

    actions page for os update action

    The Actions page displays the following details:

    • Action name: Lists all the OS update actions performed by administrators on the device group within the last 6 months. It also includes specific details such as whether the action was initiated to only download the selected OS version, to download and install the selected OS version, or to install updates that were previously downloaded.
    • Performed on: The device group on which the action is performed.
    • Status: The status of the OS update action performed on the device group.
    • Progress status: A graphical representation of the progress status of devices within the group, with each status highlighted using distinct color codes. Hover over the graph to view the number of devices in different statuses such as Success, Failed, In progress, and Not Applicable. Additionally, the column displays the total number of devices in the group.
    • Performed by: The administrator who performed the action.
    • Performed date: The date and time when the action was performed.
    • Search: You can perform search for actions based on criteria such as Performed on or Performed by.
    • Filter: You can filter the actions based on criteria such as Actions, Performed on, Status, and Performed date.
    • Refresh: Refreshes the Actions page.
  3. Click the required action in the Action name column.

    The Actions Log page is displayed for the selected action.

    actions log page for push ios update action
    The Action Log page displays the following details:
    • The header provides information about the device group on which the action is performed, the date and time of the action, information about the administrator who performed the action, the target OS version details, and the type of action performed.
    • The quick navigation tabs displays the count of devices in each status. Click on the required tab to display the corresponding devices in the grid.
    • The Show not applicable devices toggle button is displayed only when the device group contains devices that are either not applicable for the OS update action or not eligible for an update to the selected OS version. Enabling this toggle button displays a quick navigation tab for not applicable devices. Click this tab to display those devices in the grid.
    • The grid display the list of devices in the group on which the action is performed, corresponding action status for each device, the date and time of the last status update, the current OS version of each device, the device model, the username associated with the device. Additionally, a Retry button is only displayed for the devices where the OS update action failed. For more information on retry action, see Retry the Push iOS Update action.
  4. On the Actions Log page, expand a device name to view the status trail for the OS update action at the individual device level.
    status trail for push os update action

    The status trail displays the progress of the action status for a device at a granular level. For example, if the administrator performs the Push iOS Update action on a device group to download and install the latest OS version, the status trail for that action will include sub-statuses such as Initiate, Download, Install, and Complete.

    The performed action progresses incrementally from one sub-status to the next in the status trail, and all the sub-statuses must be completed to successfully apply the action to the device. Administrators can use this view to track the current status of the action on individual devices and identify the sub-status at which the action failed.

    If the OS update action fails for certain devices within a device group, you can perform retry to reapply the OS update action on those devices. For more information, see Retry the Push iOS Update action.

What to do next

Retry the Push iOS Update action

The retry action reapplies the Push iOS update action on devices where the OS update action failed previously.

  1. Perform one of the following actions:
    • To retry the update on all the failed devices, click Select All on the grid header and then click Retry.
    • To retry the update on all the failed devices in a single page, select the checkbox next to the Device name column on the grid header and then click Retry.
    • To retry the update on multiple failed devices, select the checkbox next to the corresponding device name and then click Retry.
    • To retry the update on a single failed device, click the Retry icon in the Actions column for the corresponding device.

    A confirmation message is displayed.

  2. Click Retry on the confirmation message.

    The Push iOS Update action is applied to the selected devices again.