@botname cics-region

This command is used to operate on CICS region to show the status or transactions.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram @ botname cics-regioncr liststatusregion_nametransactiontransaction_id--cics-region-name--crnregion_name--smf-id--sismf_id --cicsplex-name--cpncicsplex_name --limitnumber --json-format--jf


Shows the status or transactions of CICS® region. If you do not specify any action, this action is the default action.
Shows the status or details of CICS region. If you do not specify any object, this object is the default object. To narrow down returned results, you can specify the following positional argument.
This argument is OPTIONAL. It specifies the name of the CICS region that you want to show. Wildcard character * is supported.
You can also specify the following option.
--cicsplex-name|--cpn cicsplex_name
This option is REQUIRED. It specifies the CICSplex name of target resource to narrow down the result.
Shows all transactions of CICS region. To narrow down returned results, you can specify the following positional argument.
This argument is OPTIONAL. It specifies the name of the transaction that you want to show. Wildcard character * is supported.
You can also specify the following options.
--cicsplex-name|--cpn cicsplex_name
This option is OPTIONAL. It specifies the CICSplex name of target resource to narrow down the result.
--cics-region-name|--crn region_name
This option is REQUIRED. It specifies the CICS region name of target resource to narrow down the result.
--smf-id|si smf_id
This option is REQUIRED. It specifies the SMF ID of target resource to narrow down the result.


@bnz cics-region --cicsplex-name CICSPLX1
Shows the status of CICS region on the CICSplex named CICSPLX1.
@bnz cics-region list status --cicsplex-name CICSPLX1
Shows the status of CICS region on the CICSplex named CICSPLX1.
@bnz cr list status CICSAOR1 --cpn CICSPLX1
Shows the status of the CICS region named CICSAOR1 on the CICSplex named CICSPLX1.
@bnz cr list status CICSAOR1 --cpn CICSPLX1 --jf
Shows the status of the CICS region named CICSAOR1 on the CICSplex named CICSPLX1 in JSON format.
@bnz cr list status CICSAOR* --cpn CICSPLX1
Shows the status of the CICS region whose name starts with CICSAOR on the CICSplex named CICSPLX1.
@bnz cics-region list transaction --cicsplex-name CICSPLX1 --cics-region-name CICSAOR1 --smf-id MVST
Shows all the transactions of the CICS region named CICSAOR1 on the CICSplex named CICSPLX1 on the system node MVST.
@bnz cr list transaction DBIC --crn CICSAOR1 --si MVST
Shows the transaction whose ID is DBIC of the CICS region named CICSAOR1 on the system node MVST.
@bnz cr list transaction DBIC --crn CICSAOR1 --si MVST --jf
Shows the transaction whose ID is DBIC of the CICS region named CICSAOR1 on the system node MVST in JSON format.
@bnz cr list transaction DBI* ---cpn CICSPLX1 --crn CICSAOR1 --si MVST
Shows the transaction, whose ID starts with DBI, of the CICS region named CICSAOR1 on the CICSplex named CICSPLX1 on the system node MVST.