Clearing Registrations

After the supplier completes the registration form and submits it, a clearing task is created for the clearing staff.


To clear the registration, complete the following steps:

  1. In the left navigation pane, click Supplier Qualification > Execute Tasks.
  2. On the Execute Tasks page, enter the search criterion and search for the task.
  3. Select the task in the Search Result pane and click Open.
  4. On the Clearing page go to the Accept Registration section, and click Accept registration if you want to accept registration or Discard registration to reject registration, and then click Next Step.
  5. In the Create External User section, select the type of user account that you want to create. The following options are available:
    1. Full User Account: An external user account is created for the suppler.
    2. Contact only: A new external contact is created for the supplier.
    3. None: No user or contact is created.
  6. Enter the information in the Key data and Contact, P.O box sections, Address, and Account sub-sections and click Next.
  7. In the Finish Clearing Process section, click Finish.
  8. In the Follow-up section, click Close.