Configuration types for integration servers

Integration servers require two types of resources to run and provide an integration that you develop: a BAR file that contains development resources, and configuration files for setting up the integration server.

The BAR file contains authored integration artifacts that include message flows, message sets, ESQL files, Java code, stylesheets, and maps. The configuration files can define any environment-specific settings, or contain secrets or data that should not be checked into a source control system. Separating the BAR file artifacts from the configuration files in this way eliminates the need to edit a BAR file before you deploy it to different environments such as development and production. When you create an integration server to run the integration that is packaged in the BAR file, you can select or create your preferred configurations that should be applied to the BAR file.

Before you deploy your integration to an environment, you can customize the BAR file to configure properties or requirements that define how the integration server should run and how it should connect to external systems. You configure such customizations by creating configuration objects that can be applied to one or more integration servers, and which are shared by all users with access to the App Connect Dashboard instance. The defined configuration objects are stored in files that will be processed before your deployed integration server starts. The Configuration component in App Connect Dashboard enables you to define configuration objects by type such as Accounts (for specifying account details for connecting to referenced applications), Agentx (for connecting to a switch server), or Policy project (for specifying a set of policies).

Note: Although the App Connect Dashboard (in a containerized environment) uses the same configuration files that are used in App Connect Enterprise on premises, there is a difference in how the files are set up on the integration server.  In App Connect Enterprise, users need to create and add configuration objects to the file system. In the App Connect Dashboard, configuration objects, which contain the configuration files, are created in Red Hat® OpenShift® by users who then associate the configuration objects to an integration server. When the integration server container starts, it pulls these configuration files from Red Hat OpenShift and configures the file system with the correct files. The integration server container also executes some commands to set up secrets that the integrations use. The resulting running integration server then uses these files in the same way as when they are configured directly by a user that adds the files to the file system.

From your App Connect Dashboard instance, you can work with configuration objects from the Configuration page, or while creating an integration server.

Managing configuration objects from the Configuration page

The Configuration page provides a way to manage configuration objects independently of integration servers. You can open this page by clicking the Configuration icon Configuration icon in the navigation pane. All configuration objects that you and other users have created in the Dashboard are displayed in the configurations table.

  • If an App Connect Designer instance is created in the same namespace as your App Connect Dashboard instance, the configurations table will include configurations that were automatically created when the Designer instance was created. These configurations will be prefixed with the name of the Designer instance. For example, if the Designer instance is named des-quickstart, you'll see configurations of various types that are named in the format des-quickstart-designer-xxx, where xxx represents an abbreviation of the configuration type. Do not delete these configurations.
  • If a switch server is installed in the same namespace as your App Connect Dashboard instance (for callable flow capability and remote administration), two preconfigured entries named default-agentx and default-agenta will also be displayed by default in the configurations table. These entries represent the configuration objects (of type Agentx and AgentA) for the switch server.
Configuration page with default configuration objects for Designer and a switch server

Creating a configuration object

To create a configuration object of a particular type, click Create configuration. You can then select a configuration type and define valid content in the Create configuration panel. For more information, see the Learn more about the configuration types links at the bottom of this topic.

Configuration page
Updating a configuration object

To replace the content or settings of an existing configuration object with an updated definition, open the options menu for that configuration object and click Update.

Update option in the options menu for a configuration object

When the Update configuration panel opens, update the configuration object as follows:

  • If the configuration object is of type Accounts, which contains secrets, any fields that cannot be updated are disabled in Form view. The fields with sensitive data (which are depicted with a Show/Hide password icon Show password icon), will reveal a value of REDACTED if you click the icon. You cannot view the existing values for security reasons, but you can overwrite them if required; for example, to change a password or specify a new client ID or secret. (If you do not need to update a REDACTED value, you can leave it untouched. The text REDACTED is purely for display purposes and masks the real value.)
    Example of fields with secrets and the REDACTED text

    For fields with non-sensitive data, the data is shown in plain text that you can overwrite. (Values that you do not update will remain unchanged.)

    Example of field with non-sensitive data

    You can update the fields in Form view, but not in Code view.

    You can also use the Import file icon Import file to import an accounts.yaml file that contains updated values for the configuration object. The settings in the file will completely overwrite your existing account details.

    You can also add or remove accounts as part of the update.

  • For configuration object types that contain secrets and present a text editor for the content (for example, Agentx or setdbparms.txt), any fields that cannot be updated are disabled, and the text editor displays a value of REDACTED for security reasons. You can overwrite this value by pasting the contents of an existing file in the text editor (for example, agentx.json or setdbparms.txt).

    You can also use the Import file icon Import file to import a file that contains updated contents for the configuration object. When you click View file contents to return to the text editor, you'll see the contents of the imported file.

  • For the remaining configuration types, you can update the settings in the text editor, or import an updated file to replace the existing content. (Any fields that cannot be updated are disabled.) You can complete either of the following steps depending on the configuration type:
    • Overwrite the content of the text editor by pasting the contents of an existing file. Or use the Import file icon Import file to import a file that contains updated contents for the configuration object, and then click View file contents to view the contents in the text editor.
    • Drag and drop the file into the boxed area, or click within the boxed area to select the file from a file browser.

To save your changes, click the Update button. The updated configuration will be applied to all integration servers that use that configuration object. For information about that content and file formats that are required for the configuration types, see the Learn more about the configuration types links at the bottom of this topic.

Deleting a configuration object

To delete a configuration object that's no longer needed, open the options menu for that configuration object, click Delete, and then confirm the deletion. A configuration object cannot be deleted if it's currently deployed to an integration server.

You can use the search box to filter the entries in the configurations table.

Creating and selecting configuration objects while deploying an integration server

While creating an integration server on the Create an App Connect Integration Server page, you can view all existing configuration objects (that you and other users have created) when you progress to the Configuration section. These configuration objects are displayed in the configurations table and you can either select one or more configuration objects to use with the integration server, or you can create configuration objects by clicking Create configuration. For information about creating configuration objects, see the Learn more about the configuration types links at the bottom of this topic. After creating a configuration object, you can select its check box if you want to apply that configuration to the integration server.

Configuration section

If a switch server is installed in the same namespace as your App Connect Dashboard instance (for callable flow capability), a preconfigured default-agentx entry will be displayed by default in the configurations table. This entry represents the configuration object for the switch server. When you create an integration server that includes a callable flow, the default-agentx check box will be selected by default. Only clear this check box if you intend to use an external switch server instead. For information about creating a configuration object for an external switch server, see Agentx type. You must select this new configuration entry for the integration server before you create the server.

default-agentx entry in the configurations table in the Dashboard

You can also update and delete configuration objects as described in the previous section.

You can use the search box to filter the entries in the configurations table.

Learn more about the configuration types

Use the following links to learn more about each configuration type: